· or ~ __ _ _. _--~..-. _ ••-...... __ --. ... __ •...,..-' .... ....- ....... ,... '" - [PDF Document] (2024)


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  •· or ~ __ _ _. _--~..-. _ ••-...... __ --. ... __ •...,..-' .... ....- ....... ,... '"


or __ _ _. _- .. -. _ •• -...... __ --. ... __ ...,..-' .... ....- ....... ,... '"........... _T__ -_-, _-- __ .....-' , ' c; ('/' ) I II \.J I . ,I !'I I ( I" I 'I I! I I, I.' t" (, 25c PER COPY. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1983 \ Y. .'" HH "' I .\ ... ('/ 1 RUIDOSO, LINCOLN COUNTY, NEW MEXICO 88345 The NO. 82 IN OUR 37TH YEAR , •••• 0':<' DIONNE WARWICK PEPE ROMERO DANIEL HEIFETZ ROBERTA PETERS superstars sign Summer Festival contracts Classical guitarist Pepe Romero has performed at the Ruidoso Summer Festival every year of its existence. Last year, his performance sparked a sustained ovation from the crowd that brought on an impressive encore. The critic of the Madrid A.B.C called him "one of the greatest masters the guitar has ever known." The Stuttgarter Nachrichten declared, "he is one of the greatest virtuosos, thrilling. The public had every reason to be so extremely en- thusiastic ... Strobel said he was also very en- thusiastic to have such world renowned musicians for the Ruidoso Summer Festival. up of one village councilman and two coun. ty commissioners-for approval and adop- tion. Extraterritorial Zoning CommissiQn chairman M. R. "Milt" Alcorn reported that he will attend a village council and county board of commission meeting to up- date the governing bodies on the activities of his commission. The group then decided that the task of designating actual zoning districts is one which will take two or three years and re- quire professional assistance. As the village has indicated it may hire a profeg.. sional planner to prepare an updated com- prehensive plan for Ruidoso, the commis- sion decided to put off zoning until such assistance is available, or un- til a need for zoning in the ex- tratemtoriaI area arises. The commission also welcomed new member Ben Hall to tJ)e group. He replac- ed Wesley Grigsby, who resigned. Hall was appointed by the Lincoln County Board Of Commissioners to CO\J11ty, . . March- 24 was set 8Sthe ne'Xt date for the commission. . ......... :1l -'"T- ..II: . _5.-. ........ --..:: r .. Radar said the only reasonable explana- tion Cor such a large price drop would be as a means of boosting volume. He said loeal gas stations may have been saddled with low sales volume because consumers were driving to Roswell or Alamogordo to buy cheaper gas. Circle K franchise owner Owen Copeland reported that sales have not in- creased noticeably since the price drop there over a week ago. In the first five days tha t he was selling gas for seven cents less, he said, only six customers seemed to even notice the decrease. Copeland predicted that he will be able to hold prices at or near their current level. although the Circle K Corporation based in Phoenix, Arizona, sets the prices on gasoline for his station. Whether Ruidosoans will continue to see declining prices in gasoline or whether costs will escalate again remains to be seen, but at least there has been some respite from the high costs of living in this rural resort community. audiences, conductors and critics as one of the most fiery and charismatic violinists of our time. The 33-year-old violinist regularly per- forms with many of the world's major or- chestras and has won prizes in the Sixth In- ternational Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow and the Merriwea ther Post Com- petition in Washington D.C. The Chicago Tribune once wrote, "His playing combines an easy maturity of style and generosity of heart in just about the ideal proportions ... Rarely has Ravel's sophisticated gypsy-Schmalz ("Tzigane") sounded more beguiling, less self- conscious, or more entertaininR." by BARBY GRANT Staff Writer The Ruidoso--Lincoln County Extrater- ritorial Zoning Commission took another step Thursday toward completion of the ordinance regulating zoning of the area surrounding the Ruidoso village limits in a one-mile radius. The commission decided to bold off on zoning of that land. however, to get input from a professional planner that may be hired by the village. The extraterritorial commission was set up last summer in an effort to control growth of the area surrounding the village so it will be compatible with the environ- ment of Ruidoso. A second draft of the zoning ordinance was reviewed by village attorney Lee Huckstep and assistant district attorney James Richard Askew prior to Thursday's meeting. Changes suggested by the two at· torneys were discussed by the commission Thursday and incorporated into a third draft. The final draft will be presented to the Extraterritorial ZOning Authority-made Zoning to wait on planner Gasoline prices 'drop by BARBY GRANT Sla rr Writer Local residents are finally benefiting from decreased gasoline prices-most ser- vice stations in town dropped the prices on their pumps at least seven cents per gaUon over the weekend. - Thr sodden was·! fitBt in gasoline prices in this area for a number of months, according to several station owners_ Regular gas, which was selling at most stations in town for $1.28, is now priced at $1.19 or $1.21. Competition is apparently to be credited for the good news for consumers. A seven cents per gallon decrease at the pumps at the Circle K store in Ruidoso Downs set off a chain reaction at other gas stations in the area. Although Circle K first lowered its prices February 12, the other stations failed to catch on until this weekend. Dirk Fox, manager of the 7-11 Store in Hollywood, said he noticed the price change last Fri· day and was advised by his supervisor to follow suit "just to stay neck and neck with the com petition.., Several stations in town supplied by Ray Bell Oil Company, including Fina. Kerr- McGee and MinH-Mart. reported they were advised by a Bell representative Fri- day afternoon to lower their gasoline prices also Fina Station owner Dick Cull said the Bell Oil Company representative indicated that 7·11 had dropped its prices seven cents a gallon and suggested he do the same. Although this is certainly a positive move for local gas buyers, some people feel the prices are still higher here than they should be. Sam "Rodar, president ot the Service Station Dealers Association of New Mexico, said he feels many suppliers take advantage of the lack of competition in rural areas. He explained that suppliers will often charge high prices to dealers in rural areas to make up for selling at low prices in more competitive markets. "The price spread is just absurd," Rodar stated. He was also surprised a t the seven. cents per gallon drop in one day experienced here over the weekend. He said there was not that large a decrease in gas at the refinery and probably never has been. •• II. .. "00 You Know the Way to San Jose?" and "Then Came You" are just a few of the songs she bas made popular over the last 20 years. "I couldn't help noticing her. Dionne had something-it was there when I first met her: a kind of elegance, her flow and feel- ing for the music," Bacharach once told Ebony Magazine_ She was the first singer to be named "Woman of the Year" by Harvard's Hasty Pudding Club in 1970, and the only per- former to win simultaneous Grammies in both popular and rhythm and blues categories in 1980 for "I Know I'll Never Love This Way Again" and "Deja Vu." Daniel Heifetz is widely acclaimed by DWARFING THI APPLE TREES is one of the four stately wind machines in· stalled in Wes and Myrna Grigsby's Los (hozas orchards recently. The machines, able to turn at 600 revolutions per minute I stand vigil over some 40 acres of apple trees, ready to fend off killing frost. ·\.tt t: WARMING UP the 460-cubic-inch Ford engine on one of his wind machines is apple grower Wes Grigsby. The machines rest on 35-foot high steel towers that are solidly anchored in cemel')t. .. Ii' ..... -..,,-41> .. - - ". '\, . over 500 limes WIth the Met She has sung all over the world. including the first per- formance by an American singer in the People's Republic of China. She has recorde-d 36 albums, and made five com- mand appearances at the White House and a record 66 appearances on the Ed Sullivan show. Dionne Warwick has been one of the top popular Stngers in the world since she first teamed up with songwriters Burt Bacharach and Hal David in Lhe 1960s The winner of five gold records and four Gram- my awards, Warwick has a list of hit songs longer than most performers even dream of "W;Jlk (Ill Fh .. "J Sa ... a 1.1111(' Prayer," bed lha t wdl wake hIm when the temperature dlps Once roused. he will drive out to the orchards covered by the machines and crank on the eng1nes Each blade 1S powered by a propane- fueled 460-C'ubic-mch engme. If the wind is blowing moN' than 15 miles per hour. Wes sC:l.ld. he will not be able to use the machmes, because the force agamst the long blades could damage the drive shaft But a natural wmd can be a blessing for fruit growers because frost usually does not develop when the air IS turbulent -- the same principle behind the wind machmes Asked why they decided on the expen- sive investment for their orchards- each machine costs over $14,()()()-- Wes pointed to the rising cost of dieseL That fuel fires the smudge pots used in the past to protect the trees, versus the relatively cheap pro- pane for the wind machines Last year, when a deadly late Aprtl frost wiped out blossoms in the Bonito and Hon- do valleys, one of the Grigsby orchards was the only one in a wide area that pro- duced apples, because it was protected by smudge pots. The Grigsbys fired up 400 pots, which warm the air with fire fed by diesel fuel, in a single to-acre orchard. Wes estimated it took 400 to 500 gallons of diesel an hour to keep the pots burning. All five wind machines will use only about 50 gallons of propane an hour and will protect 50 acres of trees, Wes noted. Considering the extra protection, the con- servation of energy and the cheaper cost of propane compared to diesel, the machines will pay for themselves in the long run. Wes said Friday while touring his or- chards that the machines represent depen- dable insurance for an apple grower, who cannot afford to continue to lose crops from frost damage. In the last four growing a.easons, area or· chards have been hit by tWo blossom- killing freezes. The losses forced some valley growers out of the business. But for the Grigsbys, whose lives are centered on -the orchards, the deadly frosts increased their resolve to win out over the cold. If tile' Grigsbys can save four times the number of trees as last year when the next frost comes, and save on fuel costs to boot, the 'wind machines wi1l prove to be for- midable and cost effective weapons. Roberta Peters has sung with the Metropolitan Opera in New York City for over 30 consecutive years Most of the great artists who sing at the Met debut on- ly after years of artistic development and experience in smaller houses. Not so with Peters_ At the age of 19. just five hours before the 1950 Met debut of "Don Giovanni." she was chosen for one of the leads when the regular performer fell ill. "I knew the part," recalled Peters, "but I had never sung onstage WIth an or- chestra." The bravos and four curtain calls at the finale proclaimed that a slar was born Since then. Peters has performNl well b" DA. VtD SHEPP >\RD SlaUWrltn Shmy new appE'ndages have sprouted out of Wes and Myrna Gngsby's apple or- chards recently. and they are unllkp anythmg that has adorned the BOnl to Valley soil bel ore The Grigsbys have just InstalJed four 125-horsepowcr wind machines in thelf Los Chozas orchards. located about three mUes up Route 380 from the H1ghway 70 turnoff in Hondo The machines are the state-of-the-art In frost protection Developed more than two centuries ago and used for the first time against frost in the early 1900s in Califor- nia citrus orchards. the wind machine is now an indispensable tool fOf many farmers "We're not trying anything that's not proven," responded Wes Grigsby when asked about the machines' effectiveness. The fOUT machines on the Grigsby esta te dot some 40 acres of orchards _ A fifth machine was erected down the road from Los Chozas in a lo-acre orchard owned Bert and Myrtis Pfingston, Myrna's parents. ' Each machine, with the propeller turn- ing at a maximum 600 revolutions per minute, can blow a swath of frost- preventing air 350 feet in all directions. Revolving atop a 35-foot steel tower, the. prop swivels 360 degrees around its shaft every five minutes. The props themselves span 17 feet. As explained by Myrna Grigsby, the wind machines work by redistributing warm air, On chilly nights when the-apple buds are at their most vulnerable, Wes Will switch on the stately fans when the. mer- cury reaches about 33 degrees Fahrenheit. Wes said the machines will be effective down to 21 degrees. By churning the air through the trees. the machines will prevent cold air from descending into the orchards and gripping the buds, which are the first parts of the tree affected by frost. Myrna said this technique works because warm air stored in the trees and soil during the day win be recirculated as it escapes at night. She also noted that the rising YJann air will be forced back into the orchards by the fans, Come spring Wes wUl depend on a thermostaticallY.controlled alarm by his Wind machines will protect orchards Individual performers for the 1983 Ruidoso Summer Festival (RSF) have signed and returned all contracts to the Fort Worth Symphony, reported Peter Strobel. RSF board member. The signed contracts ensure that some of the world's top classical and popular musi- cians will perform at the festival June 3-9 Strobel said he talked last week by telephone to Ann Koonsman, executive director of the Fort Worth Symphony, who said she was holding the contracts of Roberta Peters, Dionne Warwick. Daniel Heifetz and Pepe Romero The Fort Worth Symphony, led by conductor John GIor- dano. wiJ) also perform dUring the week- long music festival - ...... I, t , . .. J. ;\

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TRANSCRIPT· or ~ __ _ _. _--~..-. _ ••-...... __ --. ... __ •...,..-&#039; .... ....- ....... ,... &#039;" - [PDF Document] (3)

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Fo~ur superstars sign Summer Festival contractsClassical guitarist Pepe Romero has

performed at the Ruidoso SummerFestival every year of its existence. Lastyear, his performance sparked a sustainedovation from the crowd that brought on animpressive encore.

The critic of the Madrid A.B.C calledhim "one of the greatest masters theguitar has ever known." The StuttgarterNachrichten declared, "he is one of thegreatest virtuosos, thrilling. The publichad every reason to be so extremely en­thusiastic...

Strobel said he was also very en­thusiastic to have such world renownedmusicians for the Ruidoso SummerFestival.

up of one village councilman and two coun.ty commissioners-for approval and adop­tion. Extraterritorial Zoning CommissiQnchairman M. R. "Milt" Alcorn reportedthat he will attend a village council andcounty board of commission meeting to up­date the governing bodies on the activitiesof his commission.

The group then decided that the task ofdesignating actual zoning districts is onewhich will take two or three years and re­quire professional assistance. As thevillage has indicated it may hire a profeg..sional planner to prepare an updated com­prehensive plan for Ruidoso, the commis­sion decided to put off zoning until suchprofessio~~lassistance is available, or un­til a S~lfic need for zoning in the ex­tratemtoriaI area arises.

The commission also welcomed newmember Ben Hall to tJ)e group. He replac­ed Wesley Grigsby, who resigned. Hallwas appointed by the Lincoln CountyBoard Of Commissioners to repfe8~n,'<theCO\J11ty, . .

March- 24 was set 8Sthe ne'Xt m~llngdate for the commission.

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Radar said the only reasonable explana­tion Cor such a large price drop would be asa means of boosting volume. He said loealgas stations may have been saddled withlow sales volume because consumers weredriving to Roswell or Alamogordo to buycheaper gas.

Circle K franchise owner OwenCopeland reported that sales have not in­creased noticeably since the price dropthere over a week ago. In the first fivedays tha t he was selling gas for sevencents less, he said, only six customersseemed to even notice the decrease.

Copeland predicted that he will be ableto hold prices at or near their currentlevel. although the Circle K Corporationbased in Phoenix, Arizona, sets the priceson gasoline for his station.

Whether Ruidosoans will continue to seedeclining prices in gasoline or whethercosts will escalate again remains to beseen, but at least there has been somerespite from the high costs of living in thisrural resort community.

audiences, conductors and critics as one ofthe most fiery and charismatic violinists ofour time.

The 33-year-old violinist regularly per­forms with many of the world's major or­chestras and has won prizes in the Sixth In­ternational Tchaikovsky Competition inMoscow and the Merriwea ther Post Com­petition in Washington D.C.

The Chicago Tribune once wrote, "Hisplaying combines an easy maturity ofstyle and generosity of heart in just aboutthe ideal proportions ... Rarely has Ravel'ssophisticated gypsy-Schmalz ("Tzigane")sounded more beguiling, less self­conscious, or more entertaininR."

by BARBY GRANTStaff Writer

The Ruidoso--Lincoln County Extrater­ritorial Zoning Commission took anotherstep Thursday toward completion of theordinance regulating zoning of the areasurrounding the Ruidoso village limits in aone-mile radius. The commission decidedto bold off on zoning of that land. however,to get input from a professional plannerthat may be hired by the village.

The extraterritorial commission was setup last summer in an effort to controlgrowth of the area surrounding the villageso it will be compatible with the environ­ment of Ruidoso.

A second draft of the zoning ordinancewas reviewed by village attorney LeeHuckstep and assistant district attorneyJames Richard Askew prior to Thursday'smeeting. Changes suggested by the two at·torneys were discussed by the commissionThursday and incorporated into a thirddraft.

The final draft will be presented to theExtraterritorial ZOning Authority-made

Zoning to wait on planner

Gasoline prices 'dropby BARBY GRANT

Slarr Writer

Local residents are finally benefitingfrom decreased gasoline prices-most ser­vice stations in town dropped the prices ontheir pumps at least seven cents per gaUonover the weekend.- Thr sodden decreas~ was·! fitBtchang~ in gasoline prices in this area for anumber of months, according to severalstation owners_

Regular gas, which was selling at moststations in town for $1.28, is now priced at$1.19 or $1.21.

Competition is apparently to be creditedfor the good news for consumers. A sevencents per gallon decrease at the pumps atthe Circle K store in Ruidoso Downs set offa chain reaction at other gas stations in thearea.

Although Circle K first lowered its pricesFebruary 12, the other stations failed tocatch on until this weekend. Dirk Fox,manager of the 7-11 Store in Hollywood,said he noticed the price change last Fri·day and was advised by his supervisor tofollow suit "just to stay neck and neck withthe competition .. ,

Several stations in town supplied by RayBell Oil Company, including Fina. Kerr­McGee and MinH-Mart. reported theywere advised by a Bell representative Fri­day afternoon to lower their gasolineprices also

Fina Station owner Dick Cull said theBell Oil Company representative indicatedthat 7·11 had dropped its prices seven centsa gallon and suggested he do the same.

Although this is certainly a positivemove for local gas buyers, some peoplefeel the prices are still higher here thanthey should be. Sam "Rodar, president otthe Service Station Dealers Association ofNew Mexico, said he feels many supplierstake advantage of the lack of competitionin rural areas.

He explained that suppliers will oftencharge high prices to dealers in ruralareas to make up for selling at low pricesin more competitive markets.

"The price spread is just absurd,"Rodar stated.

He was also surprised a t the seven. centsper gallon drop in one day experiencedhere over the weekend. He said there wasnot that large a decrease in gas at therefinery and probably never has been.

•• II. ..

"00 You Know the Way to San Jose?" and"Then Came You" are just a few of thesongs she bas made popular over the last20 years.

"I couldn't help noticing her. Dionne hadsomething-it was there when I first mether: a kind of elegance, her flow and feel­ing for the music," Bacharach once toldEbony Magazine_

She was the first singer to be named"Woman of the Year" by Harvard's HastyPudding Club in 1970, and the only per­former to win simultaneous Grammies inboth popular and rhythm and bluescategories in 1980 for "I Know I'll NeverLove This Way Again" and "Deja Vu."

Daniel Heifetz is widely acclaimed by

DWARFING THI APPLE TREES is one of the four stately wind machines in·stalled in Wes and Myrna Grigsby's Los (hozas orchards recently. Themachines, able to turn at 600 revolutions per minute I stand vigil oversome 40 acres of apple trees, ready to fend off killing frost.


WARMING UP the 460-cubic-inch Ford engine on one of his windmachines is apple grower Wes Grigsby. The machines rest on 35-foothigh steel towers that are solidly anchored in cemel')t.


..... -..,,-41>



- ~". '\,.

over 500 limes WIth the Met She has sungall over the world. including the first per­formance by an American singer in thePeople's Republic of China. She hasrecorde-d 36 albums, and made five com­mand appearances at the White House anda record 66 appearances on the Ed Sullivanshow.

Dionne Warwick has been one of the toppopular Stngers in the world since she firstteamed up with songwriters BurtBacharach and Hal David in Lhe 1960s Thewinner of five gold records and four Gram­my awards, Warwick has a list of hit songslonger than most performers even dreamof

"W;Jlk (Ill Fh .. "J Sa ... a 1.1111(' Prayer,"

bed lha t wdl wake hIm when thetemperature dlps Once roused. he willdrive out to the orchards covered by themachines and crank on the eng1nes

Each blade 1S powered by a propane­fueled 460-C'ubic-mch engme.

If the wind is blowing moN' than 15 milesper hour. Wes sC:l.ld. he will not be able touse the machmes, because the forceagamst the long blades could damage thedrive shaft

But a natural wmd can be a blessing forfruit growers because frost usually doesnot develop when the air IS turbulent -- thesame principle behind the wind machmes

Asked why they decided on the expen­sive investment for their orchards- eachmachine costs over $14,()()()-- Wes pointedto the rising cost of dieseL That fuel firesthe smudge pots used in the past to protectthe trees, versus the relatively cheap pro­pane for the wind machines

Last year, when a deadly late Aprtl frostwiped out blossoms in the Bonito and Hon­do valleys, one of the Grigsby orchardswas the only one in a wide area that pro­duced apples, because it was protected bysmudge pots.

The Grigsbys fired up 400 pots, whichwarm the air with fire fed by diesel fuel, ina single to-acre orchard. Wes estimated ittook 400 to 500 gallons of diesel an hour tokeep the pots burning.

All five wind machines will use onlyabout 50 gallons of propane an hour andwill protect 50 acres of trees, Wes noted.Considering the extra protection, the con­servation of energy and the cheaper cost ofpropane compared to diesel, the machineswill pay for themselves in the long run.

Wes said Friday while touring his or­chards that the machines represent depen­dable insurance for an apple grower, whocannot afford to continue to lose cropsfrom frost damage.

In the last four growing a.easons, area or·chards have been hit by tWo blossom­killing freezes. The losses forced somevalley growers out of the business. But forthe Grigsbys, whose lives are centered on

-the orchards, the deadly frosts increasedtheir resolve to win out over the cold.

If tile' Grigsbys can save four times thenumber of trees as last year when the nextfrost comes, and save on fuel costs to boot,the 'wind machines wi1l prove to be for­midable and cost effective weapons.

Roberta Peters has sung with theMetropolitan Opera in New York City forover 30 consecutive years Most of thegreat artists who sing at the Met debut on­ly after years of artistic development andexperience in smaller houses. Not so withPeters_

At the age of 19. just five hours beforethe 1950 Met debut of "Don Giovanni." shewas chosen for one of the leads when theregular performer fell ill.

"I knew the part," recalled Peters, "butI had never sung onstage WIth an or­chestra." The bravos and four curtaincalls at the finale proclaimed that a slarwas born

Since then. Peters has performNl well

b" DA. VtD SHEPP >\RDSlaUWrltn

Shmy new appE'ndages have sproutedout of Wes and Myrna Gngsby's apple or­chards recently. and they are unllkpanythmg that has adorned the BOnl toValley soil belore

The Grigsbys have just InstalJed four125-horsepowcr wind machines in thelf LosChozas orchards. located about threemUes up Route 380 from the H1ghway 70turnoff in Hondo

The machines are the state-of-the-art In

frost protection Developed more than twocenturies ago and used for the first timeagainst frost in the early 1900s in Califor­nia citrus orchards. the wind machine isnow an indispensable tool fOf manyfarmers

"We're not trying anything that's notproven," responded Wes Grigsby whenasked about the machines' effectiveness.

The fOUT machines on the Grigsby esta tedot some 40 acres of orchards _ A fifthmachine was erected down the road fromLos Chozas in a lo-acre orchard ownedBert and Myrtis Pfingston, Myrna'sparents. '

Each machine, with the propeller turn­ing at a maximum 600 revolutions perminute, can blow a swath of frost­preventing air 350 feet in all directions.

Revolving atop a 35-foot steel tower, the.prop swivels 360 degrees around its shaftevery five minutes. The props themselvesspan 17 feet.

As explained by Myrna Grigsby, thewind machines work by redistributingwarm air, On chilly nights when the-applebuds are at their most vulnerable, Wes Willswitch on the stately fans when the. mer­cury reaches about 33 degrees Fahrenheit.Wes said the machines will be effectivedown to 21 degrees.

By churning the air through the trees.the machines will prevent cold air fromdescending into the orchards and grippingthe buds, which are the first parts of thetree affected by frost.

Myrna said this technique worksbecause warm air stored in the trees andsoil during the day win be recirculated asit escapes at night. She also noted that therising YJann air will be forced back intothe orchards by the fans,

Come spring Wes wUl depend on athermostaticallY.controlled alarm by his

Wind machineswill protect orchards

Individual performers for the 1983Ruidoso Summer Festival (RSF) havesigned and returned all contracts to theFort Worth Symphony, reported PeterStrobel. RSF board member.

The signed contracts ensure that some ofthe world's top classical and popular musi­cians will perform at the festival June 3-9

Strobel said he talked last week bytelephone to Ann Koonsman, executivedirector of the Fort Worth Symphony, whosaid she was holding the contracts ofRoberta Peters, Dionne Warwick. DanielHeifetz and Pepe Romero The Fort WorthSymphony, led by conductor John GIor­dano. wiJ) also perform dUring the week­long music festival

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2812 SUdd.rth Drive

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Wednesday'Coffee Cart

" ' .. Coffee Cart,.pon.o by tha Chambar ofComm 0 the pUbllo canmaat Chambar omo.ra anddlraotora. Will ba from 111 to10:ao ••m ••t:

regular councU meeting, starUng at 7:30p.m. in vI1Iage haD, are:

-Ruidoso Business Association-re­quest to useSchool House Park May 18 forthe Golden Years JubUee.

-Request lor Uquor Ucense (or theSafeway store to be located at121 MechemDrive.

