The Southport Visiter from Southport, Merseyside, England (2025)

1141P0iimi ft Ws Jr MI 'ding Port. )12. par J. ork 1 4011. Limolommi Tv, 6w I 6 Ma of Soo Po Cologoo Soap.

She is Thriving on Me Food Mn. J. Hall, of Sfl. Monksvrell Liverpool. wows: has dune wonders foe baby." Time is really no 'wonder at aI 1 simply that Melba's Food.

viten properly prepared. offers all the hielprtag prlnktplos sad necessary constituents of healthy mother mak. and oilers them in the fors bat calitulatod maw prompt and lasting tenenti esti weans jr 1001 sea. 1- 11 -4 A I 1 1114, ERA HALL, I swift dad MellinesFood BOOT MU. METAL POl5ll.

xittle neiratis tor WI Vale ItAodboora. tra nay paper. Awl SAIMPLI. FOOD. LTD PECLH M.

SS. FLOOR POLISIL FURNITURE POLISH. eisoissomosi COBRA POLISH Wes GOUT PILL 1 13111PTANTLT IDLIJILVT.BNDIIAPIDLY CURB TEN rum or Pair tI.IIIATIC IN HI ID, AND Winn. Am Ams me Wpm renomaaeoiallso ever sims AM MIN Wedtrine of IN obis. ALL WIIO MON OMIT elSSaUtis si siteieiy love moans se CAlle 11 PILLS Heihtesis Testieseslsbe base Imes reteseed en.te seel et.etilles• of smoistpag to Mao Imeaseei poser Pills have is Wing relad hi the ie.est nor.

Thee. P.llt pool vesseeado, pad PLILIPLCTLY tiAIL is their Gallus. SOLD DV ALL 014AMISTIS-- IN lOTTLITS -I i AND ma MADE. SIII Ceseseti Rued. Lamina B.C.

IrTIMvnTPT VISITFR. THURSITAT. MM. Md. it quote her, then put in the wont.

menmend Mb minor ask game win i negar. "giro ef bar isitea. and Mh al miter TRUTH I. asps ragsr. Iltir hi emmil Mit got ed aphid Maw.

The State Ball is Troday 1141b1 IPSO wry aal it b. al a i I treaded twined, hot the beat wee ma Mt as it mute aeld. dam it. ialtb flenred Mildt. tole list at the twat Intl, for sea only had ilm ler say shapes preferred: gin emelt mho Wawa prrature fallen, hitt then was se eguaugawaill sec Meg Imo hinandtremhs.

Mom 4" 4 1 1 nt electric pseud is eif Or braideriandis Ifeeti wady lOW Wilk, lard In! Brawn our tee Mork, The ball gagemered (rpm pea. then lay is It WOO newhie. te I few imams" after tea (tutted of as Isuartor enit is. tr Sent nt maw filtrates peat tile. at.

which, ma the earliest bear for. sad znrn ag i i mi, ind.vela nierlyn. when the eartwed the 0 "or i am a il hum formed is the white drawing- ar i nn id chn nn. ri an own it mem. Ti.

bad me.Kninly Mild Dipim butter into asseepan soil when nutted trid aster Coma for the rareptlon of the new DelliA oroom. Itistieter, and gmlimeadknrsented mt. the whit thin a. w. Nal! of tie lb-dine.

Mt. eggs. min at time. thew cute teaspoonful er rne at med Itet Prase. Giceir tad made a dant of pepper ma salt if tutorial la the anvil la until it trvenittlee 106 lll 'I" I'M n.

1111 1 Pea thr the of three eau. hostels me MLA 1.41•14 io Put the MOH which caiwitted of arestv-foar the foldi4 tip ow the win nu in roo lt be 4 of for in minium. save is the cure. utanged the roam Thal Boy all ne erect out to supra at upon serviette or ormatestal Pi me midnight. follennalli the sad tie with mil ihnich awd carithri alba de Marmon nal their wises.

