DIY Hair Pomade For Rowdy Boys - Growing Up Herbal (2025)

DIY Hair Pomade For Rowdy Boys - Growing Up Herbal (1)

If you’re trying to make the switch to natural hair care products (like I am), you’ll love what I have for you today! All natural, DIY hair pomade… made two ways to fit your needs!

This DIY hair pomade is one of the best (in my opinion), and it holds hair in place even for the rowdiest of boys… unless of course they’re smashing their heads into things. Then, they’ll have a nice spiked, messy look going on. But, hey… a mom can only do so much sometimes. 😉

Making The Switch To Natural Hair Care

Believe it or not, my family and I do not live a 100% natural lifestyle, free of toxins. We’re still, slowly, making the transition. One thing at a time, just like you probably are.

My goal with Growing Up Herbal is to share my life and this process with you while encouraging you to live life naturally (even if it’s one little thing at a time). I’m all about progress over perfection. Life is not perfect. I am not perfect. And striving for perfection will only lead to disappointment and defeat. That, my friend, is not how I want to live my life.

With that being said, one of the recent areas I’ve been trying to focus on cleaning up in my home is our hair care. My husband and my kids are definitely further along in the toxic-free hair care products than I am (maybe it’s easier for guys), but I’m getting there.

The guys all wash their hair with natural shampoos, but for the longest time, we’ve not really been able to find a styling gel or pomade that worked well for their hair… until now.

DIY Hair Pomade For Rowdy Boys - Growing Up Herbal (2)

I was recently given the book The Beeswax Workshop by my friend Chris Dalzeil, who blogs over at Joybilee Farms, about the many, many ways you can use beeswax. After browsing through her book for a while, I came across a couple different recipes for hair pomade which peaked my curiosity.

DIY Hair Pomade

Now, I’ve tried a couple other DIY recipes for hair pomade, but I haven’t loved them. They either contained some form of liquid (which means they have a short shelf-life), they were sticky and greasy (gross), or they didn’t hold the hair style for long (and this is a must with my four rowdy boys). However, after making and trying the hair pomade in Chris’s book, I have been super pleased with the results, and today, I want to share the recipe with you.

Below, you’ll find the recipe for making a DIY hair pomade, and as you will see, there are two different versions of this DIY hair pomade… one for a medium hold and one for a firm hold. Just pick whichever one you think you’ll need and get busy making some.

DIY Hair Pomade For Rowdy Boys - Growing Up Herbal (3)

DIY Hair Pomade

From The Beeswax Workshop by Chris Dalzeil
Yields 6-ounces

Ingredients for Medium Hold Pomade:

  • 2 tablespoons beeswax
  • 3 tablespoons kokum butter
  • 2 tablespoons jojoba oil
  • 1 tablespoon argan oil
  • 40 drops essential oils of choice

Ingredients for Firm Hold Pomade:

  • 3tablespoons beeswax
  • 2tablespoons kokum butter
  • 2 tablespoons jojoba oil
  • 1 tablespoon argan oil
  • 40 drops essential oils of choice


  1. Melt beeswax, kokum butter, and oils together in a double boiler over low heat until fully melted. Remove from heat and stir well. Add in essential oils.
  2. As the mixture cools, use an immersion blender or small whisk to blend the mixture further. This will create a lighter, fluffier combination. Repeat this process as the mix cools.
  3. Spoon the mixture into a tin or glass jar of your choice. Allow to cool completely. Label and date.

To Use:

Scoop a pea-size amount into your hands and rub together to melt. Using your fingers, rub the pomade through the hair and style as desired.


  • In order for this pomade to turn out well, it’s important to use kokum butter and jojoba oil. These are harder and wax-like which yields a better (less sticky) product that other butters and oils will.
  • Use age-appropriate essential oils of your choice.

I often purchase my carrier oils and essential oils through Plant Therapy and my butters at Mountain Rose Herbs.

DIY Hair Pomade For Rowdy Boys - Growing Up Herbal (4)

So there you go. A new DIY hair pomade for you to make and try if you’re looking for one. So far, it’s working really well for us. Aren’t these guys super handsome? I know, I know… I am a little biased!

Want even more herbal ointment recipes? Check out my e-book, Herbal Ointments, Salves & Balms: The Ultimate How-To Guide! Not only will it tell you which of these ointments to use and why, but it will walk you through the steps of making them yourself! Plus, you’ll learn how to source quality ingredients, how to keep your creations shelf-stable, and how to add “advanced” ingredients into them. Oh… and you’ll get 5 exclusive recipes to help you get started making your own herbal ointments, salves, and balms right away!Learn more about it here!

Be sure to pin this recipe to your DIY personal care boards on Pinterest and print the recipe off below! If you make it, be sure to share it on Instagram and tag me (@growingupherbal) so I can check it out!

[yumprint-recipe id=’2′]

DIY Hair Pomade For Rowdy Boys - Growing Up Herbal (2025)


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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.