-John Cupp-request for rezoning«veral·1ota lOCated on fIOI'th'l{fghway 37

<,from.COlllmercllll to~<ommefl:W.",poproved by Plannfng ..~ ZOning Coi'nmla­slon.

-Don Dale-regarding the fire safetycode as related to the resale of commercialproperty.

-Jim Hine-reporl on Lookout TOWerpermit.

-Hine and Lee Huckstep-suggestedrevisions to water and sewer ordinance.

-Frank Potter-eontract with BoyleEngineering regarding the PonderosaHeights sewer project. ,

-Frank Palter-request for executivesession to discuss pending Utlgatlon on theGrindstone dam project.

Tha meeting wtII be preeedM by a studysession atarUng at 6:30,

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... ,

room of the newly completed Capitan auditorium andgym.

, .

, '

on the agenda for the



, ,the hangar-like gym that has just opened at Capitan school,

business administration at the Ubiversityof New Meldco, New Meldco State.Univer-slty and Indiana University. .

Cohen Is a graduate o( SouthetllMethodist University. She luis attendedthe New York UniversilY Gtac!lIllte 8ehoolo( FInance and luis been employed by ltSlJ(or the past two yeatJ,.VilUr eight yeatJprevious ballkillg ClijIetiooce With·lhil Dry

Mayor George White wiU issue a reportto the rest of the village council at Tues­day's council meeting on the status of thewater protest committee that was dissolv­ed during a recent council study session.

WhIle has contested the commlttee·sdissolution because it was done without hisconsent.

Other items

that multiple hookups would be accep­table.

Also on the agenda (or Monday night'smeeting are:

-Resolution 83, budget increase.-Resolution 83-1, New Mextco Rural

Development Bill.-Decision on auditor for 1982-83 audit.-Consideration of salaries and person·

nel practlcl!S for next year's budget plano'in ,..,.... '. ..• _.

g. .. .

... 50

................. ' ' , 24

. .. , , 49

.. , '0'" •••••••••••• '0••••••••••••••••••••• 10



Monday's predicted high '0 •••••.•••••••••••••••• : •••••••• mid 50'sTuesday's predicted low , , , .. , .. , 22Tuesday's predicted high , .

Sunday's low ' ,Sunday's high .Monday's low .

The National Weather Service in Albuquerque Is predicting fair and warmerweather Mnnday and Tuesday with variable winds less than 12 miles per hour.The extended forecast for Wednesday through Friday calla for continued fairand dry conditions.

"Water meters-extenslons and/or pro­position of water amendment.. ,will bediscussed at the capitan village councilmeeting 1 p.m. Monday, February 2t, atthe city hall.

A controversy has been brewing forseveral months over the municipal or­dinance requiring each residence to have aseparate water meter. Tbe law has been onthe books since 1!1711 but the council has on·Iy recently announced that it will enforeeit.

A number of residences in capitan sharewater meters and owners of thoseresidences have been strong in their op­position to the ordinance.

At the last meeting, Capitan vI1Iage at·torney Gary Mitchell said he would furtherresearch the ordinance, 1IO-lI, to certify thestatus of mobile home owners and thosewho had been told by village employees

IyInking experience with Security NationalBank in Roswell. She graduated lromNorth Texas Slate University with aBachelor of Business Administration.

Shockey, a Lincoln County native, beganworking,at RSB in April, l!ll12. She has hadfive years previous banking eltpllrlence asbranch manager and installn1ent loan af­ficer. She majored in 1lbeJ:'1l1 arts and

, '-"


. ,it •

ANN PHILlIl'$.. ..... '. ' .'

-'" ""'-"

"------, ",",

FLYING LOW. These students now have their physical education classes ind ~


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MUSIC DIREOOR of the CapitanSchools, Churchill Cooke, ploys thepiano in the music room of the newauditorium and gym at the school.The piano was in the old gym when itburned down but was restored foruse in the new building.

Bank (RSBl after corning to Ruidoso fromTexas Commerce Bank, Odessa.

Morales, a native of Rnidoso, joined RSBin October, Itr74, as a teller and advancedto Head Teller. In January Itr79, sbejoinedthe Escrow Department beeoming super·visor of that department in l!lllO.

Martin has been affiliated with RSB forthe past three years, Sbe has had previous

.. lil1A MlRflN>' ."

Monday, February 21, 1983

Phillips, Loan Adrninlslratlona Orncer;Rita. Martin, Banking Officer; EleanorShockey, Banking Officer; and MargieMorales, Escrow Officer.

WIlliams attended Texas State Collegefor Women, Denton, and has had bankingexperience In Oklahoma, California,Arkansas, Texas and New Mexico. Shejust recently returned to Ruidoso State

. .

by BARBY GRASTStarf Writ('r



stipulation that mobiles be placed on lots clause, which prevents the ordinaoce fromwith the front entrance facing the street being enforced for mobiles already In the

Commission members added the re- villaRe.RUIdoso Dawns Planning and ZOning quirements for mobile home owners to P&Z members also worked on comple-

Commission (P&Z I Thursday discussed purchase a blocking permit and to have tion 01 a zoning map for the village and

and revised an ordinance first drafted in their mobiles tied down, voted to present it to the governing body *****************************************'1981-but never adopted-which regulates The proposed ordinance will be for approval. * Ska R rt *mobile homes and trailers in the village. ** I epo **

The ordinance reqUires owners of mobile presented to the board of trustees for adop- Commission members and village of.h h lion at its next meeting. fi . ls te din th ed * *omes in Ruidoso Downs to pure ase a ,c,a at n g e meeting express op- * Sierra Blanca. Undisturbed snow depth midway on the mountato Is 67 Inches. *permit at a cost of S25. and lists stipula· Commission members noted problems lirnism about the future of Ruidoso Downa * Surface conditions are packed and machine-groomed. Skiing eondWons are good *tions on the appearance and maintenance existing in the village now beeause of the and potential growth of the municipality. * and allllrts and trails are open. Weather Is clear at report time and chain. are not *of mobiles. lack of regulationa on mobile homes. They Village clerk Wilma Webb reported that * required on the road to the ski resort. *

Removed from the ordinance as indicated they hope passage of this or· construction on the Triple Cr~ Con· * Eagle Creek. There Is 20 Inches of snow at the base. Thelo",er mountain Is open *originally proposed was a reqUirement for dinance will help to clear up some nf those dominium project is scheduled to begin * and skiing conditions are good. There Is night skiing from 6to 10 Friday and Satur. *each mobile home to have a porch or problems. March I, and that a planned amusem*nt * day. *patio; setback reqUirements; and the The ordinance includes a grandfather park is to be started in August. 5f****************************************, L-~'---"7"""_ ......__~__-J

Ruidoso State Bank announces appointments of six new officers.

Village of Ruidoso fire prevention oUicerOllie Cuddy put the word out Thursdaythat village personnel are looking out foranyone dumping hot ashes in dumpsters,and the first person caught will be liablefor a stiff Hne.

Cuddy brought up the recurring problemof dumpster hres at an afternoon meetingof the Committee For Insuring Ruidoso'sEnvironment lComFIRE)

The fire prevention officer sought com·mittee suggestions for any strategy thatcould help douse the problem of dumpsterfires

Cuddy said last week the number oftrash fires in dumpsters has nOl droppedfrom last winter, when he initiated a com­munity awareness campaign concerningthe hazard.


Richard O. Browning. President andChief Executive Officer of Ruidoso StateBank. recentiy announced several new of­

.ficers elected by the bank board of direc·tors at its February meeting.

New officers include: Bobbie GayeWilliams, Assistant to the President; An­dree Cohen, Branch Operations Managerand Consumer Lending Officer; Ann

LOOKING TOWARDS BROADWAY. Members of theCapitan choir practice a song and donee rendition ofComFIRE discusses dumpster fires theSOng~'BrOOdWOY"infrontofmirrorsinthemuSic

b, DAVID SHt:PPAHD dumpster fires were logged Cuddy said he would contact the police Capltan, Ruidoso councils to meet- Staff Writll"r • Not only do the fires havP thE:' potential of department to see if it is practical to ask

spreading out of the meta) containers. neighborhood captains to report the In-Cuddy noted, but they also are costly Fire cidenls.superintendent Virgil Reynolds said each In other business, the committeedumpster fire is about a 3G-minule call for discussed the upcoming spring cleanupone of his firemen campaign.

The dumpsters also need to be takt:n to ComFIRE set eduled the area-widethe. village shop for repair. after flr~, cleanup, known ~s Operation Trash. forwhIch m~',lS at least a.ltaChl~g new lids the last two weekends of r:epamb~g lhem, saId ~d ":! .. Operalion Trash organizer Barbara Durt

I Just don t know whall m gOIng to do. said she would work out details for thelamented Cu~y in explaining the-Situation cleanup over the next month ana'make atoy,e committee. . report to ComFIRE at its Mareh meeting.

Boy, If we could Just catch one person Cuddy noting the effort to establish aand fine him. ~t will .stop it:' answered faU cJea~up last year fell through due toComFIRE ~halnn~ln Rich seel.~ a firE" is lack of interest. suggested the committee

The maximum flOe for startl g approach Ruidoso service clubs for$300,. volunteers. Oufl said she plans to address

One suggestion that wa~ ocrered was to the clubs within the next meta) cans for ash disposal only next .to dumpsters But Cuddy pointed out that "We want to involve everybody-thethe sanitation department. geared only for schools. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts. We

Despite conspicuous fire warning decals dumpsters, could not pick up metal cans. should try to come up with an innovation toglued on every dumpster in town, frequent The recommendation Cuddy decided to encourage enthusiasm." Duff spots, and signs posled on fireplaces pursue concerned the Neighborhood Duff recommended that Cuddy helpin motels and rental cabms. Cuddy said Watch program being organized by the publicize the event in the next month bypeople still are very careless about discar· Ruidoso Police Department. It was writing weekly articles relating the Impor-ding hot ashes into the trash pointed out that neighborhood "captains:' tance of cleaning the village of litter to fire

The number of dumpster fires so far this who keep an eye out for suspicious ac- prevention and the environment.winter has climbed over 30, while from tivities, could assist the fire department by The next ComFIRE meeting is schedul-November 1981 through last January, rn reonrting anvnnp who dumps ashes ed for March 17.

Downs P&Z considers mobile home regs

PQge 2 - Ruidoso (N.M.) News


Look what's If;eii,j~ ~Near the lockers and coaches' office,

there Is also a laundry room and whirlpoolroom.

At one end of the court there Is a stagethat will be llsed for musical presentationaand school programs, Lee hopes the com­

,munity of Capitan will find uses for theauditorium as well.

Some more work on the acoustics will berequired, however, before any programsare scheduled in the auditorium. While theband and cboir wen! practicing on stageFriday, their music echoed loudly throughthe auditorium. Lee expects that acoustictiles placed around the ceiling and wallswill dampen the echoes.

When they discovered difficulties withthe acoustics in the gym, Churchill Cooke'sband and choir classes just moved into themusic room next door.

"This room is great," exclaimed Cooke.who had a large hand in its design. There isone large room in which classes can prac­tice, and a series of storage and individualpractice rooms connected to it.

In the large room, one wall is mostlycovered by mirrors. Cooke said he wantedthe mirrors to help students practicingdance, voice and elementary self­expression. Friday, the choir practiced asong and dance routine in front of the mir­rors. The band and choir will perform inthe music room during the open house.

Cooke's office is in a room adjoining themusic room and has a large windowthrough which he can monitor the ac­tivities in the music room. There are twoother windows in his office that look intotwo of the five small, soundproof practicerooms.

At the entrance to the building, there is alarge lobby that will be used for dances,said Lee.

In the future Lee plans to use the lobbyfor a dining area as well. The libary whichis attached to the lohby will be convertedto a kitchen. The school has appilied to thestate for funds for the construction of anew library but Lee expects currenteconomic conditions will postpone thoseplans for at least a year.

In the meantime students of Capitanschool wilJ be benefiting from the facilitiesalready completed,

"We built this for the purpose of being a:community center," said capitan school.sUperintendent David Lee as he walked.across the maple parquet floor of the,recently completed gym and auditoriumcomplex Friday.

The 19,500-square-loot building is themost recently completed facility at theCapitan school campus. Constructionbegan in April 1982, said Lee, and classesmoved into it Monday, February 14.

The building cost $1,030,000 dollars tobuild. capitan paid $400,000 through amunicipal bond and the state pitched In$630,00 from the Critical Capital OutlayCouncil.

The school will host an open house at thecomplex Monday, February 21, from 6: 30p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Those attending the open house will findthe most dominant feature of the buildingis the basketball court. Reminiscent of awell-lit airplane hangar, it has an archedceiling that was set io place with the helpof a laser beam. said Lee. It is intendedprimarily for physical education classesand basketball practice instead of com·petitive games.

The extra practice space will be heartilywelcomed. Coach Mel Holland said itallows more physical education classes totake place at once. Before the gym wascompleted, Holland said, he had toschedule physical education classes untileight or nine at night.

Opposing football learns will also benefitfrom the new facility. said Lee. Since theold gym and stage burned down someyears ago. visiting football teams have noteven had a place to shower. he explained.

The new locker rooms and showers willfinally provide a dressing room for visitinglearns. While looking through the lockerrooms and nearby coaches' office, Leepointed out an innovative feature.

The showers have no temperature con­trols. Instead, the water temperature is

, controlled from the coaches' office, whichprevents some of the potentiallydangerous horseplay that goes on in schoollocker rooms. said Lef'

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. ,


'-.:, ,, .", .'~

:.. .---


, ',





.Any boys or girls who would like to join

the club are invited to attend th~ nextmeeting. at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Msrch 15,at First Presbyterian Church.

t ....



,. .. (not pictured) Joetyne Wright were honored during

the sorority's Saint Valentine's Day banquet.


We have almost.'

W,",! we can preparevo~ Q sandwich? Figur~ it out..... ·

,8 ki~s· 01 fresh, generous, tasty me.Qtsarid spreads Oil .' ."

.9 ~~tr~:8:~ibH~:i:it~n~e~i~s~reads~bU~Si.··.' 2: Kinde .ofcheiJs~ optilln~1

'8x9~72x2 =144SERVED WITH YOURt:HOICE Of .



visite<l them in their rooms.The 4--H members attending, in addition

to thepresl<l~nt. iiJclude<l Missy Gosdin,Karl Crown. Julie Bail~y and Rach~1 Gar­rett.

The club also held its monthly meetingTuesday. Lincoln County Exten$ion HomeEconomi$t Mary Ellen Paynedemonstrated proper measurem~nts r~r


, ,.

Awild & woolly workout.using Jazz dance

\\ lT1ovetnenls& swinging.J'I'J' . mualo for fitness.

friendship &funl. . . .

lioi-W-F~9:j5 a.m•. Tu-Th-5'30p:;n. .Ruidoso Gymnastics'Building ,


hpei' wk.$15.oo/month3ll pei'wk.

$22.50/month01' U.15O/



SWEETHEARTS of sorority Beta Sigma Phi. (from left)Susan Letterman, Teresa Beatty, Dorothy Dale and, . .


. litibyslttef &-vallable tor A·II.laSlleil.

soeeniSperchlld 'fOf mote InfQrlil",UOlicall

llllllin" 33604260


,4.16' /

. I ~ Poly/Rayon/SilkS ntung Slub finish.

, CHECK OUR/MarJ:; SALES RACKS!!\... . , ,,!l'a>hlons-.

4-HClub celebrates Volentine's Dayot CareCenter~

<lry and liquid Ingre<lIEints in cooking,Rick Richardson, 4-H agent, showed the

club a film about JI'lrliamentary pro­cedur~.

,i . ;; '10, ''''

The RUidoso 4-H Club vIsited th~Ruldo$o Care C~nter for Valentine's Day.<lecoratlng th~ dining room an<l $er~ingcake, cookies and mints to residents. '.

Presi<lent Shala Gosdin Introduced theclub's ollice\'ll and members, alter whichthey talked with residents about 4-H andrecited the Jlledg~ and motto. The 4-1{grouJl al$o sang for thc residents an<l

Livestocl~ committeemeets Thursday

The Junior Livestock Sales Committeemeeting is scheduloo for 7' p.m. Thursday,February 24, at th~ fall' building Incapitan.

The Lincoln C!lunty Fall' BQard willmeet at 7 p.m. Monday, FCeb1'1lary 28, atthe fall' buU<ling in caJlilan.

.., .' . '. .. ... ' . '.. . " .~ ,. . ."

, . . ' . MQnday, F!ilbrllary~l, 19E13RllldQ$O (N.M.) Ne\"i$ ~.Pa91'.~·.'. ' .- .," ; .. , t,•••• ,., ~ ••••••• ·····,····.·.·,·•• '''··'·i..'·'i .. ·'··'..•••••·• ··~·.·••••,•••••~.'. ;~:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:i:,:.:I;r.:.:':.:.:.:.:.:~~: •••:.~.:.:.;.;1:-:.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;'; ••••.;'•.;.;;.•.•;••.•••.••;..•;••••;.•;••;.';.::-•••••.:•••;.;.:••••,:.:.;••;;.:.;.;.;.:.;•••;.:.;.;.;.;.:.:.:':.:.~.:.;.:.;.:":.:.: ..:.:.:.: :.:.;.:.:.:.:.;.:.;.;.;.:.:.:.:.•.••:.; ' '. ,•.••••••.••••••~., ,,~. r •• •••• ,. , •••...'.'!- •••; ,.:., ••. , ,.•••••.,.•.•• ,•.•• 0 •.••.•••• .,••.•,' ,... .t. '. " _ , ,. ,'" .'. ..,,_. •




...,1;;: "'.


Her Supervised Occupational Ex­perience Program Is Swine Production.Last year she won a state FFA award Inthat field.

than 8,600' pI,lrtlcipating schools in theUnited States and Canada,....

. '

Kener is now ellglble to compete for oneof several rour-year Bausch and Lomb .,SClencli SCholarshiJlS at th~ University ofRochester in NeW York. .

Mrs. Jerry Burchett of Hondo. wasseleete<l FFA Member of Ihe Month forDecember by the Hondo chapter of FutureFarmers of Americll.

Doretla, a senior lit Hon<lo SChool, hasbeen a member or FFA for four years. Shehas particiJl'ltoo In the Greenhand QuizContest, Greenhand Creed Contest.Greenlland and ChaJlter FlIrmer PublicSpeaking Contests, and Is currently serv­Ing as DistrictVFFA treasuter and HondoChapter .Jlresident.

MembCrs are seleetoo on the basis ofFFA activilies" leadership. aill)ify and,grade$. h " ...... •• t .~ ...

Team On~, made up of J~nnlfer Cooperof the Hondo chapter and Warr~n Russell'and BiIl'Hefner of the Corona chaJller, tooka IIrst Jllac~ in ste~r judging and a thirdJllac~ In steerjudglng. ~

Team Two consistoo of Johnna Patt~r·

son of the lIQndo chaJlter and Alvie McKIb­ben and Jim Larr~more of the'Coronachspter.

G~rg~ Washington's birth<lay In respectfor his llreat le,!dership an<l Jlion~~rlng

. prl\ctices In agrlcUltute. .

)i'FA. Was fllrmed In 1928· to Jlrllmoteloodershlp,. c!lOperatiQn IIn<l cilizen$hiJll\mong high school v~.ationllillgriculturestUdents. V~lItionalagricllllure educationIn hjgh~chool Jltepates students fQr a vastarray Dr .careers In agricnlture-from pro­duction to process.lng, service to



Doretla Burchett, daughter of Mr. and


~." "

,~;; PR£SENT5 ~~;::~

;~:' ~r: *'::f. 8 SAVlNGrS.. -;::* FAl,~*V\IJ'N-reRr ITEMS FINA\.,.. •J.RE:OUCXION J!!.

~t.· .~~qJ ...~: ~~Lr~'~5t'• ....-;.~ffit- 4' . t'i'.<i<" ~J'.,::o~ ~1!(!l'I'!fj

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4-Hers. compete in EIPbso

Chris ClementS. son of ,Mr. and Mrs. TedClem~nts of Picacho, WIlS selected FAAMember of the Month for January by thcHondo chapter of FUture Farmers ofAm~rlca.

, 'Chiis: Ii sOpbomore at'a~ildo ScIiool, ftpsbeen an l"FA member for two yellrs: Hehas pal'ticipated In the Greenlland QuizContest, Gre~nhand Creed Contest,Greenhand Public Speaking Ccmtest andjudging contests, and Is currently servingas District V FFA reJlOrter and chapterreporter,

His SUJlervlsed Occupational Ex·perience Program is Fish and Wil<lllleManagem~nt. He won an award ftom theslate FFA IlIst year In that field.


Clements, Burchett honored.

Lincoln County 4-lI members competedsuccessfully In th~ ,ree~t IntetnationalLivestock sale and Rodeo judging contestree~ntly In E' Paso, Texas. .

The six jUillor 4-H'C\'ll who accompaniedcounty, 4-H agent Rick Richardson corn·peted all two teams In' the New M~xlcoState Unlversity·sponsored contest.-

,cei~bratelll63 -FFA. W~I< Feb1'1laryl~26 ... .Ouring ~~ w\!!lk the slate's 64 chapters

, are planl1lng to CBI'I'Y Ilut activities In $UP­portof tltis yellr's FFA Ihem......VocationalAll~lculture EdUCating Through Ex.perlen.;e.



!, '

. ',


Seminar beingsponsored Saturday

The FUll Gosp!!l BusinessMen groUJl IssponsOring.a seminaI' on dtu~. crime,iIIcobol /,lnd prison Ille from 8 a.m. to 5p.m. SlltutdaY, Febl'Uary 26, at First Bal'"tist Church of Capltall. .. There is ilQcharge fot the seminar. Tlul

public IS Invited to heat ChrIstian llletestimonies.

The World War n 315th TrODJl Carriei'GrouJl AssocIation is s..ek!ng to 1DC1l~LeoM. Smith, a member of th~ 315th duringthe war, who was from capitan. . .

Anyone with intonnaUOn should WriteRobert L. Cloer, 1417 Valley View Drive,Yuba City, CA 95991.

Jeanne Culbetlson or Fort Stanton hasbeen named to lead Ute 1983 spring ~am·paign for cystic fibrosis there.

As chairperson of an AJlrl\ 13 walk'-a­thon, she will lead a committee ofvolunteers to raise money for the fightagainst the disease.

Infonnatlon on th~ walk-a·thon isavailable from Culberison lit 354-2211,

Capitan man sought

Culbertson to head

cystic fibrosis driv~

-;: ."o ,," .

Salvation Armytrucl~ here Thursday

The salvation Army truck wlll be inRuidoso from 9 a,m. to 3 Jl.m. Thursday,F~bruary 24. •P~rsons wlth Items th~y need Jllcked uJl

(aJlJlllances, furniture, clothing, etc.)should call the Cbamber or Comm~rce at257·7395 days, 01' Barbara DuCf at 257·2340eventngs, to be put on the list for Jlickup.

Nuclear war to be .discussed by doctor

;, "WhAtiiff II on.e-lIIeg6tonbolllb 'Wered/'oPlIelf'oo AI~?'J' wlll1le·:Uietl!P111'c)\' spea,ker!Eil'. Karen Apodacll ab ameeting at 7 p.m. Thursday, February 24,at the Ruldoso Public Library.

AJIOdaca, a memw of Physicians fol'Soclll1 RespOnsibility, wlll address th~medicalefreets and consequences of anuclear war.

, AccQrlllng to Todd Proctor, Jlresident of .. the capitan .chapter, local members wlllJliint II cbaJlW newsletter.

The La Junta Extensloll. Club li~tenedto .three preselllat!ons during thelt meeting . ' I'~A Week has traditionallY IncludedFebruary 16at~ehome olMrs. Hazel At.

th~. PhYlits~uin\VilltgavurePOrt~n Capitan stlJdentearns awardthe seeondRegional Family CommunityTraining' lnStlt!lte h~ld February 6-11 In CaJlit,mHlgh Schoolseniol' DavidPorUMl!, Oregon. Th"jlrogrllm fOC\lSes on Kell~r, son IIIMr. and MI'S. Phil Keller Drstrengthen\nll. wOmen's eapabUllies' Inlea<l~rshlp.!Uld thel1' rol~ In Jlubllc polley . Fllrt Stanton, was namoo wlooer of th~ an­inlonn8!ion.,spo~red bi tha W. K. nusl Bausch and Lomb Science Award at

U F dati d E t I SC the capltah SChools.Ke Qgg . OUll lin an x ens Qn 1'- The award, a handsome bronze medal, isv1cl!S of six Western states. ~,......:-::t.....lI "':-rh ·!['"nr tr ~~.·:nnerc: .,t "lore '

Alice Booky gave asllde presentation on , "the lflp sh~ tool<' to the+-H WesternLeadersbiJl Roundup In Denv~r, Colorado.

,M!'. an<l.Mrs. Freddie Lee McTeigue, Drthe Hondo Valley CP-OJl. spoke on diet Iln<lnutrition.

Th~ CaJlIl<!nchaJl~t,/,lIQng wlthpv~r8,0Q9 pth~ l"FA (FUtur~ l,£al'l11~~ ~rAm~rica)cllaJlt~\'ll across .th~natlon,'will

t.' •

Extension Club'hears reports'

i "


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.' ,

'!)LOOKING FOR THE HOOP. Claudia Branum'(l4) of the night's game with visiting Truth Of. Consequences,Ruidoso High School girls team The Warriors lost a narroYJ 56-55 decision. . . .'tries to dribble around on opponent during Friday .