The 1 allplumargua were tea full. although the peas! IMO ear in cod for isms Um it sae earealingli dilleolt to AO bidets. There were twenty two daemon. Ogg, brats quadrilles Aunther baud plaritl in picture gallery. but tett ei nv a i i.

the imolai of amithie inreign Willie who vas rrereln at Bali in p.n.' ai.o•l THE STATE BALL LANCASHIRE AGRICULTURAL SHOW. 1110 LNTRY LIST. Stanley. It C. ilneeled at a memo et l'ottnel et rh Itnai Lenetetome kinnt- Neel Sagafly at UK lehettgrosettl.

Prides. ea 160 Yr. Wyeillam Halt. chairman el the Usseelli Mild that the reelent hot approached thet ateled Agrareeture with rim to medahnieg there wee any el the ellidag Wing eilmed to him their total aid pig at the forthcoming 1 'board out or hope OM Owl daitill I ehla to greet the moiety's ii sad thens fere the itb.nyat.! Comedies had erraeged that the Medi be street sat fer this year. He hefted the eadely waled I.

able to 6.4 oder stmeades Mich email 41 the ietwervard. eel that amulet have a leery wareeerfal Mena H. aelM tii COY Pei i4O bon a cartage arreagnag. pos ethic eretaai other attrortione tor the ahow mg, awl he wankl he the dem eif bait ag a grist amber el people ie ibe Oa IS. 4110,011 4 Or J.

V. Patois J.P., tliattlneri. it to vote a sera a £4O few the menmeed. Mt P. JP.

Marten. vaw.presialeat, awl Mr. G. Merkper.l life somber. 46 WOW SINWOIIO4O were eaeted.

beerlima reibeetemetly had 'a the pierthee. iHe. lklaaaet reporint that the an the areterm acre WI hot at the wholetat the tota! is. .26.41. armed lOU at dot 'set year, at the Poston Uts.ld Show.

ere ray. fir Ilath Hy Ow tow the Itielwea yen. then tvetett be eery aearoi a Most fury a moot DISASTROUS PIGEON RAGING. Northern nadirs Hdavr One of the toed p.geon twee has etier takes in the how, of the sport I has been the NO miles reee front Illarennes Is the Non! of Ragland. Out of KM of the keit 1 howling pigeon.

liberated st the rate petal obi Thweday last 'ewe row tred home the het thy, only JD ON the wooed, owl hot half thst sals. ber ea the third. A fee tt hate arrived store. bat there ere ate! tt 150 1 tethers fistrient aior swlerwl in the rens from Shutlealls. en't Ilk" OW', I elect.

Of two owl disasters ea the MI the sport will he seer senate. It ler: oft.nd that the sole Of the Wide fadure to tied' ea. the bed weigher ensconcesod tit onteaing the The vied warn aortab-wint. alntoe makes the teals, one bed for flying is the direction of Maw chewer. and in the opinion etf essay ripen' se liherst.on alight to be penaweible is smelt cart eurnetassee.

It elan at ended Owl, inlitni of ill -nt won taking place about Ise Pt the as wee the rase with the lliseensee ram a start should not he elhutaid ittl about noon. an Idiot the birds would ea reale tlb, 'viler before nitlatfaL of roarer. wou'el take rest tiathrolk. At any fotr II this the leadinf p.g.m owners 1 wl'l take wat steps to prevent as far att 1 Wide aut-h disasters is the beset. Ili ii mast not he taken foe rented that all lb.

'S see Let. France ie a trod treiling owl these wlteh refuetel to I crews Ow tisane. I -ea inane een thew Journey when the weather twos berewe more faveurahee. Owe remelt of so few birds letlilslo4 hew Warmer up to Seluslay night -tke thee fee she ll ill. iate-N tk ememisfabl a TERMINAL WAREHOUSES.

ef She MOO us prises end task itas nut keen won. and Ihe Greet Committee. It iii oltrually wenennted that the ne representing tile promoters. llanehe-ter li' 04 reset i made te she elir that Ciliate nd the Stoehr" mid Thattirt ral.on.'Weinet J. Palrytup'e.

sad It S. lewau. I will meet 51 50 date to eettle the question. Kee it .4 the 446,1.1 Tivoli Itadinai, Onlikl f.llll art of the Hoard of the Wand Tniak tag Company is so- RACING PIGEON STOLEN. I mature.