LadyWarr;orsdrop a pa;r,

. , .. ,



.' .

,Sierra Blanca.Ski Resort· .

•. .


. -. . .. .

'''';'' NEW'THIS YEAR: -. .'.1800 PerHoar' ..

.TdpleChalr. I.ApacheBowl.,.

NEW"~t~1"~ORT"'.. J50") 257;GOOlDirect~rom The Ski Area. "


Rivera again led the Wartlor scoringwith 12 points. Palmer, Lueras and·Ireslunan Dan Ullmann C!lch added sevenpoints. Milce Nunley led the Deming scor.log with 18 points,

. "We jUst couldn't handle theil' press,"SIlld Warrior bead coach Ron Geyer aboutthe loss to the Wlldcats. "They've got a

..very good baskelball program In that townalld they shot very well In the first half.

mum OR CONSEQUENCESI3QlClovel", :HI-8: Bellca, 2+8; AmUa. 2-1-5;Graves, 2-2-8; CQrdnenda, 1-1-3; TOTALS,1l).l4).30.RUIDOSO (28)Rivera, 5+14; Lueras, tHI-8; Simmons,<1-5-5; Palmer. 1-1-3; TOTALS, 9-14).28.







Arthur& MerrlJon Newton

pires clinic. The date of the clinic will J>eset at the orglUlizatlOliai mooting. Theclinic will be condueted through theAmateur Softball Association.

Anyone Interested In entering a tflllm inthe league-ilr In playing or becoming anumpil'e-'should contact James' 'Klrker,Marlc Delgado or Barney Mancha at354-2211, or attenl\ the orgamUitionalmeeting.



(505) 257·6032

Gary 8rown'



Cet $40.00 whenyou bUy an)'olJl! of tlit!i..~tetfedSteam Machine'2IM DishwOlshers. . . .

No mallet what.shape your old dishwasher is 'jli,ThermadotlWaste Kingwill give you $40.00 {or itwhen you buy anyone of lheir selected SteamMilchines. . . . .

You carl't fose. You getlhe only dishwasher that .deans with lhepowetofsleam,theonly hotTie 'dishwasher with a.slaililesssteeJ lank, the bestwatrantyin thebiJsilie'Ss alid world·famous .ThermadorlWaste King qualitYJ plus $40,00 {or your.old dishwasher. . .

So, (;ome.ili {at all the details. Offefexpires'3/31183. ' ' .' . •Sl£AM MACHINE 21M OISI-IWASHEj('





Don & June Minor

Softball league to h.ave meetingAn organizational of the Fort

Stantlln Men's Slow Pitch Softball Leaguewill be held In the Fort 'Stanton Hospltlllstaff room al 7 p.m. today.

The meeting will Include discUSSionsabout the 19l13league organiUltlonal struc­ture; rules and regullltions of the league;use of the Fort Stanton field; and possibleuse of the Carrizozo field.

The league will again sponsor an um·


.Ruido$o' News~. ,

W,rriors iustmISS:I~~'lc.~r,·. ',\'Ivo points and'a lew•.aeconds were Iill ".A1!alnstT Ill,' a, :we plaYlld OUr best, . TI1e~arrlors. ~erehamperecl. b»th~· . aitll toJiranked <!obi'll 81gb ~1lo!!1'lhl~!hilt kept thll Yllung Ruidosl> High School' 8Ilmg,llf.the seaslln. WheJ\ Wey wentl,Jltoab,sence. of ./!ellior . Grafll' Wl,lIil!mso~. w=~~morsWin ~nsie wl\h Tubirosl! .

'. . . . . . . ., "'''''~'''<1Jll;H!'f!'iO!' :11l8 'lB:flrst .gallle of tile seallOn Friday vM~g~. ' .... qr.selpl..!1aryreaso~> i. ': A'~ ' .. night " ,". . ....... '",>:{,:yi:' ,nlglltlnthil'WlIrrior gymnasium. . ." , •.. . '. . . .Il\l,dllSO 'S bow C}8 III IIlst.,ct 3""..~ ,ae- .' 'i1 ~ ted:tt ldilSOO-:22 'InQ daS's .

A d·5' ,. ....., ". .The WlIrriors dnlpped a cliffhanger~28 . ~'The l'lds havCl Improved .II lot. tbls tlon anll ().IT IIV~al.l•. The Wa,l'I'lors. wIn" ... CQbr':. :i.!:! . t" ~~ .the 'Warrlqrs.; roun' p"0 r·ts· . '. deciilionto 'l)1Ithor Cllnse<nrences (or orc)~ason.Jiiveryw!\e1'l' we go, people lire tell'eonelu(!e~ dlsthd,tl!gulll.r sellsonwl!ll 1#.0 IlJl......a~II..,..~ .....• '.' .. .. . .'. . '. . '.. . ..•. . . . '. '. . '. " Friday, Oll!lalurday, nU,ldllS(l traveled to Ing u$.howmllcji better they've,become.". .lIome:gllmes lIgl\lnst'1'l!l~ros~ 1I~S\!bQOI.· ,.:41 tWQ YieellSllg".. ;" ...;,.f· .

PemlngHigh SehOlllanl\ drllppefl an 1I5"'~ . ..... . , . game to tile hoot WUr;lC!ll$. " '. . '

W· .-.'th . . lIullt WM th~T or C contest which bad,.Warrior fans pr~lng for a vletoty. . , ..• .,lUllllli' gIlat'd Gilhert .nlvera hlt.1I sh"ctJump shot with two SecolldS remallJlng In

. the game to narrow the Tiger edge to two'. : POlllts. Tile Warrll't'll tried to call tilJle. out·

buUlllIe ranoutbolfore they .hlld a'chanceto do so; nuldQSo WllS burt by a couple of

It's aU go for the second annUIII Inn DC were from·lhe L1ncolllCQunty area. ::t':~~~~W$ in.the lastfew mlolltesthe Mountain GodS p,.o,Am CeleblityGolf Elclie)berger's mother has a bl)me ill .' . .. . .'TOUnllllnent. • .. Alto vUlage, .so be wasn't a stranger to The Warriors had battled .back from .a

.The tournamellt will be Monday; . thl!llC parts. . seven-point deflelt twice to almost pl.lll theSeptember 19. Last year's first pro-am Several pro goifers !IIId celebrities game out, The Warriors trailed by" 21H5tournament WlIS on October 11, and this C!lncelled out lIf1astyear's tournament,llI' margin at the third.quar~r break andyear's C!lrlier date·may make for better eluding former Dallas Cowboy standout Rtadually eutinto the T 01' C edge in thecrowdS In Ihe gallery,' ,. Don Meredith.. final period. . .

"We think It will help us draw a better . With, a yflllr under Its belt, the tourna- '. 'it ~a~ a closegaine all the way, Arter T. croWd," Inn golf professional Jack ment shoilld have more drawing' power or C took a 3-0 advantage In tbe first

Warlickllllld, "September 19 was the only . with pro golfers and celebrities thill tillie . miJiute or the contest, Ruidoso scored aopen date on Ihe schedule Which dldiI't in' around. .. '. . ' . field goal to cut the margin to 3-2.terrere with the golfers' sched/jles. We're The pro golfers wha'competed ill lastmore apt to Catch some· of the· summer year'$ !oUrplIment spoke. highly of the .Then lheTigers saw the Warril)l'$ in acrowd because of theellrlier date," course and the surrounding area, and wUl zone defense and welltinto some stalling

Last year's tournament ollly drew about probably Inform their fellow players on the tactlC$, passing 'the ball around lind not300 spectators, but. Warlick Is optimistic pro tour about·the Inn. '. shootlllg until all easy shot could he had..there wUl be a 'mueh bigger crowd ·this ."We expect to !IlIve some more details nuidoso made a IrE!\! throw and the firstyear. . abOut the tournament In a couple of quarter enlled 1':1 II 3-3 tie;

"I think we can get around 1,000 peOple," weeks," lllIi~ Warlick. "But tbe toul'lll,l- . The pace quickened a bit In the secondhe said. "We've got a lot more lime to get ment Is ~n.tely on." period, T or a took !l five-point lead butIt ready and publicize the tournament." If the pro-am tournament is a: big sUe- H. R, Lueras or the Warriors hit a field

The tournament sh9U11I draw a much .~ this year, It should mQke Il name·for·. gOlllto cut the margin to tbrel!.llt 14).7.bigger crowd this year slllce il comes right the Ruidoso area In pro golf circles, ' The two teams traded baskets and tileafter the Labor D!ly weekend, usually Tigers toolc a $lim 12-9 advantage' into theRuidoso's busiest tilJle of the year. . , .locker room at halftime.

Last year's touma.ment ffllltured 11 pro, Staying on the sub'ect of golf. Cree T C t k .' . tid t I .fesslonal golfers and actor Dale Robert- ' or . 00 a. S<lven·pom ea Wce m'on. DaveElchel....-er won the pro hham' MflllkdOWS Country Club Is hosting an the third period as both learns coritlnued~ -.. rd ~ "Es ImoScramble" Sunday, February 'n. their stalling tacli.cS. Ruidoso clllSed thepionship with a course reeD seven-under· . There will be a shotgun start at noon for Tiger margin !O'20-15 lit the quarter's endpar 65. Brad Bryant~s team and John the la:hole tournament. The entry f- of d th d t . d f Ih W rrI ., •..·'-·'te'v" squad I,'ed 'd· the prh··.m I,·tle.· ~. an e crow go Tell y or ea. ors""""". ~ ~ .' • ~ $IS can be paid up until the time of the ost exh'tlng quarter of the yMr. Most of the amat..". golf.."" who playedtoumament. m ~I ,_ •

, Rivera led the WalTior scoring with 14. points on live .field goals and four frE!\!

throws. Lueras added six points. CyrusSimmons tallied'five and &-3 CiJrtis I'afmerhad !brei!.

No T or C player scoredin double figuresbut the Tigers bad five playersh*t the scor­Ingcolumn,

nuidoso was hurt In the first half by poor'free Ihrow Shooting. The Warriors missedfive front-enders ofolJCo!l.nd-onesituations.

The game at.Demlng was never l'elIlly Indoubt as·!be Wildcats jumped off to a 21-6first-quarter advMtage.and crulsed In'from there.

. The Wildcats led 46-18 at halftime and61-33 at the end of the Ihil'd quarter. Oem·ing hit 68.Percent IIf its shots from the fieldIn the first .balf. .· or ~ __ _ _. _--~..-. _ ••-...... __ --. ... __ •...,..-&#039; .... ....- ....... ,... &#039;" - [PDF Document] (7)

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~-, -

. High IndivIdual GameLorena Rue, 212: WIllie Beasley, 195

HighIndividual SerltllLorena Rue. 553:

Dee Von~nberg, 520.WghTeamGame

RuldosoState Bank, 728;.'~ ~ :El.Charm..<Ml " c ,:),-;liJ ~,-".,.. ........ 1;:7f:1 ..pc" .-. "HIgh'.l.'eamSerles '

HughesBodYShop,2,009,Brunell'., I,m

see whO It wlll play for the district cham­pionship. Tuesday fourth-seeded CarmozoHigh School wlllhost seventh-seeded Hon­

·do School while f1fUl-seeded Weed Schoolwill host sil<th-seeded Lake Arthur HighSchool. •

Thursday the tournament will switch toHagerman for the quarter-finals. '

Second-seeded Hagerman will play thewil\JJer of the Weed·Lake Arthur coniestwhlIe third·seeded CloUdcroft HIgh SChoolwill meet the winner of the Carrizozo-Hondo gslne. . . '

, FrIday the wiriners of the quarter.flnalgames wlll play for the right to meetCapitan for the dlslrlct ehampionshlp.

halftime.The 'l'lgers again came through with a

blg third quarter, scoring 13 points to justlHor the hosts. Capitan led 50-36 going into'the final quar!!lr and continued to pad itsmargin. "

Davis led the Tiger scoring with 20points and also picked off 11 rebounds.Cummins scored 16 points and Proctor 13.Parker added eight rebounds.

"We didn't really play that welt MaillStTatum," said Tiger head coach KendallLawlis. "Sllll, we had an ,excellent effortfrom our bench In both games. I thlnk ourIlench Is better than any other [n the,district." .

Capitan will now wait unlll.Saturday to

AlII••gue play'e. March 31 wlO receIVe 25" OFF ...

FOi'ldore lufona.donCa" He......n Bu.tIl.I.i''1425 .Please Caln~etween9;00 A.M. And '4;00 P.M. DaUy..





. , ,: I

'. Monday; February 21, 198:i 'RuIdoso (N.M.) News .,.... l"oQe 5, ,"', . ,

Clrlu'o,'fa."ine .'.... ..' ',1

'Ruidoso mafmen make sta·te

PLAY INDOOR TENNIS!Day Or Night - 7 Days A Week - 2 Courts -- Laykofd Surfaces·

. ·Mou~~~·:i. FI ••_ 111, ,•••_.... il ':f.

, :', ..' ~ .. , '" . " . .'. ' ...

Capita.ncag~~sWin a pair,rest 'up for district· finals:'


The Capitan High SChool boys varsitybasketball team got r,eady for the nilals ofthe dlslrlct tournament l1ext Saturday byroiling over non-dlstrict foes Estancia.High School and 'l'atum High School thisweekend. " '

Capitan. now 17·3 on the overall season,will get a bye \IOtll the district flJlais atHagerman High School because the Tigerswere the top-seeded team In the tourna·ment with a perfect 8-0 district ·l'CCard.

'l'he Tigers had to struggle a bit at firstbut used a strong thlrd quarter to routvlsltlngEstancla 76-S3Fr1day night. Batur·day Capitan traveled to Tatum and toppledthe hosts 50-36. ., Agalust 1!:stancia, theTlgers led by justtwo pointst 1&-14, at the first-quarter ~::::~:::"(.::::"'~-;::~~~::;:*:::'$:~::::~?;'::f.:~:*:::-SK-::$'m.~~:*:'>~;~;':i:$:'}~;:;:;:;~:*:-;'*:-;'::;:;:;~:Z~:$;:X).;~;~:$;"(.;:.g.;~:x::;'~#$~;:;:;:;':;:;:;:break. Estancia took a slim 29-28 advan- . '

~~~1i:;OTi~::.oc:o~r:a~~athalftimllbut The, Bowl,-,ng A'lley·Capitan outscored tI1e visitors 24-6 In thethlrd quarter to take a 52-35 advantage intothe last period. The Tigers equaled th/llr' • "third guarler searing output with another24-polnt bUrst to put away the victory. Tuesday Morning

Capitan got excellent balance In its scor- Ladles' Leaguelug attack. Robert Parker poured in 18 Team Standings W .Lpoints and grabbed off elght rebounds. Ed· 1 Brunell's 52Y.! 27Y.!die Davis added 18 polllts, while Panny 2'1'roSkiSporls 511k 28Y.!Cummins and Gid Alien eacli added lQ 3' Hughes llodyShop 45 3S 'points, the ratter~comlng off the bench. 4' RuidosoStateBank 45 35Todd Proctor led the Tlger re!lPllnd,"..· RWith nlne.llt'8bs offlhe boards' . S. Barney ue ,u.-aqg ""JI.I"-:liil... h~.:..

. The eqntclst against Tatltrn·s.wcapllanc; ~'~~m';~~blng\?Ci l,; 'i) ~'tl40rr''iO,z1 p. ,.-jump orr to a1IH4 edge In !;he first q\lllrter 8: FlehartyFollies 39 41and Increase that margin to 32.25 at 9. H.E. Graham 39. 41

A ~tal;'f nin~ nUidoso Higtj Scllool pounds, ,;Jam':" Herrllr~;lt 157 pilUnd$ and"II . "·Iifl~" ~or n-t w~~"end's Gary Burgess at 165 pounds.. "~AM. 3t';isi~;;outnam;~t asiii: War. Rue took an easy vlcto.i'Y over a wrestler,riOrlt filiished in a ·Ulird·place. tie at the fromSllveroCltyjn/hisfirstml;ltChl,ln<l.wqudlstrict 3-AM tournament Frlll!iy after. . thll champIonshIp match when '!is oPpG-noon at DemIng Hil\ll SCh!lOI..' , ' n~nt from ~Qbre was called for. illS fourth

,. : .." '...', ,'peJialty.pOlnt,anautol)1a~iadefaultylctoryRUldosoecored 93 POlUl$ alollg, ~t~ for Rue. Henry wae .leadIng at the bm/l by

qobrll High SC~Q(l1 In the team C(I!Dpe~I-' an 8-3 score. .' '. .tj~n.aost D!ilJlmg "",,on ~eChalJlP~OllS~IP .Ci~aulopjllDed a wrestler from Cobre In

, wltll 175·pomtl; whll~. S,lver 91ty HIgh his first match and tooka3-l victory overSchQOI wlls seclllld w!th ·14a pomts. New .Altonso Vigil of NMMl'i!! th~champion-Mellic!;' Millta!y. Institute (N~MI) was shlp.match. '. .

.fifth WIth '!6 pomts and ~ew M:81<ICO School . Ciraull\' took a 3-0 edg~ ilV~1' the NMMJ .'forth~ Vls~lI? ~l1d'caPPed. INMSVH) wrestler in the finals cando controlled the

." was last as ,t dldn t score. . . match thro\lghout; accor!lmg t!' Warrior'Scott Ciraulq at 167 [lQunds and Henry heac1caach ~rald Ames•

. , Rue at 12& pounds led the wayfor RUidoso It was. the lillie this seaSon," ." as they each took first place illtheir weight. C!raUIO and Vigil h~d wres~le<1 each other.

. . classes. CIraulo ha~won tWICe, Vigil won once and."•... ,,"''''-, . Other Warriors to, qualify for the s,tate theotber end<;<i in a 1-1 ~aw. .

tournament Included Chad Surmi'ck at 105 Schmidt. Pierce. ll':!d s.w.aland~r ~achpounds,' Sc\!midt at 112 pounds, finished third In ·the!r weIght dMslOJlS

. RandY Pierce'at 119 poulldS, Gervase Peso while Peso, Surmlck, Herrera and,at .138 pounds,' David SWalander at 145 Burgess each placed fO\l1'th. ,.~ , .

257.:1897 .Sol"dailli"'.



" -, .

".., .."

Deming led almost the entire contestagainst the Warriors and Is in first place in,the dlstrlct j\lnlor varsity league., '

Kenny Espinosa led the Ruidoso attackwith 10 points. Pearson added silt points ­and Ullmann, wha played just one halt.had four. Langston'scored fivepoints whileEaster and Lopez each tallied four.

!!hot., Mark Langston led the WaITiors 'Vith 12

points while Ullmann ·tallied llt. RussellEaster scored nine. and Patric Pearsonhad "lflhl. '



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•liIaooaTU ,.Olil,liI~ Filet .fftct.nt, •''':Y tl;!on• Fltitl'OliIl•• Wick ..On. y••I''WiIl....'''nty

. ~51·fj"10LttidllVl"$, .

'l'he Warriors, now 4-10' on the season.survived a last-minute cOmeback bY theTigers In Friday night's contes!.. Ruidoso held a 45-36 advantage with twominutes remaining but l' or C scored eightstraight points to .close withIn one at thefinish. The visitors had two shols at thewinning basket In the last five seconds, Iiutboth missed their mark.

'l'he game was close most of the way,with the two learns' tied at 21-21 enteringhaltUme. Ruidoso took a 34-30 lead after!hl'ee quarters and builtIt to the 45-36 edgewlle.n frestunsn Dan Ullmann sank a jump

.Basketball tournamentscheduled at Mescalero



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'.,~e Ruidoso High SChool boy!! junior

varsity basketball team split a pair ofgames over the weekend.

Ruidoso h!!ld on to nip Truth or Conse- .quen~ HIgh SChool 4H4Fr1day night In 'RuIdoso. .However, the Warriors fell to,powerful Deming High SChool Saturday bya $!-33scO\'e on the winners' court.

mum OR CONSEQUENCES (44)Halbco*k. IHl-l8; H8\'OZ, $-1-7; Chavez,·3-2-4; C. Saenez, 2-1-5; L. Saen811. 1-o-:t,GUner, 2-2~; Trujillo, 1-0-2; TOTALS,

· 111-12-44.· RtJIDOSO (45)Lellgtllon, 1l-ll-12; tmmann, 4-2-10: Pear·BOD, 4-0-8: Euter, 4-1-9: Esplnoea, 2-2-11;TOTALS, 20-5-45.

l::"~ ~i; ",,1.'_ i· ;.

:." '1", '"

Ruidoso High School bosketball coach Ron Geyer andWarrior H. R. Lueras. Ryarr'is o'memberof the WhiteMountain Middle School' 1eam and is in the seventhgrade. . junior varsity cagers split

Sports'l'herewUl be a b'asketball tournament at Wednesday, March 2.

d -y'-I··t-'8S Mescalero Cbmmunlty Center, Friday, Both the cluimplonship and eonsolaUona I . Saturday and Sunday, March 4-6. .brackets will have trophies for the top four. . !earns. 'l'here wfll also be a sportmanshlp

. The tournament will have open compeU- trophy awarded, an all-tournament team

th-. k !lon a'!d competlUon for men six feet tall picked, and a Most Valuable Player· I,e."'ee and Ui14er•.!!ll.l;ly.the, .\I<!nored. . .Ail.".., ,,'i, ,;".', ."a.MescaJ~~ll.I~ .1t~J$\Q~~~lPTo~<\!Ji •.;.... For.. Jurther InformaUon, contact·HBflo'

'"..hi", -•• " :dn...'" " Only the I...,,{ 1 ·tealnS uUif"lgn up ,or. rison Carrlllo at 671-4494, el<lensfon 243. orM6n(1lly: Monda)ClI'Iornlng Ladles the tournament wlll be accejlted. 'l'l1ere Is A1llert Platts at P.O. Bo~ 262 Mescalero

League at Holiday Bowl. an entry fee of $50 and the deadline Is NM .' ,Tutsday: Tuesday Morning Ladles . .

League andTuesday Night Mixed Leagueat Hollday .Bowl. .

Wednesday: Wedllesday Night MixedLellgue at Holiday Bowl. .

ThursdaY: Thursday Morning LadlesLellgue at Holiday Bowl.Frlda~~FdosO H[gh School boys vars[·

ty and or varsity buketball !earns ~boet Tulal'Ollll HIgh SChool. Ruidoso HighSChool wtUlIIng team in AAA state meetat Aztec ll\gh School. .

Saturday: Ruidoso H[gh SChool boysvarsity and junlar l'arslty basketballteams to host Cabre HIgh School. CapitanHlgh SChool~ varsity baskelballteam .In dlslrlct cllamplonshlp game at Hager. .man HIgh SchoOl. Ruidoso High SchoolWreStIlng learn In AAA state meetat AztecHigh SChool.

S!JDday: "EskImo Scramble" gall tour­Ilament .at Cree Meadows Country Club,Ibo!glin startat~.


l 4rELL$g',

,'Rt1ltJOso NEWs257..400i.

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. .


•Elks' Invitational. Saturday nigntat thl!! ElksChib. Jef··.ferson won a decision and \NOS named Most Outstan-·ding Boxer along wit~ Albert'Montoya of Roswell, .


Now ~ccept., .DROP~OFFLAUNDRY '


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w. off~ co.plet. vetalluUy .avIc.. for Jute,alld • ...u ......le•

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OFfICE HOllRS: 8:00 A.M.-6:00 P.M. MODday-S.t1InIay


CALLDr. D.vld Dano: 257-1289

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. ..The Ruilloso' 111gb School golf team has LIIst se;"on, Ute Warriors 'were alway$.

statte(!' practice, and cOlIcll Leroy Goocll at a disadvantage becalise tbe tbe;yhopes his team 'can do a lot better than it comPllted against usually bad five golfersdid last season. and' could drop the score of tbei~ worsl

• player.."I sure bope we'll be \1ettllr," Gooch . Gooch is hoplJig that sevllral players

eald. "We've gollS players out for the high from,tlle basketball team will came out tea~ and 12 far Ute'mtdcUe scbO?I," 'goU wilen Ute cage season Is over. •

Among the 15 111gbschool plaYllrs are tile The team Is praclicing oh tile Cree.four: .golfers who composed tbe' Wa.rriorJl!lllIdowsCountry Club course dur\Qg theteam last year: Tommy Crow, Vlrgll afternoons. .Reynolds, Olqn Lo~ and Bnly Taylor, Ruidoso's first tournament of the seasonRIlynolds Is a junior while the othllr lhrlle Is at AlamQgordo, Thursday and Friday,goUers are sophom*ores" March ~-4. .

, "

.Warrior go'ferspracticing'



. -'

. .


. '-, >.,


", /,.. t,.,.,.'

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TRADING PUNCHES. Kevin' Jefferson (right) of rheLos Piedras Boxing Team and Rector Paez of Dextertrade punehsduring their, the second annual

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Lincoln Communicotioni107 Spring Road

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NOTIC.Caprttck Communications,lnc.

Introduces Radiotelephone Servicein the Ru~d,oso Area

ARadiophone in your car to any telephone inthe world.

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205 W. AlamedaRoswell, N.M.



." '~.--....._---~----


FINn 'llYf?" ".,011; Of C.oUJ'lolf': •

. ., 'The.

RuIDosO- . . .~.






, ~..



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The Ruidoso Care Center Home. You can preserve your independence•..Health Agency of Ruidoso will offer. maintain your self' respect and receivemany medical-and rehabilitation skilled medical assistance' in the privacyservices to qualified aged and disabled and convenience of your own home.individuals who live at home. .And we coordihate all our activities with

If your personal p~ysician . your physician. We're fully licensed andrecommends it, we can offer you the experienced. Call us today for details. '

. professional services of registered ._........ . ". .. '. ., . " "nurses, physical therapists, speech ·RUIDOS··0 C·ARE· III:.....ERtherapists, nurses assistants and many . . VIlli·.

ot~~~g~r~~~~~e~:~l~~~'fOIlOWthese ,HOME,'HEAlTHAS.Ysteps to find out more: " A Oepartillent of Ruidoso Care Center" '

1) Talk with your physician P.O. Sox 2~14about ourse(Vices. 5th & 0 Street "

2) Contact the Social ' Ruidoso, NM 88345 .SerVices Department v • (505) 25r..g071.(when hospitafized). . .

3) Call us at (50.5) 251·9011;.

Another FliCIUtyOperl;ltea by BeverfyEl'IterprlSl!lSb.. ,..i'.T--,,- .. · :--:~>-. .. , · :..':.1 : , .. :' -- - - ._"_ :.m •.,:. 1

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.PQge 6 - Ruidoso (N.M,) :N~Ws MOl'ldQy., F~bruQry 21, .1983


·Jeffersoll nalbecl top boxer• • ,.. , J

. Ther,e's sQmetbiJlll abQut lnil J!llks' In. "However, his footwork and left were Purtcnlng,al1i11t~ and ri~re<! Sallis Qnee.vil!itionaltbat brings QUI the bi$t ill LIIs, greal. He's never fought this guy before." HQWever, tbe Roswell'l1o:xer gQt u, andPIe<lrasBQlUng Team (LPBT)' boller ' W!tile Jefferson enjoYe<! hl~ victory, his fil\!Sbe<!slrnng.·· '. . . 'l\evln Jefferson. "I..PB'l'. teammate Oavld OrdQrica was other COl1lpetil1on on the evening saw

'FQr the second year In. II row, Jefferson agaln.·denie<! a chance tohQ:X as nq one Steyll:Go~les of npsw.ell decision JaVierwas name<! MQ$t outstanding Bo:xer at thll with Ills. IllCPerience and weight was Mllrqu~ Of Dexteri.1\ a 7Q-JlOUIlIl bout; . .Invitational, whic\1 took placil Saturdl\y aVIIlIable. . " . SintonSals Of Roswellilecision Tllrry con.Qight .at the Elks Club \1eforearounll 150 ."H' t 11 k; " MI' . ley.of Iie:xlllr lit 75 pOlIJllls; salvsllorfans. ,Jefferson share<! ~e.MQst Outstan- ' .. es· 00 we .~own now, u qUelln Briseno,declslansauIPllrezofDe"~rat80ding BO:Xllr title wlUt Albllrl ~onlOya of ,s!,11l of °rdQi'\cll• 'l'hlly ~ven know about pounlls; !lnll Gilnll Gul~r~ af Roswell..Roswell ' . ' II\Jt.I.noW In J\lbuquerque.· ., . ~~-I I B bb A _ d.... f CI k'"

Ji ff • . . . ' Montoya took on Laurence Castillo in an """' S on 0 Y",..,en"",,~Q ar s In a 'eerson t~k a lIard-foullht, deciSion exhibition ss..pound bOut and looke<! 1m- il5-~lid bout.;· ' " , .

over Hector Pa~ Qf :J;)l!ll;ler In tile fourlh" . . ".. In other exhitiiiloQ bouts, AI\1erl Sais ofbo.UI Qf tllll Ilvening. 'l'~~ Willte MOQntain . presslVe. , . '. . _ . .. ROSwell and Bobby Ho<Iges Of Ol!ll;ler bo)<·Jl4jdc!1e Scllool sludllOl sUffered a bloolly But perhaps tbe \1est bout of tllllllvllnlOg e(! at 65 pounds, Jerry, Ro<I:Pgue~, ofnose but came hack to win Ibe'boUI as all wasanotller exhibition, this Ollllillvolvll\ll Roswell andJQIl A,lvar~ of Olll\ter COI1l­five Judges ;vote<! in favor of111m. Jefferson Ray .C'lstlllo Qf Olarlt's ,13Q:Xlng Club In. 'PIlte(! ilt 1115 POllJlds, anll EmIl8t.Garajal Oftltrew Ute majority Qf punclles 111 all three Hatch allll'GregSalas.ofJtoswell. '. Olarll'. hQXe<!'SlllIlI Mllll8e11 Qf Magda1e!lll .rounds. .. .... atJ2Q WIU1$. . . "

"Kevin still frets about uslllg his right," Bolli fighters we,g!ted 120 pound3. .Jeffllr8Oll and orllorica WlllcomPllle ill$ald LPBT CQacll Lucky Mulquee!l. .Castlllo showe(! lightnIng quickness and Dexlllr this S!'tm.-<!ay.


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ARTFor The


"': ",;,..

.• "if iiii', "•..'''*CARR'ZO LOj)g~P01TERY workshop by Ed Rooney, Saturdoy and Sunday. February26 and 27. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. $50. all supplies IndiJded,

MEET THE ARTIST NIGHT - Friday, February25. 7 p.m.Free show and presentation.

•OIL PAINTING worksliop by Paul lapp. Special youth ~Iass. February28 to March 28 (5 weeks), Mondays 6:30 p.m, ·to 9:30 p.m.

, of

CALLIGRAPHY workshop by Bob Phillips. Satulday and Sunday,March 5 and 6. 9 a.m. to 4· p.m. $40.

MEET THE ~ mST NIGHT - Fllday, March 4. 7 p.m.''''l d .;:. ,.... "";;" "'.""-,'.;" urfu<,~.\b~\l,!,onu,. ~onsltatlon. . ~



,-· .

--,.....j·""",.....,.... j1i"':·MW",,...,jiIf'""*,...,...,~¥... ; ....·<.... ,e'."...:.":"'"Ji!I"'""":'_....,......,..._.. "...,~ "':"'.- ',...-.,;"" ,...",.'I!""",...- .... ~"...., ~".o;' .... , ' "", . ' ", , ., " ',", ;: :

Let US 'alwaysremcmber the true 'bir­thdays of.Wasblllgton .and. Lincoill.especilt1ly; .and as many others as we ~all'such as Tbomas Jefferson, April 13;Ulysses Grant, April 27; alld TeddyJ\oosevelt October 27. ..

THere bIlrdly a mention of Lil1colll'sblrtbday In thepa~ or the T,V.

Therefore It was good to bear PresidentReagan's TrIbute 10 LillcQln Oil bis ten

, ,,'clock broadcast lin Saturday FebruarymelVe." ", *...~

Birthdays OfWasblilgton .'. '.. . And "Holles~ Atie" .

TIre Birthdays of WasblllglOn and J"IlI- • WashlJiglon's LifecoIn. are-. to be celebrated togetber ' ALastlllg IlIslplraliollFI!bruary21, the dIly this mesgage.reacbes . .Rel11~inbel'illg tbe blrlhdliyt; of LincolnyW. Igt!essthislsa~rlgbtasfarasitgoes alld Washlllgton during the "Birthday'..., bet~r tban, notll~, maYbe, althOl1gb Month" always .leaves us feeli"g. with ourLincoln S ~il'thdaY·. IS thetwe1fth alldbeart and step bjlbter aSOl1r tbankfl1lnessWllshlngtoll s the ·lWellty-secolld. . .111 being AmcrlcallS'o\'ecelves a "lIew'

THere will~ dIlllger of the true blrtbday btrth." .. dill!' of oUfgreat men being lost In lbe Together,t~clivesofthetwol11enformasbuffle. coinplete picture oE America. _.'.' .

Lil1coln; Qn the.olle balld, was bQjon illto. tbe deepest of poverty alld hardsbJp; and

Washlllgloll, on tbe olher. was born of.Wjlalthy parellts, allcestors of nobilit~ ­and· Washlllgton. became tbe WealthiestAmerican of bls tiine, .

President Reaga" said tbatfrom Olleside or the s\atl1e in the Llncolll Memorialyou' could see all expression of strengthand courage, and from the othet side kind-ness and compassion. .

"To know the greatness of America wepeed only look at the life of Abraham Lin·, .«:oln," said President Reagall.: Here In LIncoln County the spirit and thememory Of "Honest Abe" bas a s~lal .meall1ng. . ..

: TIrestate jllStbarely missed belllg Called"LIncoln". And a largeC9unty, comprisillgooe Courth. of the state, was the 0l'ig11l81JJncoin County, il1 aize tile equal of thestate of IndlaIl8. later divided up il110&.even preseJit-dity cOlinties. . . ..·'.New~WlIJ~llil"'a"iW'l!"'.ar~4Jn.Iioi-'~1n'.-6\IO~tl- yOlil:'clUJd Itlltd1yfind a .

_ place where the Ideal, "all mM arecreated equal" is more JlllrfecUy lived .from day 10 day,

. . "Mol1,iCiy,FEibruary 2i,: 1983"~ RUido~~ (N,M:)N~~$ ""- PaSl<l1Robbery." . .,.LEGALNOTICE '. '. ::;tEGALNQTICE· ,.• . ,...... .'. .. . . . '. ·PUll1>IIlN01ICE .... .. ' .

. . .' .".' ',.--: . ..' AIl:YER'l'ISE.IolIi:NT.l!01ll!.11lI! 'I'hoPlannl••••dZO.I.g .C.mrnl"I•• or''s'u'sp'.'0efs''.' ,. .a..1.d bl& wni~ tllI'etyM byl!f<l Co\Il1ly M•••ge, p~ n.ldoi><!. wUl I10ld • ~II. IltOri.g pllt4'''''atdorly"< • ..... . v .' '. .' thoLi.,:"ln G\l..ty COlU'lI1~t ,C."JiO"'WIIW M""rll".?' ~='A'l=l~~~~I.e ~.W~:." ;. " ./. . ,,' " •.:. " ' ••III1',!JO ".M.. I'!!.rclll. ~,l.r Ih~ jlI!I1>M.. • ..e'l'llt J'lIbJle :H!!i,h,gwnl hel.rlhep.~ ."....I.g. ... ":

. " . . r.uuw/lig, " " ',' ·'·P"'~ti~ lAIaOX.~llAla1~l4lrull\!l't I<>COlIWIa ;....-. 'h'·t . .. ...., ..M ~·bl. vordoCJ,lpo •.'. ' "I"IUrulll C'" COl, V~JfelghIMS.bdiYI.I... .' '

soug ..'.' .'~,,: ..I••j=9:~lJl<!wJlh;~(I"UQ!\.rn'Ybd.ilIaI.MbY *if:~ki:~~:::~~:;",rnJ"lnn. ." ". . .. ' .... . "Uiolltl1O~Wlty1ofa••ge,.• om·r(~Fl. ,....' .~1':l6'lHH2)21 .. :'.' .... . :.o' . '. ..,. W....JiIl;oQ.lireserV.. tho·ilg~l·t••cocpl ... ,oj..t.1I G'A'L' NOT'I'CEo

'Area law enforcement oflicel'llar~look- '. \11I' .nY·P\lrt.oIlmybJd,wol.O mi••, le¢lJoI••lll1eslll1d LE.·.· . . .il1gfl)r tI1retl'ltIale~Wl~tlI ill ,coim~tioll :pw.~d, I.~e bid. 10~l ,""!'p.Ih.IoI....'.lI-I•••InC<AA1· . • .... . '.' . . . • .

'.•wI.·tIl.all llr.lllell rob~"". ,tlia.t oc.. curr.ell on Iy, • ,nA'l'lilllFNlIlWloIE1UCO '~:COUmyoF1>!NcOtN'" " . . .....'. .' . INTHEDISTmCTCoURT '"• ..' ,..' T . ti,e Skrnunlwac.l early S"tlitdaY," . . "MI'$.SUZANNIilCOX· OFTHE'l'WELF'l'HJllDlclAr.D1S'rR!C'l' .it.~ :.y..... ':;', ....:; '.', '.: :'" '\'., ",: ... '.,' '. '.::' ....' . . > .. ' ". ,·.Accordillg 10 ~Ru(dllsoliolice rePllrt, ',' OOUNTI'.MI\N"GER liOLllJ(D1ANNIilVol&UI\RDSENRE.EP, . I

~i;"OJl~ .;.'l~OI'W$ :,0"" :~f th~ attlcs..~f't.lir~e,riQI1, .'r~qejved~~ten$ive dama,ge. The ceili'ng. collcip~ed on the three l11ep, illiw!tb sboulder,lengtb . 'Leg.INIIIIIS, II 12)21 . ". .. . ·p.~~.e"..· l~~,.j:l,om.Ipl..U!ll,1l11 ,ts. .ot A.spen RUI), Cond\lmlnllJms Sot.u,rd.Q'! . ~ several, .flrllme.ll.', but they were all. ch.rotected by . bIllr,sloppild Illnoto.!ist al Mile Markcr 5 . "." . 'TEIlRY1oIICIJ>\IilL!\ElJ;lP;' . ) .:.. .... 'rh d ".. l:'Oll tbe Ski RUll Roa<!,bel<! biltl Up al gun- ; ·LEGAL NOTICE '!teoPQ<ld""L l '.!~i·:"",~er~opn.: I, ~ ~n' unit; liiJlrlber'2~,'Clllight .onfJre in,'· helmets and, were uninjured. The fire deparfn:'Jen! als~ 'POI,lIt "lid slolc'biHvallet. .... ' N... DR'~13. .(1;:Jh~;l<'tl:~,en-OJ.1d·thll.$ll1pke was dr.(lWf).:tl:irou~hthe at, .. was called out, t() a fire that damaged a condolJ}lnium '. . .Tile illcldellt occUITC<l abQl1t 2:30 ".m, " . . Dlv:l, SUNMONsANDNO'I'ICE~..·"ttj:s' of, ,three ,units;· Th.II RuJ.doso'Volunfeer .. , Ilt Pin"cliff Village, eveninn.N.0 further' " Tbe sus~ts were rl'POrtedl)' drlvjllg a . VIL1>AQEOF"UIOQsoN.OTjCE " OFPI£NPJ;lNCVOl"PROCEEDIN~S

" " P browli pickUp witb an utl.1i~ybed. N" olber •. ~klCE1~'lJER.EBV(lIVENu,.,tlh."'~""""ll Body THIi: S;WI'Iil OF NEW Ml!;XlllO t. tho .bove """,00 ..~~ ,Flt!LDepartment confined. the fire to unit 25, which 'information on that fire was Qvailable at presi;tim~. '. illforl11atio" was av"ilabJe;~' ,0 .r ,,",\Uldooc>•.New 1oI~.1••, win; .. lbe ·ilOspoild<n!: •. · ....'... . <.' •

~:-~":_';l;:".:~.;'.,. ::.<.. :,.# ',' ~,.' ' ' .. " ',_" ,', c.",',>, ," ..~ ;, '.t"~ "'-'>',,~.:' .o' -•• :.": ••.,~~.:,••.;, ~ ·.;::.~ -7,~ : :..' ~ -~~a:t'tt~~~~~~~;,;::v~r::I:I~~ Gpr.·.u.?i~~.·~,:~R.·'_~!.~~~~~P~::sI~~t:=~~.~~,;'···:,'"~::>:*.:t:-:.:$::::~$'!:?:;r.;$;.}:.;.r-;.::i~::~~:~:.:.:.:.:-:.:..:.:.:.;.~.:..:.-:.:.:.:.:.:.:::.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:~.:.:.:*:.~:~.:~.:.:#r.,: •.•:- !N•••••••!o••~.':t:~:.;::::.:::.:;:..:~.:::-:.:;;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:::.:.:.:.:.~;:.:.:.:::::::::.;.:::::.:::.::::;.:::.::::::::~:;.;::.:.;:;.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:«o:o:o:o:;.;.:.:.:.;.:.;::.;.;.;.:.;.;.:.;.:.;.;.:.f-: ;.;:: :•••••••••:.:.,~,••••••••••••,.. .New MeJl:feo)' ~ll;l' : publl~ healing t'9nr:eml.flg .the the'~ve entlUed'ewrl"and Cause, the:9bj~l therefore