The Glared Trunk Railerey has lated that it aberld bate the aptaiintinent of three out of the seven dieretorth. lett il ewe Winner of the of the Telless on the th.aset nt the Ivied. Trunk Treannela Warehousing Contioni hoer not bees pen oat. QUM. senastion hos en resse4 is 110111114 1 a he the es.

that Ow otters which ere 1 Mootreni. July 154 k. 1912. 1 sash martel'oie aeheits an "densely. 119.

rent mil iii. mea REDISTRIBUTION LIKELY. 1 tw'n from at VIe Milt It is initimpotni that the in. vu. of ii IL- trollore and put through at the nett of I -e "In'''''' rare radiomen the Meektattly ICI hood 1.111441 lii.

2 16 i'" Ott sew conwelo. The Imie Amine bird hi 3i) YaKi. 1 8.4. eerrelsarats4. It it preholAi Ito the Sid.

often TM, performaase ism the eashisit of orial a a 1 a ..1 aria ha War rad a a Mg" hi ll ne hut committee of tam Home the then un i I' rk i 6 dthrri enestiteenems and 4etermane the mails iteerAsal Om premier pram in Mr raf to rural as detbswastod from The matter ha. Oared an the tomb of 01 tie police. het the PP."'. 1 When the Ism Redstribertiori ii) oso Met foued of Ow 11,..1. It blond-led Howe little osossitios vas estrountered sotwith ot mart on the left oho'.

i of dor, awl 111141 of the wing it atampsi Ow 1.. 0 7 04 i it ray a soh of the nelvr. dbfferent. ea the VAIN will lOW ton or twelve It es thoecitt 1W rho Ilia .441 6144 911 he trd then. is wrath, hosseats to to ha used for hooding rop er let ity ls Us.

poislaUstes sf in taw Ilot holds. to ler roprosestraties. To say wills vtli reash sod will ACTRESS GETS £3OO DAMAGES 0 sn 1., 0.." wi ta te be he iped and tbr Mow. I Aharddid in Thai deo KW inn In penned nest warine Word daubs. as "Ilostroal her: sa.

it In the ZINO 0 Rio row of hrortoot rites of pokey to be do 'Ear. was awarded dasmagirs I toroased. the broshoost May 145 Gs ale award hr. Lath /1.7“. 01 Apollo Tbnith.

peal to the adessalde before Ow Par- Loodis. for of contrast .6.4 I to' I torrid', 1. ron a folly ispind. raudr. that she Psi- TKE WEST INDIES A GREEMENT he tbe part of Kai us tie Glad Eye heal at se.

pr "'kr lad .1 Nir aisorted that owlet the trod ogrowasoot reptslotteel 118. iregagetpopetiy oarloiod Canasta atoil the Emit sad pion tbe port to ottother lady. was the ps ten it. of shame a I 8614 .4 at (1 1 woo barest to l'araslen Anus should Melt, at i trmstlef imionelil re-mak to th tmo. no, 01 us Omit rent-oria ante ihnsa.

eh foiled to Jo Shah poring so notion. The shall --e- of floor t6P Mts. Inali. 1.T.J.f.10 IsarmB, of tile al pr-'u. SOUTHALL'S TOWIEs.S lor serl front the 13.

MISS IMP PIM. i.e 111.14111111, lee Camden se STILL FILINTNIIN IMPROVEMENTS, on i aistalsitt bad hoolit tort. hot as TM of 11. Lime' is fall Tow Original sad S. ot tretgitt for she ea.

hoot Moho the worid. le hie ago ne ha sari ohltsbed oak dosiot Itibt smesitiets. Moo doh Ore own mid in Padua. illalltsiallill 0 ta es murk a. be or ItrastesAge sad tides RIIIMINWS.

SOS Ile flispedals or oath. les ilia arrond or from Our ia 'shoo ono us in READY-MADE FARMS IN NEW moo to Coo osither. getwarstiese wall Rust IL Is fid a filion Will A BRUNSWICK. sesocutto 1. oases those of Nos Maim hes end by Loose 041111Mith Not try has be aimed fertile thmegtaint the world.