,~E; Th"fl"~ "'··8"~"e''1'm·····:e'"'r'".;." .......~~~.~~~~~~~o~·~I~;~':;':~;:;;~~~e' it: .,.~~~.;~~ ·~;n~0;II'spovert1dl.d "ot kee~ '.' Wllsbillgton;born ~ith~rophetiC vision, ., ~~~:.p~p~r;'""'I~!~~1~~~. :.'~..". ;"p'::",,{:,8!~~~t~~~W·AtmFIJ;lD.Ih't,Wl1"'· you"'.. ' th fl" tl d God" b' f .. 10"· ftb '-t left 'd_I' 't· ~ .. "'" ~ serve'am'-file'atespo~iy~pl~'dlnS~'moli«m1nsal~~.. \;" ,,",' , . ',;.: " L .,e ;,a~, .o~~na on,.~n er . eo~es' ,1m ro~rlsmg J.I'l;Oonep, egr~,.....~,:. _, ..U$manygUl~l)1e,sasanaJPnlamong tr,nsreroflocatJonlsSarewwSlorestlnc.,aMaryhm4 Caus~onorberorelhe.29thd8Yof'Mal'ch,l~,JlIdgml:~~v~'.' . tfol11 L,nCO!lI'S Qettysbl1rg addres~:' . mell ill blslory;, alld WashmglOll's wealtb wbICb .is:.', . ' ••rporsu••• Tll. II I, Uyl ted Grl.g., will be ioode,ed ,g.ins' y•• In 'oId.Couse by der••It.iii' . . ." BV" . ." i .... tbllt (bis Nlition .UlIder God sballdid not keep him frol11 droppillg "U .the . "Ill.God we trtist." ~r;;I~:-~·~J:-~~t,,:;::1; ':i.f.=.;~~ . P.IIU...,', .I ey IS KJ.lU;NL. PARSom;, wh...t: DANJIIJEl smnM,' .' bave a new .birtb of freedom, .md.· tbat comfllrt~.of. bis vast estate, tt? !live all or A.nd George W8.!lhill~lolI· wlU. ever re- MOObern Ilri... HuI_•. Npw lIIesioo,' '. ,Post Offi.. ed\li to 11•• ·IQ\lO.1I\I1~.... ,:N.\YM.ld~>.;.....--......_-""':'--.,.....:..;...--......_. governmellt of the PCQplc, by the JlllOplC, .himself mlo the 1911g alld difficult task of' mam "First In War; FlrsLin Peace; and DONE .t Ruidoso; New M..I,. Ihl,nlh d,y or "'w.~ my bo.d ••d ,••t· or in. DI>I<I.I C.url.1 .

for tbe people, shall 1I0t Jlllrisb. from tbe bl'illgltig our lIalimi jnlo being. ". Fil'llt. in the Heartlj of His Countrymell."· Februsr»,llIl13, . LI•••I. ~"'Y, Stot••1 New Mexi••• Ibi, 9tb day .1 .earth." ".' . Lincoln was born a rarmer alld '. VjLL,I,GEOFRUJDOSO Februsry,llIl13. IsfMAIIGOLlNDSAY

• rn~ined one by necessity; .while . lty/sl.LeonEggleston "..: ..•. Clerkortbe:Di$triclCol,(rtWashington, also born a farmer, remained' LEGA.L N...' OTIOE. Leg•.,...2 _2', (2114, 21 _, . ~1I1'geClerk' Lln••I. C'Wllji,Newlol..l~olle from choice -. as far as his tremen- ~. Legsl.~ . 4t • '21 14. ", ""il 7 . . .dousrespollSi\1ilities III the Military alld . •the Pr.esldellcy,.wQUld . .' .' _._ .. S'l:"TJ;lOFNEWMI!;lIICO OOUNTYOFLlNCOUl ,

r" .. ' INTHE DISTRICT COURT .All the out of .doors alld all of.rurallife OFTIIE:'l'WELF'l'HJUDlCI"LDISTRlcr

was dear to tbe beart of Wasbillgton, alld INTIIE:/MTTER OF THE PETITION ,bOrses..were bls pride, and J'oy. A giant, six OFDEBM LYNN BRV"NT LOPEZ FORC""NGE OF,NAME.foot fOl1r, with masSive muscles 10 match, N•. CV.In-be was an eXJlllrt at gelltlillg the wildest LEG,,~~imCEborses, by gellUeness alld paliellce. C""NGE OF NAME. .

He was also a great lover of trees, lIur- NOTICE IS HEIlE:BV GIVEN'...·el..k".M.turillg the native trees alld Imporling .. .the 2nd <loy or M.,oh, I~, at tl10 DiStrl.1 ~urt I•

kl d f tr • b b n ' .Carrizozo) Lincoln (;oun\y, New Mexico, the undersigned .every n 0 ee, VIne, US. or owermg wU1 file _PeUtlt;m to cbang4t h\!r name 'rolQ Debra Lynn "".sbrtib from all over the world so as to bave Bry••! WI'<!' 10 Deb,. l;y..fB07.n': .as wide.a variety of plallt life On bis estate D"TED Ihls 171h <loy .1 Feb....."'. "".sl'ble. . I./DEBMLYNNBRY"NTLOPEZ

1"...... Legal 12636 ~ 2t ~ (2) 21, 28

. .



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~t=lM r:rl"!~·.....~3 69~

199 ::::A.titfE. ~2· 794 -~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii""~~-

CAPRI . SCOPE~.FOAMING .;:......£~ ~~.o .. _" . .

B.ATH·,OIL 4001. . , 9 LIVIS TUNA 3'

OltIEN1AUPICI, . . . . YICKSIN,' SAUCE •..• ,; i' ,

. ' ,CITRUS "'0'R·M.···U······l··.A·. D.E..L,' ·M.·O·.N·',·.I.· .-, j' HERBAL.. .~ 28 OZ.

--.....~ ... FORMUlA. COUGH . NS 160%.'. '•. " ..-. -.D'. MixtURE • • • • • • '. . .. ...• ': .... '

143 . ~~. "1'79' POLLARD'S .. ' : , " .. , e:"'...... '. .. . "'M'ILK' .' ", Y* GALLON.' , ..,.. - '..'.' . hom*oGENIZED .' .. .' ,. ~- .

'. . 3 OZ. '. ..' • • • '. ,'11 • • '-,. • • It. . :, '" ._~"'. _ -of-- '. • • •



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':i¥:INYLWALL . . GIBSONCOY,ERING '(,.8' r .PAINT' . ..

. .''''"TEAIOFI .~ " ONfGROUP

, \&~ . ':r~~ OF DISCONTINUED -',~.,~ L..~r;rr COLORS .

. - ...... ~. HOUSE PAINT'....... WALL PAINT




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'DEODORIZER .', 0 ' '. .AssoItnD ' IJ8i1 .FR~~~NT .

FUGANCES ' .' '"=,,":'.J::;t" .. 0E00CllWIf -

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: .


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.,'. >

You know yoU'reIlving In Ruidoso wherl


...Your good looks are ilJIough In let yoU

write a check some. places, while others.want a thumbprint In blood.

Yo1ll' honse Is for sale.'The status mode of transportation is the'

Jeep Wagol\eerWith fake wood trim, andthe "people's car" Is the Subllru stationwagorl.

You knoW you're llvingln }{uldOSP when...One personabdicates as champloilletter

to theedllnr writer, and others appear tocontend for thetlUe. . '

YOI! (orget it's notWIse to drlvefastleav­ing the post officeparkfug lot. ,

First yOIt geta dog, then you Wlll\der bow •In get the truck for him t!I ride around Inthe baCk of. . .

.. Youkrlow ;yoU're living 'In Ruldoso whilJl

YOU know you're living In Ruldoso when...You can go jPgglng and relish the fact

that you're Inhaling deeply pf clean. air.You can. go In a smOKe-filled village

council meetingand wish YOU wereout jog­ging instead.

You see the same people's picture In thepaper over and over. (Smile, Richard.)

slonalislll lluit would dO anY department.ptolld, but IIll members areona first-namebasis with everyone. . '. .

Your paper girl (Carroll Miller) drivesher route· In ajeep,and getaThe News toreaders whatever the weather.

U' . • " ,. Yciukeep waiting (or'gasoline prices to

follow the nallolllli trend and go down ,..and willt\ng ••.; and walUng ....

liivety'onesupports the·high $cbool.f(lOt,bali teal1'l, 'ande'lletyil\ie IllIiores the highschool basketball teams. .

. People send slnl!lng val~iltlnes In frielldswhose unlVeniity they want to put dOWn.

We1I, I'm s1ll'e ~o~ can think o( others. ItyClIl do, please (eel(i'ee lo send me a letterwith y01ll' own ''YOIlknows.' . .. In :clOil/!g, letmlf al!llin borl'OW fromtlaVli:Norilitrlnd wM.wrole "YOU knowliOU're IiYinI! In '.At~ <ll.U1dlH!O)when you'u p81'fectty"satlstllid ltalylng

.!'lght where )'0Ii1\,l'fj (or yeani to ~ollle. .R • • •



. .


Tim Palmer


Of course, the question' arises .whether lodgers; taxrevenue, which ostensibly mUllt b/ill used to promotetourism, could be applied toward the establlshm/illntof a crud foundation,

And mare, importantly, perhaps this yukklest farmof human suffering would be alleviated.-"-TP (crudvictim)

"Crud'i .isd/illfinedby WebstElr'~ Third New Interna­tianql Dlctlon(irYas "a usually III-defined or im-perfeet!y iden!ifi~d bodily'disard~r." .

The' latest wave of thi$ malady ha$ decimated entireoffices, filled doctors' waiting roams to overflow>ing, and left those who havethu$ far e$capedwandering, "Will I be next?"

.If the foundation became world-renowned.however, l.t would generate' a lot ofpublicity for Ruidoso. Doctors would flock here to'join tlie vanguard of crud research. bringing theirgolf clubs and American Express Gold ,Cards•


.Th/ills\Jggestian? E$tabli$h a foundation to in-.vestigatec;auses of and cures for "the Rulc;losocrud;" . .. .,

-" " ~ .

:We hav~.a nelli/and. '~/ill think, innovative sugges-.ticln for the us!!!)f the$52,OOO;and same odc.! dollarsIn lodgers' fax revenue c:l.lrrentlygathering Interest

, " . " .. . ' ,

and dust in .'ertlflccit.s.o~ Dep.pslt, .'.

. ' '.

. .••o...~·.· ·-:.:.:.:-:.:.:-:.~:-:-!o:-:-:-:~:.:.>:.:.:!:.:.:o:.:.:.:.:.;.:o: ..:-:..:.:-:-:.:.»:.:o:.:«-:-:-:-:-:.:-:-:~.:.;:.::~::;::::f.:::;:::::"$~::::;::::::::::::=:::::::::'::::::::::"-:::::::::::::::::'.;•••.-••••••" -.-..-• .-#""..-• ..- ..-•• .- ..-.0.-•••••••••••••.•••• ..- ;.:. , .


Dave Nordslrand of The AlbuquerqueTribune did a column recently on thethtlll\e, "You know you're llvlng In Albu­querque when .....Forme~residents of the Duke City-like

me-and others fam\llllr with our state'slargest city would rmd a lot In chuckleabout and say "amen" to In Nordstrand'spiece. For example:

"You know YOU're living In Albuquerquewhen... .

You can hit the golf or tennis ball until 10.a.m. and be skllng by 1 p.m.

You're third in line at a stop sign behindtwo tumbleweeds the size of la-wheelers.

You can't eat.a hamburger or pizza·UnIess they have a heap of greencblll onthem. You know you'r~ living in Ruidoso when

You understand 'The Pit' is not the best In iakeyour oul-of-town relatives for No one sta~mad at anyone for too long.barbecue ribs." No one has seen the latest movies people

interestingly, the item Dave chose to' everywbere else are la1klng about.lead off with applies to Ruidoso better than . No one is sure whether those moviesit does In A1buquerque-"You know... have ptayed here and left, or not.When 'Formal attire' means putting onpressed jeans and polished cowboy boots." You know you're living In Ruldoso when

But! think Mr. Nordstrand did a fme job ...of capturing the essence of Albuquerque, You neverlail'tll be awed by the sight ofBnd he inspired me to attempt a similar Sierra Blanca, dominating tile skyline..list for Ruidoso. So here goes. You have favorite trees around Inwn

You k,now you're JIving In Ruldoso when that you always make it a point In lQOk atas you walk or drive by.

Once In a while you look around you andthink, "Wow, t live in the mountains.'"

...You drive along the main street with no

idea where the center stripe or lane grates on your ear to hear someone

pronounce the name of your InWn, "Ree­uh-dosa.... .

YOI! can't go In the post office, banIt orgrocery slnre without bumping Inln one orseveral people you know,

., You know you're living In Ruidoso wheil."

You can g!l. trout fishing before work,after work or at lunchtime. In the moun­tain stream that runs throUgh town or themountain lake thnt Is the village watersupply. . .

The "spring thaw" happens five or sixtimes In one Winter, makingIt a hoPeless

.propo.sltlon to try In keep your car cleail.SchoolchUdrlln can take an afternoon

every week and go skiing,

YOU know yoti'~ living In Ruidoso wlim:,1110 • ••

.YOU lll'Umble about Texas drivCrs when• one mak!!S a dlllhb l1'Iove In traffic, then·

notice the offending vehicle has New Mex-Icaplatcs.. .

YOIl spend the latter patt of iJUI!lrnerwaiting for ta~lng season to hurry up.ndend, then notice kind of an empty feelingwhen It does. .

You get phpne caJls from relatives orvaguety remelPbeted famtly friends thatstart,. "We were paislhgthrbugh town andthought we'd give you a call."

. . You kilow YO\l,'te ilvln~ III RUlcfuso whilJl .HI , •

'\(Olt CAiI !jj4vll'Y61ll' bOuse .tCl minutesbatore youhllve to be: llomewhereandmake \t With tll1'Ie'to spare. ..The polite force d~plaYi 11 .prof~-



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• j • ,.':'-'"-

'Clipped ·comment .

.. '


SUBSCRiPtiON RAnS .IN ADVANCESingle copY,25c; Single Copy by Mall, liOC;'6 months outof County,

$20; withi'! County, $1$; 1 year out of County, $22; within County; .$20;Home D.e!ivery, $2.!iO per month. . .

The R.uidoso News reservesth.e right to reject advertising and editcopy thai it considers objectionable'. Liability for any error in adver­tising shall not exceed th~ v:a1ue of the actl;ll\l space ill whic~ the error' .occurs and shall be satisfIed by correcbon in the next Issue.9all257-4001 for Home Delivery.

,j ••

Have A Great Getaway EveningAt The Mon deau Lounge

In The Ruidoso Inlll


"Rock And Roll Legend ofThe S.."thwe.....; .(played With DB King)

2 Shows Nlg~tly'.. .PlayiilgEtfel'YTu..davand Wed....dily ,'. thl'oughMill'Ch 30. . .

GuitarAuc»batlc:s /RoekDance Revival'. " " > - ............... •

• " • , j -

c. . . ". , ,USPSNo.. 47280 ; . . . . 'Publlshe4 e!\~h..Moridayaild,Thursday by Ruidoso News, Inc., J.

.. Kenneth Green,'PrjlSjdellll'Wlllter L. Green, Vice PrC$i4ent, at 1?12'. . SUdderth Drive, and entered as'second class matter at Ihe postOffice

at RUld(Jll..9JN.M. 8lI315. . '. . . .' ... Ken ;lnd ~ry Green :. " ,. _ " ~ubhshers

Rollllnd·Ramns , : , ,.; , : ..Busme~sMgr.." Tim ~~lJ;ller. :,,' 1' ••.• _: •• ; •••. ; ' ", •.•••• ': • Editor

Carmen Edwards , Advertls!ngMgr.Joyce Woodard ' ' .. Composing Mgr.


STOPI STOPl No more cat attacks, pu­leeze. The Leader has been besieged withthe Heathcliff VB. Garfield debate. Wemade a bad mistake starting a cat right,and It has raged out of control for rivedays.

We thoUghl that this would be a goodway to make an editorial declslon withdirect reader Involvement. Really. whocould imagine anything more clvllli.edthan a ballot taken ,on which Is the mOltpopular can·Alter all, the electoral pro­~eS$ Is the way we tty In run things In thIscountry,

But we never guessed the emotional In·


'., '


D ,

, '



'r }


. "

. , ,.' , -', , '.. J: ' .. ,,"




.Thursday' """!'

"HUR'" ME BIGTIME"·Shc»otel'S.nd FizZ Bomb.,-$1.QO

. 9 PID to 11 pm ..



.,augbt By Glen BalTOw And 'alD Peny .8eginningFebntary 6 -FrOIll 5:30 p.m••' p.m•.8andSta~At,7p.lD.'

",', ,






EatYour Heart Out,Der~iene..chniueISiyle

SOc H~tDogs And AllT~eFixings!',C,l;, ...~e· ~/• .I_ ~~..

.......~ • C.V 909 .bo .'"q '<10 .~t

.~·"dJ ~o 25cD..aftBeer~ ~Pitchen"- $1.507 p.m••11:30 p.m.

, ',-;'.


..- ~..

',.~ .':,' .. '

,.'. . .',' ,


. '.

At first glance Itlooks like a truly of(1.cialIRS tax form. Then you begin to read It.

The linea are forming at the Income tax There are only two places In which In writeJln'IIDren' oIfil:elj. A new form, llIbJed a~ figures. One of them follows the Il!'Iulry,"Simplified lIMO," is beln" paS$ed atollnd "H'ow mucb money aid' yoU maKe last·

o year1" .town, and Is getting a few chuckles and The other blank follows. the Instructton,some meaningful groans.llob Brody hand-ed one In In us, and we have seen several "SendIt In.'' -llop Graham, Lovingtonothers. . ' Dally Leader ..,.. , ~~

II • AnENTIONI" ,~ .'"' III '~ WRITERS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS .- II 'rite Ruido.o New. wlll colUllder for publication artlde. and II p\otograplt. of tOCClI and area Interest. For style and payment i!II gvldelinu contact Barby Grant or nm Palmer at 257-4001.1I til. Ruido.o NeWI ClCcept. no re.ponslbility for material illI ....iffed. All material i. .ubject to editIng at th.e cIt.cretlon .i!~ of the!A. of(

l.~ideTh~ •e,~pitp,., .f·· .' '. ,,-.: '_ . : ' '",. . ' "

.,"'.',:: bY·Fr8.d,MCCaffreY-; "-.' ". ~"

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... ' _,' '. :~" __ " ,_' _ '_.:_ @. '" _ I ,-1.---",'·~·~SAmA n:"'''u ypudo!\'t· have the .. people.· ..' . . ...,~:VlltellllefC)te the benrlng begins, don'level' . So th."re is, here "sOm~thing'or· tile at··:.botlWi'gPingbefpre the committee.... . rnosphere pf a~lub -' an outgolng,;!,er~.... That's the kind of wisdolDYOU can hear' fusiveness; a sense or being Insiders; who'": espl)USeQ any day' in the Bull Ring, Santa recognize pne another lind pne another's .

... Fe' eating and drinking establishlDent next Interents;' a way pf belonging. ., door to the State Capitol: All that helps' to create a warm at-

The pla~e is so popular with plIlIllcians mosphere, aU year round.' ..and th~e'wbodeal with Pl'llliclanS that Its . Do big deals get cut here, as is sometime

: 'DOme has become \Ilmost generic, as In the rumored? .' .-: plJrase, Ab, that's .0nlYII Bull :Rlng.type Maybe ·so. Maybe not. .' •. .rumpr · . . . \I<luch C)f the conversation seems to have: Wl1y does one place become exceptional. as m!lch·tn do wilhpas~ pollttcal tri"mphs~. Iy popular with ol}e group of people, while as.Wlth present ones. .

others, .equally atlra~t1ve,· never draw At the table next to you, when somebody.. quite the same type of trade? ' talks about House Joint Resolution 8, he's.. Well, there's the location, of course. Be- as liable to be talking about the measure

iog the Clrst pillce up. the streetCrom the with that design.atlol1 back In the llr/8 seS'Roundhouse at which food and drink nre slon as the one so described this year.available doesil't hurt. . There's a lot of "Remember when ...?"

. . . going on here.Sut that'doesn't a.ccnunt for everything n has been suggested that the ladies who

either.. . .cpnductInurists and other visitors through·'To attract·certain people, you need a .the Roundhouse,. giving, their genUe lec- .

certain ambiance. .' tures as they roll along, should add the'1'hat this plac!' must have, which is why Bull Ring In the InUI'. .

' you can look around oit any glven day and Not to see this place, some claim', is not ':':'>:':':0:':':':':':':0:0:-:0;':':':':':':':':';':-:':':':':':~:':~:':':':~:':';':':'::~':':':':':9:':':-:':':.:.:.:~:.:::.:::::::::!:::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::

.' see Jlot only state employees by the score In understand the way New Mexicobul also those'fr:om organiza(lons like !h.e Politics Is pra~ticed, ..Municipal League, the Retail Assoclabon A regular reader of this column inand the 011 and Gas AssociaUon, as well as southern new Mexico, up here on officialother lobbYists and favpr-seekers or all business last week, confessed she Is oftenkinds. . • disturbed by some of the things she reads

Yes, there are ordinary people too - here. . "cltizeils from all overthe state and tourists Vexation seemed to be the feeling she CLONED' CALVES BRING $$' volvement this would trigger. You have.

. aswell. was describing. '. never heard such outbursts of Indignation.But the atmosphere is deClnltely "NoW why does he say thai?" sheadmits . ' nor seen such rlstshaklng as we have been

plIlltical. has often been her reaction. A pair of unborn calves, "cloned" at Col- exposed to. The 124 written ballots we got .U toJl(lme that sounds forbidding, It Isn't Now all that's changed. She has been. orado State University, recently brought on the subject are only part ot the slnry. It

really. One of the things about those who here and watched hoW things work. Now, $47,000 lit a Kentucky cattle auction. The was that tide ofemotion on the subject thattake up polltlcslla a full· or part-time pro- she says she knows why the writer says calves, to be born next year, were bought 'bowled us over, and we got illn person andfeS$lon Is that ibey normally are people the thingS he does. by Claus von,Franzius of ~hwar~creek, on the telephone. . .wbo like other people, You couldn't do the And part of her visit was an experience Michigan, during a sale In Kentucky. A Well, you will want the results, whetherthings such jolls require, unless you like of the Bull Ring. doctor who helped develop the cloning pro- you li!<e them or not, so there they are: ...

,y •• ··: ~· v.·:O,..:..!>·..••.. ,...,· ~ ·:::x ·..·· ·.· ·.". »· ~- "·'o·•.•••?';"'.~.o••••,,., ••••••••.. ·.··'.·.·0'.0 •• 0·.· • • cess, commented. on this first sale of its Heathcliff _ 67 .

--ciPpedcommeiii--- i~~;g~~ c;:.:=="""'_·In the laboratory and then they will be . Thereisaspeciousandself.servingaurashipped to Kentucky and the calves will be about the official Sovlel claim that aborn there..... N; M,' Cattle Growers "preplanned operatlon" accounta forNewsletter peculiar shifts In Its Cosmos 1402's orbit.

The greater IlkeJlhood is 'tbat thenuclear-powered military reconnaissancesatellite's erratic behavior portends acrash. _

TIJIs, Is the position first taken by ourgoveJ'll!llent 'on the basis of o~rvl\tlonsby theNorlhAmerican AerospaceDefenseCommand. InItial Norad information wasfollowed by reports that the satellite con·tinued on a course Indicatillg it would hitthe atmosphereand break up by the end ofthe month. For the time being that re­mains the offictal view,o There Is cold comfort In the Soviet In·sistence (untU something happens In hearIt out) that Cosmos 1402 Is okay. Even If Itis, the episode stamls as a reminder that ahan on nucleat-poweted satellites, firstproposed by President Carter after asimilar episode in 1978,is Inorder.-Alamogordo Dally News

,F AI {Jj!¥.'JP: .•W';4JL#iiQ:+.'JI#\;itMiRM""IW"'*'.:m '".f~ .Wpi,..... M"I......_'....... M' .. """""M i.,d- .... J,.,....,.,.........-.....~ ..... """~ JII!I'I""",," "I!""'.,.... '1Il"!! .....,-,.,-' 'W- ~." , "'. '-. -' . '. '- ..". - ,'; -,,,". .. ---

o· or ~ __ _ _. _--~..-. _ ••-...... __ --. ... __ •...,..-&#039; .... ....- ....... ,... &#039;" - [PDF Document] (12)