Mr. Prier Titerhoot. ri of Mr. dot hadroarks of Amnon Imp. men Loth Spots J.

lassos treillitlo. M.P.. alto low bees moire( i a dahlias he freed at o-h TORAPTIMI. ant war of oettlefo to Nom Illsion ithsi had ressped Tim mast tarn, li. A.

Aresitege 10S. week Ind suit the Moo. J. E. PIAn of peewee when roughe.l up in him IltareAsbed Pea anal kanressr.

i of II" Ma' frootil to it emir rargin euhenl. beeesti aremdbeet's. harelatreet 4 i Is 719 iiith tbe fathoms i oh eh prospectors alterhim enuld A. anti II IL Muldatimet. part.

to the provisee a a itultrat.oos a atones of lasowtedips .1. If sit, 7. Tower fl uo lAyeaseggp at dig As Aga ishigaill. mad Weit ish to ret a'! 'thine oho berealtor work tenni. I.

Leine Mt Kangasreet. kimibtke sawn my mniy It seculime.ty of IL Mowery. which Vim 110 terait I. lerwarlosotmet fa ght Whistsheot. Tlte Premier sold boo that i stollens Into Vii freestone that the more he Run sod Ai.o.

The Not Marsha. le, Ltrolliapha at seat or wool st prob the. loomed to ri ltsust waititt 4, the most kft ad 'hoodoo. PashositoWOlL aggsha for otAor. to sae up, We bas writriveriate.

Kirby atel Nebnlstie low4stasse4. where that 1p esekl ant Smarm. the slat Mans likens. Inll.e. 193.

1.ord•••••1. Biro Lard, 17 Newil otr oe 1 'l lm rat AA. alli ftilla ti rlP le throe or four contormaillille Vara. A c. 0...

Mn ..,..1 ham ossil the i work. Who be look yes over hero Mrs II Illolfweas. Rai lealslorod. I node. I arms.

slash orodd Is fee st 'isle took th teradotwors fooffirol in Wm SA. i way yaw otillit he sore riot it hoer Menna. 125.Paa• 410 1 a as ta J. Nottall. 15471, Li rdotreet I Arrsagemeat.

will be made whereby Mr Thsist, and hot to efts. roods I. a art 3 raant's and o', 35. Teerlasait. anim i i k.

11 ,1 6 0 a rt 07 0 1 1 1 I 70...... mt al. 1 ..,7,, I. Illsosbotton. 9 to 103.

isiotbeint.storet. Mr. W. W. Ilubbanl, the for Mra s.

Agrboalture 1 the otiose of tstbs. login es as be chi unuad -III I Mr. Norton trrilltbs stated dicing Its not to I l'oines-e did ant doodah iiholoos Is one ll lww te he 4 ..1 1 age Robrooss 11.12na Lions Warehoste, JIM Behweirk that al the timerrooest emoted 0 nal eli.einwet 'Mere at amnethowit 1 44 verm" 00 i for the avows, of reads mode fares. he eettlid r. to 1, and than ill 7 0r.

caspi itme a la. the ansul taelt whims Wotan p.m*. in. a ab w.dosao Min Trash. Wildersid.

No Ins a perms than oh. Ittowsh 11 ii U. Ba hueet. ,1 -der 4 en Illio Whist 3. Volonotreet -it A.thio and the Infante to war i wsitiii.

10 ses ha hree gll4 Mabel of to ruin! OW sod swill. on 5, NEW QUEBEC PORT. a My the of the lorrstot of I' of has olitioned iddindol toter port whirls doomed. Ilia he, pilot Ir for domes. into Malone.

The CMFAIMSII .4 the Abatract. to one of lsmevl" 4 itt she 4 W. Claernet, 185. Tribeeltellseld. tie moot ma the Th.

bar, Infants It. as A. gnu. low, SS at reep. Ike.

no epee all 164. ronnel. onset the I.ns, win. boost Badlnwe I. A B.P.

L. 12. 0 00 4. n. aa sa Inn.

In the whet. Initial 'he doss hueltend. 5. aa3 ie. Lealatam.

a 111. 0.41 of pharrnasestmil Assent G. va i a. esss ii Plow It closer to F.l.llnpo that say other 'of the Mature sesporoi. sod is an ovellont poet and ha- the Pow.