"THIS PART OF ,NEW MEXICO Is famous for its cold chile.


.' ;


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", ".'.'

,",v4 ..;;;pr," ~ft);. ."


presi~ent" Richard Sandoval (left) (Ind Police Chief..' Dick Swenor, Crime Stoppers is holding its first f.und'raiser party Thursday at Jerry Dole's. '

•, . '.

4'." :

". '


, ,


:~Q9i. 2, - Ruid~$O'N.M.) Ne~!i Mcmdoy I FltbtuQ~~21,"983" ". '

A PROClAMATION declaring FebrllOry 24 Crime Stop·pers Day.was signed by Ruidoso Moyor George White

, (center) in the presence of Crime Stoppers board

.' ~- ..

.~ -.....

. .

'. '.., ", , ,-'. ..'".r,~ ~ t", .'_" ~ "" •• ! At', 'Q


The Cousins' Co_plex'Ccnu...• auta•••t

1l.ICf_O. ow..,a._tJOo,.......m••",I1..,."".",

·th'EAKS(in_t t), '11lOUre- frW) .•

·S£AFOODCa...... Ioo••_ • ..r.)'CHlC:KElC (Jokcae., teul.""'. _ ........WW)'HOMDIA1H! 1IIIEADll. DESSEIh'S

K.u.v'_.Nat To ..... Rea,.......

'1iAI'PY IIOUll-E_D8II.4~"we. wI1Jo..e ..-aka.-. fI Ida..


S .....NodIaOa ..

Shop classified in the RUid9~o News 257-4001




·1'.It••,I-. ,


,," .

The WIPP' sile near Carlsbad waschosen for the radioaclivl' waste disposalpilOI project because of Ihe lteological

"We ean'l Igoore thc, problem. Thl'waste is alreadY wllh 11.<. lind we have 10develop suitable nuclear waste dispnsalsiles now,or possibly face fulure pollutionproblems gl'euter Ihan Iht' loxi" waslt' pro­blems at Love Canal."

Come Join OurI Altitude Adjustment Hour

EVERY·DAYUnwiad From 5:'30 p.m.-6:30 p.m.

(nOur Lobby BarIn Front OfOurRoaringFkep~ceAndE~OY

Margadta.;.. $1.50Hot Prink ofThe Pay - $1.50

'CompUmenta." Hors d'oeuvres •••


Playing Nightly 10 The Lobby.5:00,p.ID.-8:30 p ....."

I....AdaLo.....eDandn. Nightly .

Beginning_tStSONo Cover elialV. '.

Anderson bopes his research on radioac­tive waste. which is applicable to IheWIPP project. will not only help solve lheproblems of disposal. bul will also provide


'Carlsbad ,site idealfor nuclear waste ~torage,UNMprofess9r says. - '.' ~- ... . . ." " . .-

. The dry salt bed near Carlsbad, serec!ed factt!0l infqrmalion uSeful in Ihe l'urrenl charaelerisliCll of ·Ihe area, A 2.\lOMoot uranium aId plut\IDlum, requires exlreme lime," . 0l1l' present _eplusl deslphn lheadd-as the slle for WIPP. the Waste IsoJallon ongoing nuclear debate. zone of bedded sall/fes ',1100 feel be,ow Ihe' caution and inlel1$lve reseaFCh, 'Anderson Is involved with Sandia Na. 'ed protection qf clay and salt lStlIatllllllhePilol Project, is one of Ihe safesl places on surface of Ihe earlh at t..... sile.~WIPP . , ' Ilonal Laboratories In research to develop radioactive waste. We oolleve lito be Iheea~th t~ store nucle,!r waste, says a ""m inlerested in Ihe Slife disposlli of 'stora~e chamoors are bei~g excavaled in , "Abo~e-gi'ound.disposal i!, sloral\~ lbe optimum conl/llnmenl system for high. optimum radioacUve waste .toras~UllIverslty of New MexICO professor. radioactive waste overlh" nexl 1lI,IMH) the mIddle of this salt formallon.lnsu/aled drums IS not SUItable for thIS waste. level radioactive waste. The container syslem that will prevent radlOllUC/1deS

years." Anderson said. "I'm nol Involvl'd by I 0\l0 feel or sail on both sides. Thisbed' Anderson Said. "The drums will des'an ~·I" I d'ed' I Is f I' •• from escaping into the environment."in the nuclear energy dehute. and r'm nol . ded ~ll remains from Ihe lime 40Q mllli01:l dlslntl'grute over timl'. and the rlllIiCll'cliv,' COIIiai~;; ~~ciC:ed IIIc~m:i':anl~ma Ji:,;;j .Irying 10 shove lInylhing down Ihe puhlic's . y,'''''' Jigo Wlll'n N,'w· M"xico WlIS ""wr<~ conlents c:ould leach.oul In!o Ihe environ· .canister. A third layer of protection Is a .Computer simulaliOlf wiD be ll$edlnIhroat. But whelher Ihl' puhlic likes the . inland sea. As Ihe eurlh ehanlted and ment. That's Why disposal sites like WIPP benlonite clay ml~lurewhich swells when \he sarety analysiS sandia - 10 studylde'a ot nuclear energy or nol, Ihe f'wl Is Ihe sea moved, -Ihis sail bed dried up and are Imperative for the environmenlalllllfe- in conlacl with waler. the long·term erreel or radiO!lc,t1vethat in this co\lnlry Wt' 1Ilr"ady huvl''' was'covered wilh layers ot soil. Iy offuture generations," disposal•• Researehers will build •great deaf or radloactlvt' w"ste. slort'l1 in " . , "If these containment- systems were ml!\hematical modtl, meas~ pertinenttemporary' surface·levt'l' slor"lle .lIt'S.' "WIPP is slrictly a Permanent sloralle AllbouglJ hift/J·/cvel radillllctive waste burled In a salt bed similar to \he WIPP properties with sborHllmI experirnenta.These.siteS are much Il'Ss suilable - ,,"dllile for conlael and .remole.handled won't be slored at WIPP. experimenls in· slleand waler somebow migrated through tion. and \hen the computer wllI.lmulaleless safe - over the lonll lerm ninn radioactive waste resulling from defense, volving such malerlalswlll 00 conducll'd lbe sail barrier. II would Orst conlact the whal wl1l happen over a long period oftil...,. '" .... ,•• loc','''''' '1l"r.·'·I'rnlln<l activities. These types of waste emil a low there. Onegoal of WIPP Is 10 sludy tho ef· clay barrier, The oontonlte clay would time.

level of radiation," Anderson 5<'1ld. feci or hlgh·level radioactive waste on Ihe swell and Conn anot.....r,shield for the &_.._-- Is hIa h IhIabo h sail beds. . I I '"""" ~w'c 1'e$4!lll"C on"Neither reactor cores nor nucleur m s can sIers. prevent ng waler from entering storage sf'tem will be complete In ~.

are going 10 bedumped In WIPP. II litel'"l· "APparently \here is public collcern the canisters." Anderson said, .1990s. "Wfil're Wking aboutlO.OOO yean.afIy would lakc an acl of Conllrl's.~ to chanlle aboult..... hlglJ.level radiation experiments • safely, II<l we liave to study at leash five-Ihe designation of WIPP 10 includ~ hlRh· 10 beeondU~1W/pp;o.Anderson said, "Sandia 'has designed a containment Of ttn·Year period of storage tomalcePl'O-level radioactive wasl"," cv.tpm Ihal' Is mllltlnlv rroundl!nL This jeclions that are valid. It r.kes months to

Transuranic cOmpound.~. which arc "We'te trying til Ive wastc problems, syslem has a salt barrier, a clay baniel', a complete one radlooucllde e>epei'fmelIt.radioactive for as long as IIl.4MIO ye"rs. wiil and solulions 'can't 00 found wllboul ex- metal banier and a glass banier, Glass ,and we want to experiment wll1Iall\ll11berbe sfored at WIPP, Thl! >;lIft' dlspos,,1 of per/menlalion. Today's surface slorage ot and melal alone form a very protective orspecies andvltrylngmlxtu~afspecles,these long.lived isolopes. Which Include this waste Is not safe nVCl' a lonll period or baniel' to \he release of rsdroouelldes, bulThls requires years oll study,"

.. "" ..... "....... ..r«t:-:-. ~ "!

~ -., ." ,,;,.,:::~ ..; ~,..: ~ :~;;t.~ ': ;~~~"<~ I> "".' ••if;:~~'.».-;

Dr. Hamid Anderson, an.assistanl Pl'll­fessor of chemical and nuclear engineer­ing, Is eonducUng research on the long­tenn storage and lsolalion or radloaellve

. wasles. lie recenliy visited Ihe WIPP slleand descended 2,000 feet into the sa1l bedsthat will serve as a repository for low andintennediate-Ievel radioactive wasles,

"The waste is buried 2;000 feetunderground In a .massive dry sail bed.There's no mechanism to carry Ihe wasleaway. and no place ror iI 10 go al Ihatdepth." Anderson said. "These faelorsmake this an jdeal disposal slle forradioactive waste.'~ ~.,





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,Sergeant," which involved main aspects ofthe sergeant's duties. Topics included per·sonnel devl'lopment, civil liability. super. ' .vising training, supervising communica·tions, evaluation of personnel. and casl'studies in individual personnel siluntions.'. .

The Ruidoso Downs Police Departmentf!'els thntthese courses will provide bellerservices and efficiency to Ihe community,according to Robinson. Also. both men al'!'having their Iraining evaluated for ad•vanced level certificates.

I', ,,H




.1• . 1[:








'0 RDINNERMENUFEATURES:Cldlled Baby Beef LIv_, teuder .1Id deleetab'e_ateed with bacon ...d onlo.. - $5.25•.Steak Ranchero, pd.e rih topped with 01ll01l8,chin, tomafoes. ".teed In hatter, MODt_ey "aekand Colh (lbe... - 11 5.

AII_ellu fte..-vbe ea,fOll.d~I"'Il-tfll~e"'l:-o-.-""--.-Ild-":-a-,-u-ac~1d'='..---'fr08 tb. 10UDse ••v be eenrNi .. dae droll,s mo8.

Mk .bout ruenlllll Olll' ballqu. f.cdI.... for .dabaeed . or for that e eclal .

'Ruidoso Inn IsNow Serving

THE BEST BREAKFAST IN TOWN!Fl9ffv~FrenchToas~ a:tade with thick sUeed French6"eiU{aniiserveCIWlth &_h &alt cup - $1.70•~ Benedict. 2. poached eggs "Qded ,0" a slice0'-61I1a. EngU.h maffln covered by velvetyHonandalse saaee. Served with huh hrow.....&ag)"ant coffee - $4.75.

Robinson, Riley get advanced

Hobbs Fltst Nallonat Dank \)1 Lea CIllln/y200 eas. Broadwayand 600 w.,st Btn;ler

. 1.ollln9toll Fft&l N'aUonaI IIallkot1.<!a Ctlunly2111 $Uidhlllain .' .

Ro.....,Ill'ltst clly ior~tloll~lllal\tc.. tOOt N\)tth MalltRuidoso FlrstcClIy ~lIo"l\l Balik

1l4111lothelilDti-re .

.' purlng January and early February,Chief Charles Robinson and SergeantJlImes Riley attended advanced trainingatlthe New MeKico Law ElnforcemeatAcademy, .

Robinson took a course entitled. "Civil"Liability for Law Enforcem!'nt Ad·ministrators, ", which dealt with Ihe ques·tions of liability during regular and otheremergency POllce situations. Topics in·c1uded equipment. training. risk manage-ment. and olher aspects of liability. ,

Hilr,., -nU...nrl...rl:y t'nnrq('- C'tofitfrrl. ,upoli('~, ,

•• ••• -"C .~ "'" u _.'_' _...". JI.

, .

First Cityts new. ,

Money »arket Account.. ,

Aspedal account (personal or bustn:ess)which combines high money market rates

with l'D1Cmsurance. AvajIable December14.


, -. . ." Mtlilber rDic Affiliates rlrst'Cllyl'llti\lItlal Corpo.a1loDt

Albuquerqu~Ftrst City NatlOnat Baltl.21S5 !.oulslana BlVd. Nt

Artesia First City NatlonallJank'l'thand Malll Sit..,1

carlSbad first 'CIty NaUtll\al BaltklOtWfstGreolle \\.lil\"at Sllrpbi& CIIY

tUllla!' tltsl· Nl\lIolllltDatlk 01 Lea Counly'llU Malh . •. . ~ ..

. -.,

.•. GilY~rnOf TOIl!!y A!inyallnd' U. $. lB'B.jn~hll$;photOgr~PhKof ~i!1gnm!l1lap· issue,'" " ..•.. . ' '. . .' '1~nator Jeff Blngnman, both winners ilrpi!ar¢lf 1l:J times and stories about him ,J'lealth ilndrelllied are,lIs. such ns socin

'last year's voting, receivlid more publicity ,averaged 16.63 i,nches while phologrnphs .sec",rity, .fqllowed public spending ~s' IIin 12'1'lew ,Mexico 'newspapers thlln didof.Sclimitt appearell4H limes wilh slories, campnillnissue, he.added;" .their Republicim,,(ip\i(lnenls :in Ihe two ',averaging UA9inches. . . . '1'he slud;nilsorevealedthat "Anaya did "months f.hat prooeedjli! the gelleral elec. "There really were no long stqries of'lOO not m!lke !I bi" deal alXlut ho,w ineffedlvelion, ' '. inches or more;" s!lid ~:dw(lrds..n I'llI'mI'. .. . ..T#llt is one finding of acomputer'nided POliticnl consultant in Floridn. .. state I;w<!rnment ;and ,Ihl' previous ad· •

~tudy conducted last rail by 12 University . He said the Sllldy showed th!lt some mlnistr!ltlon had beep, pfObablY becauseof. New· Mexicli lUNM) hOllors students news stories ahoutthe Bingaman.Schrpm he is from the 'slime party. ,lric~!lid not·enro.ned in a one·hour interdisciplinary race' wer!' 'cbara.cteri~ed by,d !lbout,th!ll c.l,the.... which

. "bArn°, k,'nd of,' hl·Sllld.caul's'! lin "Political COmmunication in "mUdslingi.nll'''' whereas "Irick and "~~" .'New Mexico," . 'Anaya did not really goaner e!lch other," Edwards, who" hopes 10" conti mil' Ihe. Under tlie direction or Clark Edwards, '.. Public spending, be ~aid, was the dom;' class'l\llhough iUs notl?einj( offered thisUNM l(ssisl!lnl professor pf ,1ourllalism, nallt iSSue ill ootll races anll ".wmnl'n·s· semeSter. said he plan~loconducl athe students studied political symholism rights did not show up until the end of the similar study on the upcoming rresidentialas it was used in the neWspapers by AnaYlI campail\n nnn was on (111)'\00 ' h·'~n<f'."~n' race.and 'Bingaman and Iheir rlfflPec.tive 01":" ..... , '.. 't' . .POnents, John Irick !lnd Harrison Schmill: D' . 'fo. . tt d' t'O 0'. Eldwar!ls snid the newspapers s!!rveyed. owns Iremen a en. r,alnlngIncluded thl' Albuquerque ,Journal. the' .. . .• , • . .' . ..., ..Albuquerque 'l'rlbune, tile Sanln .Fe New . . . " .' . . ." ,MeKicall, the L<is Cruces Sun-News, Ihe During the month '1f January. members Cllie(s Ass9CJalion 10 AJbuquerqu!', AlsoGrants DlIlly B!'acon.thl' (,as Vegas' Dally of the Ruidoso Downs Volunteer Fire IItlending' were fire .officers· fromOptic; the Lovington Daily (",ad!'r 'the Department attended tratning .in· Wildlire throughout the state, and a ·trllining ses·Hobb~ Daily New~·Sul'l" the Deinlng anil.civil l,.iability for Fire·and Ilescueslon. '~ civil liability. wl!s prll$ented,tl!'adligbt. the LOrdsburg Liberal, The SerVlcll$. , Busmess at. themeetmg mcluded newRUidoso News and' 'UNM's student David Berholl of New Mexico State OSHA requIrements for·(fredeparlments,lIewspaper•. the D!llly Lob«>, "We usen the .Foreslry iJjSlructed the firl'flghlers In the ·the "Learn Not To Burn"prllllram andnew~papers from the students" areilS. Wildfire Management course on three dif·future happenings of tbelnternalionalwhere they came from." \Ie said. ferent nigll1f; for a total of 12 hours of in· Fire Chiefs Association. It was decided the.One finding Ilf We studv. l!:dwarct~ said. st~uctlo·n. The course' involved fire Ruidoso Downs. VOlunteer Fire Depart·

revealed that photographs Ilf Anava were bebavior. dispatChing, respondin~. ment will host the n¢Xt meeting 10 be lleld'publishedil total of lItl limes'ia .111.' weatherfac~ors, Use ofhahd tools, al'ld in May. .. ;,newspaPers and stories ahout him averng. pumper tacbcs.ed :l4 inches in length. Also during January. Assistimt Cllief . This training and participation in state. PhntqgraphsorJric~. he snid. "P~'"red Paul Keith" Director James Riley, and organi7.ations assists in. the upgrading of

117 times and· stories ahoul him averllged Firefighler Renee Keitll attended a personnel and understanding of fire lindq\H\r1~r'b' tnP(1'.ti,nr. nf th(' ~("W Ml"xko ¥irt" rescue serVICes, RiI~)' said. 'J

,. .' .'.... ." McmdQy,'Flilbrl;!ory21. 1963·· RvldQS9 (N.M.)l';IlilW$ - pqge 3. .'. ' • • . , .... .... "" . M·Polltlcat,commUDlcatloDstudled'at:UN'., .. '. '.".' . '

.. , .


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".., ~".

At Draperles, we can help you btlghten your home.Draw on our 15 years IO"perlence. Also choosefrom Woven Woods. Sllnds and Shades. OURESTIMATE MAY SUFIPAISE YOU.

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intimate home

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_,., ' ., 'Ii •


\ ,"~{~/_''ptesenteQ undet the 'auspiceS of the Chapter 11 'finearts program funded by 0 federal block grant thisyear; The. NMsu professors will also be involved in asummer string workshop for young people ftomaround the country to be he,ld in this area in August;

.......... .,...

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" ,•

y';"lJ different short forms flnl! new deductIons make shortforrrt f'IlIng more complicated this year, Our preparers knowthe naw tax laws and forms. We've studied thllm for months.

H&RBLOC~The new tax laWS. ' ..Thli yea...i ilumberone reason to go to HaR lloCk•

•1402Sudderth T.I~25704223

Hour.~M-'.;30.':30, Sat. 9:00.1:00 AppoIntments Avollabl.DAVID T. WHATUY -MANAGlR

:l ~:~( .Ii .

NEW MUICO S1rUUNly'IRSItY (NMSU) music'pro·' .fesSQT J(lIiles Fiffz -and two other NMSU professorspresented (I progf\lm at theelem\lnf(lry and. middle .schoc>ls last weekt() eXp<>sestudents to classicalmusic, The 'program included soinemusical selectionsond discussion of the music and instruments. It was

-.',.. ,, ~.'

:, .


.Stoly.depictsneed, for fosterhom'es in' this area'.. ...


! ". .',.:. '

, "-:-" ~~'"~'.. ",~Q "1'. ,.~",-"."., "," ....,* .'to; ' .. ,~ ..'~""1"1 "·.~i~.- ~ l' . "',"c.. '.•• I- "

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Mrs• .1. has just fallen aslel'p when the" up to seven years <:If age. Assbe begins 10 house slle finds a very scared. guilt·ridden reaches for the'seven-yellr-old and holds. phone rings, She g1nnces at the clock as' dial, she notices her notes ill the margin in· seven'l'ear-<lJII who feels soml'llow it is her her gently whitl' she strokes her hair, Mrs,~ "she reacbes fOI'.th\iphon.... Ills 1 n.m, The dicatlngthe P,'s are away on vacation. . fault her mommy left. 'Sbe call't .1. says a sofl"thankYQu"to this compas·').. voice on thephone Identifies llimseU lIll Of· aer notes on the G.'s indicate they are remember wAAt she did. however. Shesionate, gentle woman who can reach out'" 'ficer 0, lIf the police and describes;-the already being utilized for several chidren doesn't want!o go with Mrs, J. because she ·to a child in need and help her make it..,. sltoalion he has justfoUlld. The lillie girl Is andare full. Mrs. J, calls the F,'s and after says h!'r mommy won't be able to find her . through this living nlghtmnre,'" seyen years old nnd has been left alone to numerous rings. a sleepy voice answers. when she comes home, Mter an hour of This story Is fictitious. but reflects the. care for her two younger sisters, ages Mrs. F. eKplains that her husband is quite. talking to the children, Mrs..J. manages to ,desperate need for fosler homes for abus·

t. Jbree and one. Her parenl>l have hecn gone ill, recovering from surgcry, and they calm thl'm down and promIses to try and edand negleetedchildr!'n in Oleroand Lin·.;, for two days and there's no food in the .couldn't. possibly take any ~hildren at the find their mommy; coIn C0l!ntles. Please find oUl how you can" house. This hIIll happened before, and an present tlme. Mrs• .1, receIves the snme By the time Mrs. J. 'l(rrives at the foster help children in their lime of need. Beeome

nlert nel8b1><Jr bl:cnme concerned When answer from the B.'s due to Mrs. B.'s home with the three tired children. Ihe two a foster par!'nl! Call the New Mexico· she .dldil't see the children outside for the sister and fnmny visiting with them. , . lillIe ones nre asleep. After gettillg them Department of Human ServicesaI4:I7.fKl:llI." ~!l day!n a rnw, " Mrs. J, has just I'\In out of foster homes tueked Illto .thelr beds, the fost;;r mother ann ask for Susan Washam._,' . Mrs. J. tries to clear the slel'p from her ' who 'usually take thesl' nge5 of children.

, '. mind and start thinking of aVl\i1abJe foster She now looks at her list ~f families whohomll$. Mrs. J. is a social worker with the take older children alld qweUy prays oneNew Mexico Department of Human Ser· of them'-will be wliling'to help out evell

• . ,Vices, The o.fficer gives her the address though they do not uswilly like parenting..'- and asks ller to hlllTY. She can bear loddJers.Aflerseveralmoretrilffl.Mrs.J••;' children llrylng In the background.. finels a sympathetic ear after promising It.. Mrs. J. goes down her list or foster would only be for a few days, .

.homes li\'i!llSed for atJeast three children When M1'$• .1., arrives at the children's


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..'.,. ,


.TOM SPIVAK257-7963




K ' 1.......... 51,., 2470 '....lIsc: • .......r...... 5154 2219........sH545.·24~•...... 4'•CAPIIAN, N.M.lUll

TAKE A ,BREAK.•, 5t"" Of RU'.050 Trav.1

ROAMING AnOVND nOMERome lll. romantic. historic, ex- Icltlng-:-butit'll also a bigelly. Hereare hints Cor finding your 'wayaround.

•••To really see any place. of course.walking Is the best option. ButRom,!'s bUses are a good alter.native. TheY're frequent and inex­pensiVe. Uyou'U be in Rome tor lInylengtIJ of lInIe, you can buy abargain commuter~ at tobaccoshops or In front of tlie maill railroadstation. '

•••MostlnJporlant Is to' get a detailedIlIllp of the city. one.thatshoW6 busroutes by numbe.r.1Juses are easy tot1H, once you liave the map; street.sIgns ;list the bll5elf that 1II11ke eachslop. .

• •••1i'ou'U save a lo~of money by lakinga bull from theail'pclrtinto toWn. You •eAir.Wbeel YIIlir altportbllggage cart

,rlgfttto, the btJs; departures areevery 15m~., ...,

ti YOU'te .~';;U8e the vialflalnlnla ot:tbe Via S/ll;llia to get&om town .~ ..... .' ..... "'M" .d. ... ...., 1I1lI..... •..... r()jl •

. AvoId the via. casslli and the VIii'"~~. w~c:b are narrow libel}"""vUy ttllffieked. ,l\mf from ib~toWJJt. don't try hltoUow Ilie /lteell,:Auf08lrada.1IIM. WlletoUt; llJey're',.,blconalstallt and you'U g".t I$t, tn."'"*!tad, tilld thentOl!t dIreCt way to tbe'l':~l.'\lIld";'lt·. IMget. but1eJ& CllII-o::; ...UI1nI,. .' ,." '"