Touitto of 1 Aka 8. let. 3 57 uniaste and 2. (lir i .1 1 mod. et rtwooly ler th flost.

Queen nun- 1 aerere eat ow. sued thet to at to OM 100 Am. Hem Clo It I.l.oeyniad..lll.linle of mature value Swish vie. totbsso werhied Jr. Ch as ms.

30 oo dh sait.s.. RUMOURED POWER MERGER ei oostrow. th. Pow Tie gen it SIMS tot. p.

0 5 It mimed is Torcasio that who liar William Spootardo here. lit foe he IrJoir ft Ms Ws annt w. W. Strathlotab Plsseloorm Itantb. 1 liriliessw returns from Porowe More witl he awl alarms.

4 'Me MeV mind. Augteepg, merger er the Lash. Ittertr. ad then 0.1.101 her offooto is efifte OS It. W.

aaas ki az. vo i a i st, 'arid au. Poorer sod Trarsowinco noedneed that of her anti. ossirryiss hi thest- A. N.

llsoolodetr. Cbsolo. 1117. Itoostarsoll. pony et Hamilton.

"W.I. Trntolflint pews. il N. Illorlosee. atotoisit.

Pest Odle, nowelit. rapitalootion of 1 4 or i MISIPSIA ft. listeliffs. 1611 loodoOrrerf. i rophy will probsalbly capitalisation, of 4..050,1610 AA.

stoma redoes' sleet The follneirse are leo for James Ma.futots (lbsseist ALS. LoodostfooA, and hass Aeon realty in peace or woe dava. and pr doahis at Osmanli those ewes lest 48, Meghtematrest. 144 The prepaseel merger IS Gild tn be Mooed. Memel.

Z. Tork.rood, Mirk- hot the prelamawary step of the Marllesse-Mano any litori Of meat for the astahhelunimat of 'Felix hoes nor wa ay, i ii i ot i foci. .011. 0, 1,... 4- (I.

Parry R. benste. BPS. MoisebislAWlNL throishoot Wa Ort lks rario, with twat W. broads.

reb 50010 think wlettgegegh else Olen, balgaggi, Clegggee. biekeseggg, Wigek.d. air nis the for raft jest to In It. rft I will soab. Thr wailosest.d The thiar at all wino be newel ISolere nv it And- ha pp 7 thouglor tbisk tre dropped ryes ale wsy to do It.

il rte. li Wh, Clap them the jsd hatl from tho pubbc A tsar' fur each clear rirovicha. half Mara Thorn boom tMni roma( thrm Votit, he preritim chime. Tim hit the lb a to tab For rver tel for ever. Danger Ahead.

onorboalr oleo 7 lb. Labour eoetoonoti klttf from if oho was tedirreaat with Trude ieflooMee lb. ITTOS PrOnlat 1,40 411111) In If Mt. The Iv elleadd be ilostfol hoe rho eel) freed these Olth TAlttilt. If she' take IA be' to" Ihreetrfo.

or ihroome hotel. ii the heeds Natiosalat en tee. streets of towns. It end ant be loaf Ilefor. mono of them inn he lyre-hod.

no rowel LOOtiOn the pa.r. be bad to work lord to ear them from lb. Wide of the It rest; hub to tabs asmeroos veer of the noweeeeet 5 da 004 tower Oa. mar NO.IO at the f.miomo Moorman of leer sad re' rk. mar lb.

It "sr oe lb. Crow, bat sbe kteeradatoe wootaabood is she setablo anomie to aro max at bit want a matter for toms toes tseilose. -a CANADIAN NEWS sracai. LETTER. 1111.


IN ALL DEPARTMENTS, AND A Is INTrria). KIRBY ik NICHOLSON LIMITED. Prevention le ewes Bettor than Cure. Omit Yam sod Mods Moo to boo rfrflt to bus, Wtoi Ow re of Used Waiter. wie Now cameor.i..

sod Cue tortaitaly duo to Ittoot. Is so 1101M4 Off Veld eicomfort Jos to sot rod od sad dr MISS SIMMS WO, Mall amp. r. A NI I s6loimim 46 4 i I. fO.

0 firli 4 it a VO wog sad isomming So sepliir up ell beep des a Wert wealias 4unas sa illellels if isaal et gragan, prormonati mid normag ail Illsusili, 11 WOK Mr. sad k' Jo' sm 0.4 Way Ass year Wog. PAW Ennted 11 ,0 1 1. 24 wii, et all amain mid Owe. amnia a 001 1 1.

Tnnl 8, 1.. iv- Cbelliliabaili. ah. Riwd Garden Parte. There woe ttnow.CulitA at Windsor I a Ihurrela hut the wad elements garden psrt, S.F.

entwely mistily. People rr 'other refreshing tatersielvos is the t. us or etandoti unromfortably shoot waives for the arrival of the Royalties, and aftar the Lad sad queen had reached their met n.say seat sway. Them sea frightful emafus.oa at the dime of the party, there hems thousands of atatora sawn. Elaborate precautoms bad take" eu prewar people from intruding thllllllllohras tato the Attie.

mad the compost welt Mos sooremfolly etthis the apse. whisk bad ben eet span for them. tlneat. wad We wowed to brmg their aS at tio ma swam party large of weals IWO prasent shay had never Fern invited. The hal that it sea uttwriv impassible ill theoremic of two Inf the ollkuvisl.

know Odd the Individual prtwattng the card was mak the person whom loom it bow. na had been rent nal (WV mon h. rho aorlatit. say owlestemble person or mavens demlatelf OA. dile kiwi stra.hnel to he praawint aNOS rap Isms suilletent amount of aavledip to have achnoed bus her bie owe is tart hs.l lava otalkaWA.

Qufaan Alexandra. Queue losrep Marlhortegh Motes 'kir Sandruarhato 1.41.1 .0 wlll eat for limbs or three wr.k. brforo gumg to Ludy re there yea tho Royal. Mar Ilarety to etshark at for throtents es board the yacht. Valor's sad Ale rT, ead aft.r about fortstgle I.

Norway lithewdt promod to tepeoltager Pb. will I I.old° at her soar Kloaspeolaord lb. of Notambr. slew oho ta to reties 'overlandto Laglawl. 1.

AOO MI UNA'. ialrlialksta auks 111 Andrew Lassa toss to tie protmotet for though Is wee malty be sr pearaslot more time rite. la other app be otodd Ily have tostie mow to isterattite. for bad greeefol as yell a. re psis sad ramarbable acme of sot a very oriel loud.

skied by a gat of statement sad lend 1 esprelotoo. Hot he tret of dermaitory habit, 1 and the rause t.f its sad tastes wart, 'tamest unboutetwl He tsehtlit.l it. callsolie temporaeoeto tto freely that ha Wass. sort of I I hortorly, Luigi about frost Sower to dower And mattes pretty whom, but at arm Ilitaattlif boa. for the betted' of waskusd is time to roar.

That a heats paraolosfrom the tuatara of the ewe as spispayeral creature. hat reoerally happy tasks' he 4 a poi afl ifi.l,.• 1.8 1 ow the ompramost el always Nolte Fortelly happy, sad libel ale One of be charms The Land Crusade. hltheetth the Neater a Elihsni lan declaimed esapeselmbte for the of hut brotlwr. lap late Murray. seam: the land crusade the fact that altwo 130 rweellets are heipelt in be dranoto.

not of the party an a orentde to farther It the On 'Along his peat. Mr thsittftmte was rocetved nnonnua ant We Geneve, whn Ifr Wedgwood di the ethwen of was the aohet-t of grueb chaff when he rvittvw 3 to Minwterwi before Even are la rne oars deturhird 1 7 the lee. feeragewla To afloat tradoenwata owe thing. lant tat land .114 voarrata lot 1 fnript the precute phrase. Fittifte the The fiame n.m at tactuttlee bowl ti I pvnnwteti; iv ft- ftesni frwud Jetta tamed.

was to be tpeeted. Tor eh Iwie take. hog It lowa instwt alte Its won't be the this( (Sr person that she at. So Looters an safe awl twn sinet au m0ne.1e,141384; tarirta law, Sr. viKo eeetkre Fantle any rok bitting But what or tok who eat teem, Sr.

of What? What ef von nor rultiaw erwo Aurf errant I. 1an4.1v2 LaMMEMIIM IF YOU WANT THE BEST ASK FOR WORTHINGTON'S IN BOTTLE. rr 0 Ili 12 11 de Grateful Coolness in the Heat. A PRAY of "4711" over face an hands is as refreshing as a hteete and far more fragrant. "4711" I cools the skin and allays all heat irritation.

Also there is no better preventative to the bite or I rat or I midge, and a bottle of 4711 there- -) 11 is a desirable companion tor every s. I out-door summer occasion where these pests are likely to be -1 I encountered. I "OW Cologne is I i i 1 i ii I made according to 7 I 1 I the ancient and i 4 original recipe, and 1 i 4 i 1 its fragrance is 1 0 01 I unique. Is Sold by Chemists, 0 Druggists, 1 a 4- Perfumers through- out the world. i I got 1 .) ii, i 14 I ,0 1 1 BENSON'S I Ilk WATCHES WARRANTED TIMEKEEPERS.

In Silver Gases. 1.15 In Gold Cases, fl 4 £5. i I 1 DILI( reed N. 1 with hitt part 'etibirs. POST FREE.

i The ali 'BANK" English 1 4 0 4111 11 Half-Hunter. i (Ar el BEST VALUE AT LOWEST CASH PRICES .1 1,, 4iiewiwo VII it The Economical and Equitahle "CIVICS" System of MONTH iY airk PAY ENTS The CIS 56. lir winding IS AVAILABLE. LUOGA I I Irs. 1.

of Woubm Chair NMI ko iL earrf. IW. BENSON, Ire.g rn ir mn I a-62 64, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, I.C. JUL' 1912. di) 1 ..14,..

i 4 ip kx :1 1....... 1.. A J. i 1. 1..

a 4 i 7 1 46 17711 1.1.1 1: 5f.4 4 if; fr. I' 4 cic.q, 1 4, :il.64! 5-- 1 1. A St'A 0 -1 at 7 1 1 la 7. 4 1 6 :41: 1- i .4 i 1 44 I 5 1: 11 1 'l 8 4 Ir 1 1 4:.... i 3 7..

7 1 3 7 7. 4 Z. 1 2 .0 ..7: 1 17. :1: 4 1 .1 44.1. i Ztjit 4 i .1 tl, 1 1 ..0.

P. Apti 4 1(4 r. --7 -F- 4 5::. 4 A', Ftj 1 0. i A 6d.

packet has the 4 food value of 7 eggs. 4 4, This has been demonstrated by scientific evidence, hut you should test for yourself the sustaining value ot' Elect Chocolate. Take it on your day's outing. You never know when you will be very F----S-: glad to fi nd it in your pocket. You may get further afield than you expe ct The hildren may fag for want of foo but whoever carries Elect Choco late eed never worry a bout a meal delayed.

4 ---q Elect Chocolate will sustain the tradeller on a long railway journey. A sixpenny packet will supply enough energy for a sixty-mile cycle ride. Elect Chocol. te makes a delightful dessert for a is a delicious sweiunatt. ..1 1111.31 te ia i .1 REE .7.7 7 -4 AS 'at 'N 41111 i I- Packets Lied.

Naps: GOOD 1 ELECT, 4 ocoA," .1 a li 1 ill 1 ii. 1. il 1113 1 13 1 111 1 II if 1. li i hell you to bed ton iShl If you would awake perfectly refreshed and healthy in the morning. use HOLLOW A 'ti PILLS A OLXTM ENT before you go to bed at night.

Then. whilst you sleep. these famous remedies will he making health and mum for yeti. They are potent in their actionivrtain in their results. They are without parallel (used sepanitely or is conjunction.

as may be required) in came of Constipation, Sleepleemese. Sick Headache, Coughs, Colds Rheumatism, Stiff and you will he ailing wisely it you place bsehli in their ads badges. IiOLLOWAY PILL OINTMENT i NIT STA owl dalsi Fr; J. .1. 1 has.

met P. tea nom or ifLA 11. RO 25;.

The Southport Visiter from Southport, Merseyside, England (2025)


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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.