'~ ,.« ' {\. WIleIher YOll're:,WIlII~g thjlworid:[:orweekefull!lg"'~tlly,gethcl()rrllml\.?yOllttl'aveI exjletllj lit 1\1I1dQ$O.TraVel. .'", ," . I

.':"'l'bt.l~t'eSqliar'r- ,'~,

.' "MDt ',: "!>

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;~f~;~ ,. 'T'"·H'. "'E"'." ".-:"••?"..~..... ,.'<::"~':::-."" ' .'~N. '

:";jfll~J~O lD050. NEWS. '~


40 11- p.m. Friday and Saturlfay. It has an elaboratesalCld wCJgon and a wide variety of food ,on its menu.Various types' of steaks, fish, hamburgers andchicken are served.

, hours a day. There are seven units, eoch with colortelevision, kitchen and fireplace. There are alsorecreation vehicle sites.

.' ,

. ,"".

, .

" .".



"'"..' ':', . -"\'

-:~~'ft ., ~"/.";': ...."Yo-.:"":::. •,:

'"" Help's 00 Th~ Wo~!.. -"'2~tt!~¥t&,«r~4i:W' ~~Whether BUYing or Selling. .• .' ' ..

Lool"\ing For Work . .>.1

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Lool.,ingFor Help...Whatever Your Needs

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. . .. ~ , ",



~, .....

EL ALTO LODGE, located at 404 Mechem, has been 'amember of the Chamber for nine years. (tis awnedand operated by Bob and Mary Lavine. It is open 24

I(·B08'S IlESTAURANT, located on Hlghwoy70 ne~rthe Y, has bi:1im a member of the Chamber for many'years. Jim Clements is the manager and there are 35employees. The restauranf is open from 11 a.m. to10 p.m. SUlJday through Thursday and from 11 a.m.

\ .

,- ...:"

, ,


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P.O. Box 549 . ,... 2$7~4025 2$7"4026 .

. ,


Re_I"entlal :.... COntlnerelalIl:emadellng - S"eeimetal

. ..Repalrs,Lie. #t16450 .

63;1 $u'd"erth 2$7.5580


'ThanksJorbooksand.pens and paper;Ihanks.for wood 10 build ,ourhomes..for ~ .firewood 10keep. us II!

'cozy in them. thb.nks, '",,,,.forviolins alld cellos '.andguilars.lI'eesgtve

. usa loL.Do/l·lIakethem/orgranted.Please be careful.

. A tree will .thanky0U.,

~'-t:OMrtltt J;UfOIOOYttrAIIUNC •

MAIn_IN MrTAi. \¥OaKs...-a...i1SlS IN

AWlicAN.a."OUf<l.H u.sDIAL 378-4764

NIOtnsDlA,US7.26' IlASSWHI &,mAl.' u •• SI"RIIUSI1 ._UUa ...s...--....,..~JWS

--..'•• IS.


SbYM THE AREA SIlKE .91't«.I_. ...,..'f"1...~ ._

", ..

U's a luxury that's mQre a"ordabla Ihan you thlnkl,ManV !$lZ8 mQdels to choos8".manV s~les IOC;J.Each comes compr~te with heater. pump~ Inl_r'and other ISjlItures.

. ServIce en'! Installetlon

, '· or ~ __ _ _. _--~..-. _ ••-...... __ --. ... __ •...,..-&#039; .... ....- ....... ,... &#039;" - [PDF Document] (15)



", ,1



~' "

• •,.,


I •

· .·

, ,

ir",; ,r


, '.

·.; .

. ~,

.\ ;; ..

. , ,


- .

. '


··ALEXADAMS'. 258-3275 Eves.,

TwO IMdroom. 1% bath, new, un­fumlohed•••SO +blll~.

tnnSbroolr;, unturnl.hed~ largo 3badl'DDlY'/. 2% IIath townhama. ,.,._ man!h + bill••. ,

•W~ have a good Inventory af I 'cabl... and <and... for nightly ran_ ital.' I

i ."


20 minutes to central Ruidoso, 30 minutes to track, 30minutes to ski area. 5.7 acres tree covered hilltop with3600 vIews of Sferra Blanca PeQk, Capffans and volleys.Underground wafer, electric, phone and T.V_ Irrigationwell in place. Just oR newly paved Fort Stanton Road.Priced if.) sell by owner. 257-2692.


. ANY REASONABLE OFFER CONSIDEREDThree bedroom•., two bath" fireplace, eolY' access, paved street. Nl!edsa new awner Immediatelyr .HOLIDAY HOME S~UES



Now, in 'Ruidosol, Airport Delivery Service offers dolly door-to­

door service to and from all airlines and .alr

freight carriers serving EI Paso Interr\atlonol

Airport. ' ' "When you need to ship or receive Items' In 0,

RUSH, call us. We'll send .or deliver yOl,lr ~hlp.

ment. via OVEP.NIGH'tSE1\VICE, with deliV~ryMode the . NEXT DAY,tn most areas of the

'Contlnental United Statesl'Also. we make

door-to·door deliveries/pickups of, tlrne-.sel'lSltive Items., to and from your EI·· Paso

custornets, .suppllefs or business offlll~tes. We

tarry documents,' pdrtS· and components,'

medical" materials,. at'lylterns of light freight

you need to set'ld or receive. . ' ,'. FOf further Informotlot'l, call us t'lOW, COL-

LECT: ,... . ,

(505)437.9110 ., .

..1'.'01' DELIVERY'., .' .SERVICf, .2'OS Co~ite;;;'AIQ ...o"or';OtNM 88310,'

- ICC Me '16238' '. .

,;. ';J:.". '."





Call Claude Wheeler -Tax & BookkeepingS.rvl~ .

SmaQ ~rLarge TQX .hq,rns

30 Years EXperience


HORSESHOEING*PI.alure "P.rformance

"COrrectlv.COli Tim (5051354-2732


_..... -


I ~ IfY."·


. 378·4441, ..


TV.RENtALSBlack And White Or Color






.HONDOvAi.LE'li .KJ!ltolN:ElS ' .

.:' QaaUtyfiolltdbll.· IlI4cno_'"· .· tlkl47foraWOilUJDelit· . . - .

~APPL1ANCET.V•..,l>uIIderRep.'Outsldelin~lde ulca. Must beorganlzed.s"lf·starter, prefs. ex·perience, Jbould know: area. E-Z'nr!a.nce, Highway70at the "Y,"E-81-21e

. ,PART 'l1ME HPlLP -'as prep cook and\ hell,lel' I:\eeded, could work Into full, time. Cpll 257-9071. for Interview,

Ruidoso Care Center. Mr.Archdale. R-Bl·21e

•SEM!-'I'RUCK PRIVER - and heavy

equipment operlltora. Tulnlng:.pvailllble. Accredited N.H.S.C. fll\an­ctal ald and job placement 1IIlIl&­tance lIVailable. Superior '1'nIinlng $or.vlc:ea, 4$0 W. PlCllcho, 111, Las .em.-s,NM88005; 524-1488. Sll2-24tp

NEED EXPERIENCED .:.. cOllStrucUon .labor.2S7-4S8S. F-tl2-11e



"No job \0() small!' .AcldiUollB, con- VACUUM CLEANER -llilles lindservice.crele. decka, Pl\lnt, remodel. Call Gary All brllDds. DavldKeith, 117 E; EI PasoDonHlsel,37H128. H-93-tfc St.Phone2S7-7171. K·33-tfc

""JO:::E:::'S=-:C:::A"'RP==ET~-=CLEANIN===~G=--"='tru~ck-:-' INTELLIVISION SERVICE - Aspen Ap"mQunted ~team cleaning. Flood pilllnce "TeIevilJlon ServIce, Gatewaydalnage, water extrPCtlon, 24 hoUr ser. ~nler. 257-4147. A-7lI-Ucvlce. Free efltlmptes. Call 257·5331 or ATABI SERVICE - Aspen Appliance to:257-2613. J-88-tfc Television ServIce, Gplewpy Center.

WINDOW POLISHING - and chimney 2S'1-4141.A-79-tfcsweeping. Roy of Roydoso "Sons; VCR SERVICE - Beta and VHS. Mpen256-3133. 'R·MoUc Appliance" Television Service,

QUALlTY CARPENTRY WORK - GalewlIyCenter.237-4147. A-79-tfcre$Sonablerates.ExleriorllDdlnlerior. FIREWOOD ... long burning ml!llqUlteSiding, trim, IInlahing. Free eflUma!es. hardwood, split, delivered to RuIdoso.378-8343, asktor Ppt. . B-25-tfc $1sslcord, $801ha1f cotd, $4Slquarter

MURRAYS' CLEANING' SEI\VICE - cord. One log burns all night.home, commercial cleaning. Carpet 1-354-26'13. . F-79-4tp

, cue, window cleaning, light hlIuIliIg, NEW MAN- hlIlt replacement. "For thlItsecurity checks. Licensed. Insured. Dlltural as Dllture look!' For Informa-

.~.5024. M-42-tfc lion with noob1lgatloncall Romer HlIIrSIGNS - designed Pnd/or made to specs. Care,257mOO. R-7lI-tfc

Repplr pnd mounting, repPlnttag. STOLEN"':' Plcase returJi my skis.2S8-3ll6O. S81-3tp DyDllBtar with I.ook 37 bindings. Leave

PLANl'S ABE MY SJ'ECIALTY. - for II In Natlingham's Lobby, no 'QIlestionsmore bePuliful business or home hire p . asked. PLEASEI Sll2-21ptechnlcilln. Plant .maintenance. COIN OPERATED - reflex gllme2S8-3ll6O. P-B1-2tp machlne, bar top model. Good money.r >J Jf:.••••JHc mU:er; $6tlO. 25'7-2103. C82-21.!!ftftlMUCOHs1JnlCnOH COMPANY il: KEROSENEHEA'I'ER':"O'IOOBTU, und6r.'. o-.r.tcontl_ . warranty; !Ilwninwn shell {or L.W.B.

MAfIIC HAZII. . plclntp; ladles' Nordica. ~Id boots, sizeIt .....e-truetl- _0".' 6, while. Nights. 25'7-9123, Lisa• .K-82-2fp


Lk.I207'H lt7. "6:1 FOR SALE -:- roll top desk, $500. Phone

· *************1rlf. 378-8241. P-82-1tpBEAU'l'lFm; -, 'old plpno. Needs·work..$175.00. Call afterS. 2$8-3353, B-82-1tp

BABY SWING..., $10; Infant carsePt, $15;ClI1"/bedearrier; $7.00; pIllS IlROW snIts.Call2S6-31111. T,B2-21e.

FOR. SALE 'OR TRADE - Frlgidalteretrigetatar: $150'or WI1ltrPde forwOOd .

, orturt1lture.37M712. A-82-31e-. I' -, (

.. ~l REVERSIBLE 'CHINESE - silk jpC;il:cta.,,I .' SerbillD Peasanl. 1106 Ohio, Allliilogo... ."da.· S-82-21eJ WE SEllVICE - P\) bl'llndS 'andm~., Mpen App1lal\ce & ~evJ~16n Sel'Vlce,

GaIeWII)" Cenlef. 2S7-4147. A-79-l:fc.

REGISTERED APPAWOSAS -' pndquartet borlles £ol'lllI\e. P1WIiI'e. racepnd shoW. Loma Grande Ranch,

1AX PREBPy.:ARA".'.TION capitan, NM (SilS)62.1-4034. ~1ll$tfcBARGAIl'il- zero cIein'llnCli fl1'eplaee (Us­

FO.RMERmS AGENT' . ed. but like new) Wlthplpe.COst over. . . . .. $500, sell for $200. CIllf 237-2445 or

.; , 2$lJ..5090 '257..0077 . 25'i'-5S6G, WlIlllellver.1t yau live c1Q1lei .:: IlIIII!JllIlilii!!·!I!!~~· In. " P-25-tfc,I ~ ~...,..~ ~..,

~. I . CHAPARRAL·. ·1~~'I BACKHOE SERVICE II ~~I '.. DJ '. . I

, ~~ .JIJ:'. . '.'».,,,.,,,,.,,clt,. ..."....y. J!:': .. I .' . ',' ,.,.. j!,

§ , 257~:;:;,r=";~6"61c, L:: ~ ,

:"l"W","" l""'" ........... ,1'!'I""" ...... -~, .......... '", .,. ..... .-. ~ .-'"...,-. _~'r'"~."",'Jr'''-:iP ~ QI""')IF~ 1)iIi',~tJ!i"-:..-;:»", # >.'" i!"""- jiIP'P"IlI!I""J!P. jiiR jiiif')Wi ..... 111'!!'"'- ....~ il'i"'"" ....... 7""":r',1"'t""., ~"11f""",~"""'f'!"!""'i"""""~~"JII""'7!';"~'r'1'!""""'~""'--"'"7"'"'" 'il""-''P!'"' l""""~::.-:"":po!""";pii!" ..... >"'- ijI!P """",....,.., ... ,p ;Pi .-. _* ........... M"''jii!i'l """"p. pi; J!I!!i4,P p;p; "'PM!' M?;"P 41.I . , .' , . " • " -. , .' " .";' It'.!. '.. "'. .. '" ,.. ' .

• • ,'1''. . .''\ "',' " .' ..".. ;'" ,.;.',

,,' "'..;....,.."'.."' :.:"........ . '. .' . . . • ..'. . . .'. . . ·M~mdQy .. Februory ;I', 1983 . R\.lJdo!lo (N.M.) NeW6 .....;. Poge 5. "" .·.·*·.·.:::.~,:.·.~,~;r. ..~.~.~~.·l:~::N~.:.·:·:·~~..:;g.;·K·;.;;·:.;~;~::,.»:·:-:·~·:·:·:·:.:.j.x.!*:.·.·.·j·.·.·.·.· -•••••.••••,••••••••'••.!; '••••••••;••:i.,.;•••••••~••:j..~••,•••:-.,••.•;•.~ ~••;.·1.·.·;'.·,·.·.·.·;1.,•••••~••••'••••••••;••••••••:-.••••.•••••• , rtA'C!!.CfIiI.. . , o",rno.. A.'C.K·. 'SERVICl1l -, (l,0" _.lmp D on n..~gA pl p. Ev_ •• 'SOO,,,,'" V'UA"'ll' ••• NAGll'· ·oi<'". ,. '" ' ! -' .: • ~ :. .' '. - ~'."I" t~ t ~ •• Jt' .·.·.·I·.·,·.·.·.·,·.·J·.·~.·.·jI'.;,·,·.·.·.·.t••••,.,•••••;o,••••••'••••,••••••~ ,.,•••••••,!••'" .'.·::..6!.!.:.!u:.·.'.,.•·.!.:.!.·.·.·.·,'.·.·.·.·.'.·.'I .·6'.·.·.·.·.·,·.·.·••·;·;·:':·;·;1,;,:·:·;·;·;·;· ,,~~ '~ Ul I,r,I;,&1rn R ''If~ p, "'iJU ""'fUI 'Y \.ioI\M '"' "I,~'ll.l'!l p~..~.., ~"'"' ...,~ YJJA.I.:ol-','t I.'

r~" . .Asl'llJ\ APPlian~~ ~ ',J,'l1levilJlM Servi~, .. .~el1~nt(;0!\dithin,aS7.926S or· - Company offel'li ~u~or ~lJl1fty. . 'I' •

;, . ·G.tlIw!l~Cenl!lr.25'7~147.. ,A'71J,t~c . . 3'1~5$" ., . .F-81-2tp. ,management' sel'Vi~l:II; A large seJll\1-~l .. ,. , .lUqERA~IO~ .slllRvJCE:'" Mlll1!\ l&77.oWSMO~Wi,: .JlEGENOY ..... fqgr' ::¥~=V~':~II:~~:=~.~ " " APllll!l,lfce~, TQlllVllllon !lervlcQ,'llCXlI', 1000ded. l'lIced ~ 'seltoau 'tent; mfi/lUy, W~IdY, or,monthly. 1>10- .", .. '. GPtewliYC~~ ..2S7,"147. ·Nlll-If~ #&7·9891.. , ' " ll2-2Ip',.... IJ nI b I •. '. GOOl> Mn.RO... Al>T.. IES....:(or sale. Prl~" ""'.'.RSALE. .; '.0' ...,;" 'WI C.he.""lmM. ..'-',' . pe••.",mlll!agemel! $ O\Ir'O y .UII ne.II,',", .. ' ",. . . '. -. _.._ p'''~ ..'OA...." " .. ..",. .,.... .237.~,· '. J-63-!fc

:;t .,., . ' , ' ',. .: \ "., ',... , .JO;;"~~~~"ii:~~':::;~.~:~,~~:o~es, «oodWjj:~t~ J!'t1RNlSHED AND UNFvRNISHEP'" i.", "" AN'N'O·.U'N'C·E''...' ,,...n s..r,.", no. ORIS''. • '00 ;,..;.- an'd ',..",.,. 'R [doli D . • • $" """ 0_1 ...~ ~ bed/'tl!lm .pPl\rlmen\:!l,$29$ and \lp,4. '.' ., M;EN:rs,,' "~;~V:tIlo(;~len~lices D'ii'MIre~S~RIVJ~/ .... ~pen/P. t: D:aw~~i~~~a'Auld~;·-N~ .' Includcaesblll.Dean.U1!1d~ oaltlll, \',','........ s •.."""' YPA ~ 11' r"••on·able o..e·· · ,••c " p.,an~e,.. ,.eeV$.on.e~v,Cel' ' " ....•. b"""c· " '.. . 258-311111 or 237-28!l1l.. '~Uc

:;;:... ."-:;;.". ·:.a'/I·t'ca..·•re-!i.'-.......'.-"~.. l"' I·20-.W"':.~w.qUP.":.',. G';:".''''"y··' Ill"""..\".~.G·",·Y·"',_'."JP·.nl·.!:.u.:a'l·a·n..d··y•.a:'. '25'7"'1~7: .' .A-79-tfc' ."-' "'""1",-. -""",...,' To II....h..,••t.. II.d...d.'.. r·.. VERY'SJ"':Em•• " 'LiUt liedr";';; coda..... ." ..."...... ~ wUl "" ......... " ..., w.. ".. WASIreR &DRYER~VICE - Aspen' " "III, '. .. . hmnefo~'r::;b; d$y, w!lek,,;;-·montb. .. ' j."..~: '~~:~J: .alld~nCl4Ylland WIll ..senrIce b:Y B.udy; alteratlohs ~y GUllsie Appliance :& ·'tlll.e"llIlon .• Servicll, ' " 'R'E'"NT" A'· . .257-9341!, daya; 2S7,-7812 evenings. .- .. ney,atatell~257~~!..W-.. Ann.Telephone3'llK590.. G-7o-tf~~lItewayCepter<:zsH147 •.... A-79-Ue ".. " ..,. i i· •. 1975 Ford 3/4fon, 4x4, . ' . B-72·Uc:~ . " '. " ." .• ..,.", .c CLEANING·-new~blUctlon·homes .•. - ." GU'I'tA"R'" ,.: ithf ,. , .'" ' .aU!.~b,~~°wiR'l'Uth'lNo!~Il(l!·v-eslltmtarte· Yt'0UI'1"7' condOlI, '. rentals. 'lIonesf;' d!'\lendab!e' ~t·JwAKEork HAY·ea~loSf-ex;f2.~bean'cldtce" ~acetlds ' '.' ;.... ..... . . "',' -101>7'8 roa", Wl

ln,t:h •.'. . ' ·~y·rA~~Owa~~ooa·reMa···.wa%blkin~thg'

-.. '. ""le"ce ..';"" '" .. '. n ; , andefflclenf;258-36'16. . .' c.'I7,j1tp • . ...•~ .....~- . .n' .. . "', 'V'· ..2 ton, "":4 - .. ..'r-,·· "" , '· .' p '.~ of Nlblpck re4uclng health. ,.. . . .... '., .' ' r8ltsona.ble.l'hon6'3'l1H39$.. . lI..'liloUe . ,.' " ',. dlstal!~einIdtl!Wn; $350lmonth.l'ermp~, ,;m1pmenUoUale. Per(ec:t as ~ldilIlne .CO.~c:roBS,BllmDERS - owners,' .ROUNDPlNl!n"1'ElSET-- cbrom~ 'legs,. "'.10.' per.··. mo.nt,.h. . . . '!e\lttl~~f~.~-~O; . )}7lI-ti'«.

"""thf~uty liMp or health food store. .9UP".hbtyl$, convenieno ce-te,lephones...!'ykys'gh!Sstop, fl)11l' chllil'll; $:\00. Les~ thrIn ' . .Ca.,.11,. '58'5.-2539 '. . . ,................",.............""""..",............,.....".

• ,"ur. ", lJifol'll\lltion clIll 622-4381 or . I ""rcl)ms !ire "~ nVenIences. ''0/'' . oneyearl)!d n·7J1273 da' af'••• oo . • ..$22-11)54,. InROSW~.·" ,NM.. . ... C.71....c ,Mountliin . Wlr!ni!.••.· 257.-$14~. ,.l)r . '. ,... . , ,ys; """":.' (J~, . . .BED I< BREi\J{Ji'A.S'),'. .

"'" ••' 1-3&4-2'130 M78 tf p.m.,237-'1736.·· H-lIQ-4lc " ~" ... BIeI...../II., Mardi ~1913'} • IS"'INGSCALL JAKE HAaaIS c.:.. for blIckhoean~ .. '." ' ,- :CJOYC:E'S JVNQUlll"-Jlow,open.l\eguIpr . . ..,·~IJII)OSO . . . ' ~. !li!tworbk,:.lipcarsh· of txPerience. P.rlce$ B~~~I"!,IL~O:o~a".~ -rea~~=~' . hOlJra .1~:oo",:OO, Tuesday througb .,.'.M'~~IC~~e;t" I '. " ," Call ?~~c!,l!l!l! .

J,'eBllllDa H'7s.tfc . _ •. ~. .... . ... . saturday." . ..' J.,${Klc '. " ..,....." , RENTALS . For Infqrll1at'onClNCINNA'l'lJ!OME -fll{!hose In need ' ~ .(;pIL Terry 257-2~61 ~r '1962 ROAD RANGER

7trPvel.trpU!'r,.2'I', =--. "... _ . "

. pnd~derii. It< rest hQ/1\e.~505)6~92' EUDLOYME"""JIlEEDED E' ri,!,,2~. complQlely s!'U-contalned; Call 237-72'13 .. ,RENTALS AVAlLABJ,.E .l.. on!' room·effl•. 'orl\22.10'19... . ·C-81.2tp ,.~ .... .'. ", - xpe enc belore5:00p.m.;pskforDlane,F-8O'tfe . '. mencies to large homes/condos. Shott

... . . .in cprpentry, rl)Oflng;gh!ss work, forI< ' We hove o"good s,election .orlonglerm.Callorwr\te: Le!ftEpsler........ "'-;.; "" ~'.- 'lIftop\!rptor, tflick driving, IIn,d 'FIREWOOP'- besthllrdwood In town., ' RealE tale I ""id .

~"J'."" ,~. I An II'" d t ts 11 bi of antique, traditional· on.d ..s, n~.;Box294,_.." OlIO,N•." ·we....\Ill. Tempor!lry or permanen.Y qUlIn .'" an s ovecu aVila e. .' M. BB:!45; phone 2&7-'1315. . .lAS-UcWRANGl~DS _.•16.·99 ",' CaU258-3~~ .', . E-B;-2tp '~~kc:Jds'B128u'y C~r'oftm'SP!\t'wdood·elIveUl'edt'ler", c;ontemporoijr' clocks;·' win- COMMERCIAL BUmDING _ for reilt in

IOl\ BABYSlTTING-In.mYhome,centrplly 1~>~5'1 ", ~ . MC01'" ding and chiming. clocks; l'rimetrafflc. arooofmi.d'·wnRuidoso,· LANE'$WE$1'ERN WEAR" '! located.257-5318•. '. . ...B-'I7-tfc ,..,.....~'.. . . . ."0 • ..c Regulotors, qVQlU, Anniver- PPPfOxlmPte!Y900 sq. ft. ';;nd plenty of

:MAN AND WIFE. - deslr!' job maDllg!ng . TV SERVICE_colorIS-W, solid Sory clocks, Minlotures ond parking. CaU 23H313. . lAll-tfc:-0.. " ." mote!. t.'IIUet 'Pl\rk or ppartments. Of- • stateltubetype. Stereo. VCR,' VDP, ONE BED~ooM _ furnished ppartment,

f1ce, chmning' pnd malnlenPn~ skills. audio. RcasolU\ble fates. Aspen Ap" Cucko.os. All clocks on sale_ . P\) bUlspald. One working person only.(3D3)751H207, M·8HI!p p1iance" Television Sel'Vlce, Gpleway No chUdren orpets. 2&7"'1837~ 'o-7&-4tp.********-************. center, 231"'147. . M9·tfc PER KLOCKENSHOPPEN COMPLETE PROPERTY. MANAGE- Thre~ -;,;.,.,.. 2 bat!) fur"l.h."" 5ffOW PLOWING.· ,* FEMALEBAssE'l"l'HOUND-flveyoors ......NT SER.''''''''' _. 'rentailJ nl~..t1y, _a.l"mbroalr. f521Jma"th. +*....... ·.p ,~PIow-~· * Id Iledl th 11 ta L t .~ "'"'' ",. .llictrl<"••* ........, "" .._: * 0, ro 00 e~ ~ ar, no gs. os SIERRA VISTA MALL weekly, monthly. Call Dpvld Rochept, *. 'r.Jr".. Mer rt!' 1\le. * in Sun VlIlley subdivision. CPQ Mayra . ". .. CENTURY21,257-4065. Cm,tfc Thra. badroam,2 bath furnl.had* ..........., * LYlUlat~or237·5778. M-B1-21e MIDTOWN" 257.6071 . ha · far••t lIalgh... $500*.,., * THE' STEEL BUILDlN . NICE THREE' BEPROOM - mobile on th + bills.

*-. Ccill ~57,'754, *., 3D' 60' .'32ft G 40' P4riO~e w$3ilr Is '6.75 acres In CapllPl!W1th slDllll bPm . ,I . -..:c:---::--...,.--,;"""",,::;';;';"-c:;.'l\C*****************lj< on;·x, .,.~; x,. 984;, forextrastorage;~plllSJ1tilities.No whit•. Mountain 'Yllla•• 2" ' . 50'xl00', $9499.. Call (505) AUTOMOTIVE .~hlldren or pets.' Dpmage depOSit re- badl'DDm, 2 bath fully Irunl.h.d

524.7839. . A-6HIe·. . qwr'• ed '''''-''175 r...- "c co'""amlnlum. Privata bath fa. rNEED GOOD HOME _ for pdllil female 1979 DODGE - Club Cab CamperSpecial, •...,....~ ..~.. , ...~ bedroom and y" bath off IIv-

Do...." ed -~ I h 3/4 ton, all extrps pnd removpbleCOMMERCIAL BlJILDING- for rent, 1l1li a......600 par month +d "",mpn, spay ,very g...... WP C 'gooseneck. Runs on proPl\ne or gas; mwpy.37, half block north Mlnlt Mprt, "tllltio. A loilg fann ,..... of 10

og. 258-3S06. ,N-Bl-4tp less thlIn 24,000 pclupi miles: $7000. Call comer Int, street three sides, eigbt mont.... .. ALL ~.M. LIQUOR LICENSES - 378-4323. P-Il2-tfc rooms \j'/apartment downstairs.

avP,lable. U1rgeslinventory. Liquor 11l'18 OLDS DELTA. liB _ $3000. 231"'965 1-354-2997. J!.'18·tfcLicense sales, Inc.. has sold over 35 . pfter6'00 . Q-'l5-tfnc SUMMER RENTAL ... Large fW'lllShedlicenses In the last12 months.·rransfc!'3 . . ',. h' In II dit· Ican be completed before raclPg ~ooson. 1980 CUTLASS SUPREME _ 28,500 miles, . ollSe exce. enl can ,on. F vcC II Sk t M C II h •• tr t dill ~...... bedrooms, 2% bPths, twollvlng area~.p ee c u oc or ...orrla many ex as, grea can on:......... , double gprage pnd located In CountryGil!eWoodptl~247·1401. A·6Htp 257-6900. c.79-9tp Club Estptes. $1200/month plu~

. F!REWooD-Mesqul!epndOPk,anyslze 1965 MASSEY-FERGUSON. - bPckhoe utllitles.·Flrst, last month renl'lnpd-order. CpU pfter 5: 00 p.lIi. with front end loade~. Phone 37IH$55, vlUlCll.CaIl (713)283-5293 after 6:00

, 237'5418. F-8Htp 257-l1949. R-78-4tc p.m. B-80-StcMINK COAT ... full le\lllth,'pppralsed at NEED FOUR WHEEL DRIVE1 ... 1966 ONE BEDROOM -1 bPth, flreplpce. nest

$1,500, will seU ror $1,000 or best offe~. Bronco, good condition.' Recently . and cloon, lnldtown, no pets. $300 + SUMMER RENTALS336-4759.' M-81-2Ip painted, .has rpg top. $1900. utilitles.2SIl-3342or 336-4312.. 0-8l-4tp NOW AVA1LABLE. .

FORSALE-Glasundcanedlnlogroom 1-354-2392. .' N-Bl-4tP. ONE OR TWO BEDROOM _ fllJ'n1shed [OO9basi&'as$OC:,"inc"- 'fable pod 4 matehlng chairs almost 1980 FORD F-l50 - 3 speed overdrive, duplex.$225pnd$350.257-967l1. W-81-21e :::::-.:=~_.=::::.::-:;:;; Inew, $500. Call 2&6-525$ from 8to 5 or 41.000 miles, excellent condition: $3900. COMMERCIAL SPACE _ pvpilllble for " .IlUIDOSO '336-8208after5.· 'G-81-81e 1973 Chevycustom-deluxe. good condl- lease soon. Downtown on Sudderth PROPEIm'IlINTALS

FOR SALE - old6r modeluprightf~r, tlon; $1400. 25'7-7996 alter 6. dl' F-8peedl-2tP Drive. 1160 sq. It. pnd 650 lIq. fL DaYII, 258-'2~~ ..._ 'works grept, $SO. Call 257;7318 or 19'17 TOYOTA COROLLA'..., 4 ...4s , 23H151(IItltWednesday). A.26-tfC.'::::::::=:=258-4475. H-81·tfc alrcondftloner,llDdIHtback. Excellenl •

AMERICANFENCECOMPANY-InUls condition - $2950. Steel r:~t~J~'Cruces offers free estimates lID chain 250-3060. plink, wrougbt Iron and split-rail ced8.r WILL TRADE-19'19Seneca, 790'rl', A, Ffcn~e. Temporary or permpncnt, pnd E, KIng Silver Crown equipment,fences. DoItyourself or professlonafIn_R-NAZ, ele. For your AM ,mares orIltaIlation. AIsa field fence, barbwire, yom Ruidoso prea property. Call (505)T-pasts, horsebarns,portPble pnd per· 64l!-2402 from 8-5. W-82-8tplDllnenl corrals, sheds, shlldes, etc. 1961 WAGONEER LIMITED - loadedWholesple pnd retail we deliver. evenwlt1lBUnpndmoonroof.CPlldaYII:524-8606. 350 South Archuletp 237-l1062orevenlngs,2&7-5022. T-74-UcStreet. A-81-12tp 1980 FOUR DOOR LINCOLN ... Mark. IV,

FIREWOOD FOR SALE - dry, seasoned fully loaded, excellent condition. Willjuniper - $100 a cord, pine - $00 p sacrifice pt wholeSllle. Call 2S'1-l1062 orcord. Full ~ords. 67~-(879 or 237-5022. T-74-Uc25'7-9442. F-Bl-SW 19'19 DODGE _ Club Cab Camper Special, ' ~~::loCI_:H:l_::X:_::X:~=:IC::IO=:IC::IOCX::loCl~:M=<:::M:M=_=<:

FIREWOOD - ~casoned ppple, $l25lcord. 0/. ton, P\) extraS and removable MLS LUDWICK AND CO. RE'ALTY378-4556. F-7S-8tp gooseneck. Runs on .proppne or gps,

MICROWAVE OVEN SERVICE _ Aspen very low mllepge; $6400_ Call 2'8-5175 oHlcef.v.... ,ASPEtIIUILDING - 26225lHk1trttr "."",.Appllpnce " Television Service, 37&-4323. D-81-8tp SUlQn LudwIck, Brok.r Jlon L"dwlck7Auo.:lat.·Gp!eWpyCenler.237-4147. ,A-79-Uc FORSALE-lll'17 Chevy pickup with utili- GREAT RENTAL, mobll.,lu.t .,0.000 with .2.1100 down.

SIX FOOT GLASS- - display counter. ty bed. 1974 Chevy pickup with utilily . .. hwnidilier for display case, 14 shelves bed. Call 237'5121. . C-81-2Ic , e.711 ACRES InC.plt.n, 3 bedroom mobil., .1115,000 with term••

with wP\) lind slielf brackets, combo FOR SALE -1978 Chevy Blazer, $5,000 or NICE DUILDlNClI ~T, 3 block. orr Sudd.rth, only.' ,1100 dOW';.metal desk pnd file cpblnet. best offer. 19'11 Chevy pickup, needll SKI CAB!N, .311,11110010•• In wIth bIg deok on I.",. lot.25&-3484. F-BI-21e liming chain. $500 or best offer. .MOSILE on ...ON. work.hop. In the bill pin....311.11110.

237-5415. F-81-3lp _,19661'1.. TON DODGE' 'I'RUCK-goodcon- "Com.byanda_" \

dItion: $1400. 1978 GMC custom VPO, \needll a liltle body work; $2500. Also •pickup bed trailer; $150. Echo chainsaw llDd pccessories; $300. N9 L1ncoll\DelllXe Apts_ across from Bennett's on37.' ' T-BH


• . ~ , .-""-,,, c.I "" .~ _.~ -4'_,4 -4 ",,~ -4 'iA',-4_'iofit"""""'" ~ ....... _.l!!:.".w·,_._,~ --.o! '-11 '-4 ,4<_·"!T.....,oj ~ -"~ _ ~ -#~~~,~.~ '!C. --' .~· or ~ __ _ _. _--~..-. _ ••-...... __ --. ... __ •...,..-&#039; .... ....- ....... ,... &#039;" - [PDF Document] (16)

.. ~-

.' .130' of .,v.... ,rOnta....• In1ho1 mott prntlglout ",btlh,l.slon'af RuldOllO. ,

•fI"'FI~....""..has ~Il'" .•wood dHIc. and 'rO\lSJh cediaiexterior. ·It baa"•'.ronarly etHlllned fnt.rfOJ'with solid oak trIm. cabl.....and ceUUlg.. Wit" r.f­rlgerated oJr•• whli'lpool tubIn.the master bath. lIMt ......tOp of.the II*"! appllanc.. ..ncra ttento Int.rCOm syJtetrl.thl. houH should IHi "'n:soon. ~ted aero. fromNolty W.t.r.~.

.'> ,~... .';":"':

"I '..' . " "-:.

LET'ST"Aq~11;,~~; ."·PLUS ACRES - 1ri:.P';(lra~I(.Ca.nyon, for corrl!nercjaJ y lS!t oracreage neelr, 1!1I1l;\~l!. .::,-.SIX BAY CAR: WASH, .:::; ;In EIPaso, for tenta! .J)r0P.ti~· I"Ruldb.o (I(,eel. . ..:' '!''': .

.VIDEO ~AME' ·RooM # and"flack beirlQCated III nevollopp'Ing center In ~ PatO, for"fallinor r.ntQlp~o"Pt!'1Y.)n lllildOSl!area. , . '~ NiCe MOSn.e ...;. onchol~elot In Del Norte ACWltlon.will trode 'or hOUSe In lullback,. .Texas. . ;:

Holiday Hom..Sdlu .1107 Mechem Hwy•.,37Ruidoso, New Meicfco

258'33aO~';'"..". '. ~:==.:::'.===:'


, ·CONStRUC1'fON···

258-. . ,



< '., ~

MAJESTIC MOUNTAINCHALET, BEAUTIFUL NATURAL .LOG HOME IN Cr_ Mecldow.Country Club. totally fumlsh.ed hom Homestead Hou...china. cry.tal. fine Unens In.eluded. more. mo.... Call andlet me show you.



'00 you know the pr.ferred area. that glv. you the largHt,.turn for your money?Do you know what you can qUQllfy fOf' through a lendIng In..tltutIon?· ,Do you know th.e ~Iffer.ntways 1'011 canpurd:t_ property?Do you really unif....tand a N.w MexIco lIleal Estate con.tract? .Do you want 3 or 4 hilr_. 2 or 3 baths?Do you want a flr.pla",. vl.w of SIerra Blanca or to be onthe rlv.r? . .·",,-, Of' ... .' •.. ,....."., c, ','

- ''"'~III; .. ~~'-:;;l;l!t:lo£.J'iW~~ ~

d ••-"cl)O~You now W1tClt pr ce to 'f c_....~,,>.'""'->U",.Do you know about thol flnonclng?Do you know the squa", foatage af your home?How much will your clotlng COllt be?Would It be bett.r fat you to owner finance your property?What I. a long t.rm InvHI_nl. Gnd whal things add to af your property'



'.t<. ,,'

CORPORAtl!HOME SAClUFlCEFInest construdlon~ WhIt.Mountoln beeaUty,Oll. 3,100sq. ft•• mus' ..II. Coif Maqae,four SecI_ R.ed ElIta'. fOf'all Infor~tlon.

•a:AUTI'UL ACREAGE In LamaGrand•• ow.r 4 Ol:J'ft. railIngland under $20.000. An .x.atll"nt buy. .

WHITE MOUNTAIN 10f. t ..........Jl)w..e.. :'ay. ..11 quIck.

$3S.0Ci0. .


" ..

~RtEAS;NREAL ESl'ATE 257.9171615 Sudcl.rthDrlv.Box 2982. ·RuldosoSONJA HARTRONFT


·~O~13 PLUS ACRES dose to Nogalat" $38.000. The prIce '1. rIght.L.t Sonia .how you.

COUNTRY HOME on 2 plu...c..... with 2 rental proper.tie.. All In exc.llent condl.tlon. L.lvestock permltllld.Call Sonia for showing.



1982 CAMEO - Thre. badrllOm.1.% balh•• unfurnbhad.$2",OOO.

~. . Situated In mobile home park. .

1976 WAYSIDe-12'x60', 2badraom, 1% both. locatad In a mobile home.park. $11,500. '.1978 lANCER-lof'x72'. 2'bedrllOm. 2 bath, fumIshad.located In park, has flreplacaand many extras. $22.300.19B1 MOBILE VILLA !lV-5thwheel. 2 bedrllOm, 1 bath. withflp out. custom built. many ex.tras. Owner Is motivated, willconsider a trade for nice mobile.1979 MAYFAIIl-U'x70', 3badroom. 2' bath, completelyfumlshad with 'TV. Mobile mustbe mavad. Call SllOn. $1".500.

1983 TOWN AND COUN.TRY-lof'x70', 2 bedroom, 2'bath, loadad with many extra••fireplace, completely furnl.hed.New hou.e. $26,500.1983 WAYSIDe"':'14'x70'; 2'bedroom. 2' bath, balconymodeJ. $19,500.19104 COBRA-Fifth wheel, Ibedroom. fully sel' contaIned.$7,200, Includes hitch. .

OWNER LEAVING TOWN­real buyl! i 2,4'x48' double widemanufactured' home.1980 LAGUNA-Two badroam~,2 baths. fum!st;.ed. $20,000. .iena MELODY 2 badroom. ibtlth, beautifully furnished.$17,600. .,Holiday Home. Solo.1107Mechem Hwy. 37Ruldi)lo. New Mexico .

2S1-33ao •

,f' , <

, .

, .. "',•••

> ~ ,; (, '~A'"."••••••••••111.".'1'11'.iIlIIIillllil':'••iIliiIiIlIIlIIlIIIIll_.·Iio·'" .,:.'=..•"""' .-..-.- _ __ """' ~~ .."*-~"" '''',. .- '",,"_.__

Ruidoso Real Estate Co.Box 1387

Ruidoso. N.M. 88345


sort WorldBeal Estate, lac.

.P.O. BOX 3606



CHOICE OF TWO commerQ'.' propertlee-three bedroom. 2' b.thonly S34.&00. Four bedroom. 2 beth. 1eoo eq. ft. wIth ••eum.bleloan, $59,500.

C·1 LOT5- mIdtown.· Greet for triplex. $22,500.

t';l'I1~l!!i!:~,;r9::t'.:.:,:~~tIISit!.f~~~~.: .. #"". .:, ~' • .. ~ tf3~ - , ... " • ~~~ • ....,_. .- ......-.. ......... .~ 'Ii, ." ~~

.... PALOV1!RbE....Tw010ti1. $&.eoo ••oh'.Three b<KIroom. 2~ fur.nlehed mobile wIth bUilt In etereo. S39,OOO.

CEDAR CREEl< CABIN on level'1 eore lot. $45.000•.

3/4 ACRE VIEW LOT. WIngfield 3 erea. $8.000.

80 ACRE NOGAL CANYON RANCH, adobe hou••• natural .prlng,wella with weter rlghle. Owner fln.nolng. $230.000.


SEE FOR YOURSELFI-Ve'Y prIVate, apecloue two ,bedroom. 2beth. largo flreplece. redwood deoke. leVel••ccee.lble lot loo.tednee I' the corner of Juniper .nd Fir. SIlIS.OOO.

".'- - ..

Page 6 - Ruld' (N· M )"N', ' "M d 'Feb • . "'1' l'9'S". . . .,0.$0 , •... eWl;, .onay, .... rUQry ~ , ..... ,'l'WQlIElDIWQM - one bath, fumished, '.\'WQ'1'RJ\ILEns ~ for rent I!): Ruidoso

!!~Iud!ld, Centralbeat; ~'/month plw;,. 'DOWIll;. 6liiH91,aondo. ..' 'T.rn.stp!llIls. ~5'l~; , .' '.' .. . P.7:Hfe, .... . .., .. }" "', ••.• ". '. . ,

CQM!"lEJ!.CW,SPACEs ;.:,. 101' !mise· III Ii'A:BULOT,JS' CL$AN-' !.W!ll,!edto()ljl, tW!lmIdtown, 'l'wo ll5ll sq. ft, areas, eol!ldbll !lath f1111iished mobile, washer,dry~.eonverted tocjne. Als\) 11\10 !lq; ft.m\e.r'1wave, Ellcellent IQellti!ll!;

. avaUa!lle. sOQn.CaU(S05l Q50/m\)nthllndbllj$.25lHmaft~7:1lO526'2066. G-7~tc . p.m, or2S7-4f23 llnytime. C-01-tfc

'l'WOllEI>ROOM ',,' Unturnl!!he4, a}lllrt; MATVltE nETlRlllDLAPY ~wlllshare'me'!t; $300/montll.· No. pets. . tItree bedroom cQndo; I\m out of town257-9S70. '. '. W-7~tcmUchofthetime.257,7023;, '1\'I-81'2Ip


NTJIVJ;BE~lT()PSEtLER,'. .~ CENTURY';.2'"'Il'M . . .

.;; ~,..._'.~:, . .... " '" . ,;:~i"i ._ ~. ~

.... J ~ 'r\ ' <, .. >:.'''':;~' , • ~slclentlal,..) '~

• " ..::ItJ .p • Commerc;:iaI;prq,pertY 8:ncl'\ h~as~g. . . : ' .

'. . • In~.tment proper.ty•• International VIpt!> Reierr-aJ••rvt~e. .

J· or ~ __ _ _. _--~..-. _ ••-...... __ --. ... __ •...,..-&#039; .... ....- ....... ,... &#039;" - [PDF Document] (17)


• !

;' ",

. .. \

.~ .:

,. "




. l: .... ~t



. _., ,

ONE THE THE B~ST LOTS In High Me_.Panoramlo view. level building lot, Ownel"flnanolng avallabl~.Don't he.ltat_thla lot willnot la.t tong. Chuok· Flanagan '2&7.4073 01"257·2283.

BEAUTIFUL TREE COVEl'tED LOT In p....t1glou.Alto.Nlcele"el lot with full mel1'lbel'llhlp.s.oondafrom HlweY.37. A bUllde"'a dl'llam•..25,000 with term••.Darlene HiI~287.7373 or257·4222.

. .RE'AL Nice ACflEAGE cia•• to CapItan, con­.Ia. of approximately 4v..acra•• Hora•• "1'.mlttedand priCed at Qnly .8,500.,1'om Davl.215'7~73't3or 25'1"2053•.•

MLS' ,


(SO~) 2'7;'4073(J05)251~7373.

"m'. I..£!I. 'REALTORII'

THIS GRACIOUS ADOBE HOME.Ita In .eclu.lon onappr'Ox•.Imately 8.4 .0""withgood .cce••.,1t ....tu,..3bedroom.r2 bethe, pine calling•••olld expo.1Id beam•• g.rden room.ekyllghte, etalnlMl gla.. and lovely landaoaplng. Truly aQUallty'Homel Su_n"Miller, 287·7373 or 338.4383.

EAQU! CREEk ACRES. Beautiful large homewith gu_t houae on a lovel~ e ao,.. u..ot. Twocar iilal'llae. two excellent we"., Iota of atorage.,.... /i'roparty la fully fenoed and ho~ .1'1I.1I0wed. Gregg Perteet, 257·7373 or33i!S·431B. .

. PANORAMIC VIEWS of Ruldo.o and Bieri'llBlance plu•• 'lirge living room With a fll'llplacemafee a great" entertainment area. Twobedroom, 1..,. bath. fuml.hed home With goodaooea. .and poa.lbl. owner flnanolng In,Juniper Hilla. R.y Carpenter 257.7373 or257·8881 or Chuck Flanagan 287·4073 or25'7·2253. .

GO FIRST CLASSI Thl. be.utlful new homeIcoatecUn p,...tlglou. White Mounteln Eatete.I. definitely top·notch. Beautiful cu.tom'cablnete, top quality carpetlng. Wet bar, Jacuz.zl, whirlpool and electric gal'llge door opanera,.. only a ftlwof the many fine '_turea. Come

.enjoy the outatandlng vle.wa and look over thefine oon.tructlon. Tere_ Batea 287.4073 or287·7121•.


DR....WEtt9RUIOOSO.. Nf:WMEXI(OIlbl5 .•

Sudderth Phon..



DClnny McGlll~258-4001

Chuck Flanagan2S1.:l253

Wandaliarmon2!l7.1591 '

bon Iiarnion257.7591· .

Mechem OftlceR..ld.nce Phon••.

TamDCIvl.257.2053 Hart257-4222




Ray D_n CCtr.,.nt.r257.9891





-.- ...-

. '

Wltl" MOUNTAIN _STATIS Unit 3. 3It.droom..., -"th.. Jove'" new home, furnl""....._ .........•~. $130.000•.

ALTO KOMI beautiful "'tma.p .'uml.h.d. 3 ..dr_.... 2 bath. OW.....would Ilk. to ttad. for ......thlnglarger.

For All Your Insuranoe & Real Estate. ' Needs. See.... .

•. , , .


, , . : ,.' ;, ..' ,

,, ,\, .,: .


,. \

", ,

'. ".' ." .' "

.' ";

• •" .





.,' ,••..


· ,;

·. ,

.. .,,1'• I,,'

. .


.. ;r-· or ~ __ _ _. _--~..-. _ ••-...... __ --. ... __ •...,..-&#039; .... ....- ....... ,... &#039;" - [PDF Document] (18)




'. .

",, ~'l·fi('·r4.;~:*·\·1

lr;! ..~..



Sam Ilcharaon, ....:251·535.




JIHChapmanRII.:25M9I5Ed RodrlgulX

RlL: 2510498100'11. Hlrdlng..••:2'..5432

" ,

: • II

" .I"~,, t ',

J ! ,

GQOD.LOOKINO MODIfiED A.FRAMIln prtJtlllOUIAlto Vllltg. hlilult COllll o,n tlltmark.t for ,,*flpt 11mel Th""ly.Il~", floor p'-n ,rovl. thrtt,bedrooml( two bathl, WI' blr, iltlUty IfII. ,Ivenm~i'I apptalllllddtd by tht two Rr.,\tCH In bHrOOinl, the la..... MI,''''~thtd,al ClllInot~ ind the lovely 11,rll Iii.vl.w. All oppllallCtllncludtd, May c.f. t....for another Alto VUlag. lot, •12'.$0'0.

~ UmE HARD WORK IS RIQUIRED, but ihll~hal pot.ntlall Ad" ho"" on almost two iCrft Qfpinioco.vtr.dland. $niIIL 1~.thOUttlncludttl~ .Poulbl. own.r '1IIIIIel". 149,500, .'

, .

LOG CAlIH CHARMER In gOCitllocatlon offttl t","! '.:'b.drooml, mbaihl',woodburnlng dav',.,..., " '.r.dw~ dlde, NiWly conilruet.d. "5!600" .

,', .1 , '

. DlER 'ARK WOODS Ii thi ~XCllltnt littl", for thll.OO&fa~lna hUdl1ig ijt.~r.~[ with .., aCCt.

, 'Iild.. 'pHt_lit vl'~I'lu. luli 101ft"" l\IIiIIHt. :ship. '19,500.' . I'.. ,. .

" \

GlOrgltOrlHlnRII: 257.5949

LflGrlfflnRII: 257·5949IIIIHlmhf.ld

ProPfrfy Manogtmtnt/SaI.J111:25704515

, j I,t• ",,~. .' •• 1/ .,,'

P.ggyGowdyIII.: 25704735BtttyLouRyanRII.: 336·1271

Shlrl.y McCormIckR.s.:258-3461 .

~, ,

, ,,'::',' ,VI5.1A,"DIl,lAGO" ,:;{~',, :' ,,' "'''Ihtllltl ., ,':};;

• ,:" j ~.':" • ", '" , " tiL

", oV8,rlooking the Inri ,: ,;' .. ;i,

MOOn OP~N DAilY' ,~ "Presented by :. ,

:~'hk~il~~: .Rui~olo . Canle~tTheatrt .

'Real&tate ." ,257.92Sf·.'

, '

"I ,

,,':-SpecialFeatures!: .. ,,~(

" " &"",., • I(1()1 'j(fn~ 0Q' ("'i\

,,_ '~''j ,Jjl\.J ,aSS8C,L~ated In The Northwest Corner or Innsbrook Village - Highway 37Box ~290, Ruidoso, N. M, Bienvenidos, aqui se habla espano!


Cute year around cabin lo~ateddeep II'! the Upp,r Cariyon,. An .'Ideal vacation retreat 9nd agoodrenter. "$42/500.,' with terms. 'available. • .

Everything We- Touch Turns to Sold

Doug Bass - Broker, Brad Johnson - Gen. Mgr., Res.: 257-4715

Blll Happel- Sales Mgr., Res.: 251·5209

, ._.----- .. .--..,..~-~,;~'"""

. HOMES, CONDOS Thr.. b.droom, two bath Inn. LOTSANDTOWNKOUSES / Jbrook condominium. Larg.

4, .. QlSUmabl.loon and:.xctlltnt U,5OiJ down will ~y you• lot156,000 chormlng cabIn with r.ntol hl.tory. In Alplnt VIII.... ",'SO toknotty pin. Int.rlorI wood "0,500,floor., flr.plac., wood .tov. Alto Townhou". - w. haveIn ma.t.r bedroom, .xClII.nt . fiVE on thl mark.t. If you :

acc•••• haVt btln contl••rlng buying 115,000 yourcholct ofItv.,.1don't hlllt.t. any'long.r. Call C.dat Cr.ek 'loti. '3,000

today. down.Two 2b.droom, 1bath homllIn,Cldar C'lIk.loth are n.w, ALTO LOTS


125,000 5 .erel In Lolntntaring complltlon. "9,500

--';!:1.:~ Grandt ht.t.., 1004 ,..ttlc.. and $63,500. "0,000 View of Caplfan., tiON.

tr.. coverld. High MIIlI.E>

Mlny,MlnyMortThre. bedroom hGml,locotld .,4,SDO LIVII, .p.ctaeuICiron two lot•• GrlQt acce" duroIng .now•• T.•nns or. b.lng of· vl.w•• HIgh Mesa.

ACUAGE AND COMMllCIALlttld. Call for full dltall•• "1,500 1.13 aerll. full568,'00, ""mHl1hlp. Ottr Park.

~.. -Trt.nty woo4ttl .em withOwntt financing with $25,000 $27,500 Wooded Ixe.lllnt t'l1M< Two ml,"down and you can own anew 3 full mtmb'l1hlp, DMr pork. from downtQwn luljOlO.bldroom, 1'1_ bath home InTown and Country North. Call Ow., 30 Alto loti you can -Two large commercllllota onfor atour. chOOIl from. Hwy. 31. '115,000.

Lie Milton• I RI••:257.5386,i Joe%agonl

R'I.: 258-4242

PRmy LOT WITH MOUNTAIN VIII lItOrCOpltl~ha.all lItllitleil Rlltrlctloni allow tOni horN, GqbdoWI1~r financing. JUlt t.41$00,

I, '.. 11-

" ,

• I


CHARMING tlOME NEAR UP'ER CANYON AREA ilfftl13' IlIdt,OOnll, bath, r'lI1Od.l.d klt~h'il', flaglton•.flr.plac., knottvpln. Inftrlor;lIlw carPtt. mostfurlll.h\ngl,Th. perf.ct Ikl· cabin or mciUntalllhldiUwayl 157,000. .

SMALL AtREAGE TRACTS WITH ZONING 'OR MOilLEHOMES:arl,lotattd In thlltrintlyllHutl'ul Nogalarea. Th," cholclll!.1 Ojfer good tr-. cov.t, ,ret.fy niountaln vl'w•• Ont hOl:ll per tract alloWtd. fTwq to "v.n aer•• ln ~IJt. 'Iberal Jirms. "1,000

. up.

COMMERCiAL _CRIAGE In IUp.rb location provld'l\, .xc.lI.n' pot.ntlal for Ih. div.loper or .Implv iii

Qn Inv••tni.nt. City wat." ilectrlClty. 100i..t ofI front~g. On HlghwaV 37. av. acr"-"67,,~OO,.~ " . :1 '

•• 'L

READY - beautiful hom*o InCamelot with panoramIcvlaw, 3bedrooms, 2baths, 2story. Must seo to appreciate- only $145,000. ,

FULL MEMBERSHIP - view loton' 1.07 acres In Deer Park.OWNER MUST SELL.

IHAVE 3of the least expen·live view lots In Ruidoso ­Mountain VIew Estatel.Call1lllU

SHARE THE FUN - terms are10 good ali this WhIte Moun·.taln Chalet. Sleeps adozen -room for 3famlllel, share a 1

second home with lomefriends;

1,200 SQ. FT. doll house, 2bedrooms, 2 baths - grandroom with corner fireplace.Vaulted coiling - 8skylights- 3600 view. All this plus 2acres,

I \'

The regular 5:00 p.m.deadline applies vnless youneed to proof your'ad;



,'ADVERn5.E«$""i!t~"':'~:' 1,',\:'::~'<: ':)\;:'·rr;;!:~::::t,

"" If'Y~u wish, tQ$e~,a:.P'(pqton on ad schedvled to';Q~P~pt;,~~>

. .in the ~LASSIFIED OR' REAL. 'ESTATE SECTION, copy .mustbe ·turned / into' our, office, •befo~e "



".i .j'

,Thank you for yourcooperation. .


:RtEAS;NSREAL ESTATE 257·9111615 Sudderth DriveBox 2982, RuidosoMargarot Gaddy



only $66,000 plus c10llng ,I

COlt. All utilltla••

IF SPACE 15 what you nerid wehave 2·3·4 acres - easyterms. View. Eloctrlclty only.

'siena dev~lop~ent compo:ny,iot'. :":"


, '

NEW ON THE MARKET I. fhllattradlv. honi,ln goodlocatIon. Thl'll bedroomi, two bdth.,, 'car.port•••"., '

MOUNTAIM RETREAT WITH RUSTIC~PP~A~ hal C11~v••Iy' locatIon Ji~r the Ruldo.o Rlvlfi Two b.droom.,bOth,lOlarrum, flr.pfacll. (xc.Ueli' t,rmi, OWnlriUg.rto 1111I f4MOO, .

AN EXCELLENT IUSINESS OPPORTUNITY I. aHord.dby thl, ItOrt In Cllpltan. Well.malntcdntcl operation .how. good Incom•• AIllI In.eluded In ial. II ci nice 3.bldrOol1l, 2.lKItb hilnii.G~ tlrl1ll.PI.a.. call for detail., ,;:, '9

•,' • I

, HANDSQME ONE.LEVEL HOME with .liptrb acctl.. and all CItyutllltll' OHII1 two bedroom., two bathl,

,1lIOJI rock flreplact, large diCk, wood fenc•• May boaalafurnl.h.d or unfurnlsh.d. $81,'00/ without fur.nllblng••

J.L. Schooler, Assoc.Res.: 378·8342


lB. I


ROUNDUP REALTY, INC."Come To The Wiriamlll OnSudderth .

F~r All YourReal Estate Needs" '633 Sudderth Drive-RUidoso~'New ,Mexi~o :88345

\. , '




, ,

I • .' ., 'I

ruidoso, new ,m,eldco11345 ,


aOhnVi Htill,Q~.Ufyllll'roIltr, 336."11' ,Gel;y Lynch,hnitilMlnaGitr336042,$2

JI or..M.d.,.., AiOCr,,,, 336.4030.Ioce IdJOt,lllOCltf./33t-477S

~rvMcSWIJI.,.lIIcr.t./2S1.,,2j .. ValfanNdJl,lioc"at.,354<2271' .."'IfDodd, AIIOCI,d., 2'7.9545 ,

p.o. box 1442 - (505) 2S1.5111

'307 mechem drlv' .

. : :~~

CONDOTEL, aunique new cOmputerited con~ep'\~ In 1~llng and Inv.ifl~; hal'beautiful new, fuly.fu,ml~hed condominllllll fOr ~nt~ythe day, the week ~r,the month. Each unit features aflrepla~, ~leTV,~~ndytalher/drylr. Allare ealUy accIlllbl1 an,d ~e lIlountaln Yle.~, are truly '"Ietacularl

, For rates and guaranteed re..rvatl~nl, :' I "

, "CALL~: " I

In State 5,Q5·257·9057Colle~tOut ,of 5tote1·800·545.,90l7 Toll Fre,e_,


RR - HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! Price on this 3bedroom, 1% bath completely furnished, professionallydeco~ated home·has been drastically reduced. Featuresfull membership in Cree Meadows Country Club and.located on golf course within walking distance of clubhouse. Only $100,000 and areal bargain atthat price. 'RR -197814'x84' 'Solitaire Royal on 2.65 acres for only$33,750 will help you realize your dreams of living in the :

. country. Some financing available wit4 low down .pay~

ment. Let us show you this jewel today! ' .RR ~ CAREFUL BUYERS, DON'T MISS THIS!Retired owner wants to travel and must sell this lovely 3bedroom, 13f4bath, furnished mobile home in mobilepark. Priced at only $19,950 and owner wiil finance withonly $5,000 down. This home is spic and span and fur·nished with beautiful furniture. See this one now!RR - HOME WITH VIEW! Charm and personalityplus make this roomy 3bedroom, 21~ bath home arealbuy at only $137,500. Has assumable 9~~% loan.Features double garage with automatic door opener,spacious decks to enjoy' the view, game room, and fenc·ed yard. AIJ of this plus many ~ore extra features for

, only $137,500. Let us show you thIS one today. .RR - D·I·V·O·R·C·E makes it necessary to sell thisbeautiful wooded R·! building lot with lots of trees, pav·ed street, al1 city utilities. Only $12,500 and areal steal.Buy this one for that dream cabin you have planned forthe future. •RR _"FIXER UPPER" SPECIAL!! partially com·pleted 2bedroom +loft, 2bath "woodsie" cabin for only$46,500. Owner will finance with $10,000 down paymentat 12% interest. If you have atalent or need abargaincabin then give us acall and let us show you this goodbuv! 'RR- FLOATING TIME CONDO WEEK at InnsbrookVillage for weeks 19 thru 25 or weeks 28 thru 34. This isduring the high race periods at Ruidoso Downs. Pricedto sell!RR- MOBILE HOMES LIKE THIS are usually on thewaiting list! We proudly offer this 2bedroom, 1l~ bathfurnished mobile on large 11k lot for only $35,000.'Features covered deck to enjoy the view and freshmountain air. Furnished including king size hide·a·bed,washer/dryer and would make agreat summer cabin orski cabin.


Homes' Cabins •Acreage I Condos •FarmsRanches •Commerci~lProperties

Mel Glenn, BrokerBob Johnson, Assoc.' Res.: 257.5097

Res.: 257·2198 Bonnie Glenn, Assoc.Res.: 257·5097

-.., ! '

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,',1)";' ,1#. ,




,, .






thiS March at a site to beselected 10 Florida, with theshows schedUled to airweekly starting Apr-, 2. •

Past "Scholastic" hOstshave been New YorkKnlcks cOsch HI,I) 0

B'I,';Jfbrmer pro soccerplayer · ...i'f)t..ou f'\)~and

former NHl- cosch li'hl"lI('ilccm

; :i. i




.,·1 p.n:s. -DitAGONILAY.IWith 1I.lph IlcMrfton

...,1 p.m. -'UI1'W'OOD MACIN COHCIIT

Ht, la10 p.m•. "CA"HI~Y' lOWwith tUck Nolt.

u....; I p...... ""'A rntANOII ISWAtCHI" .

I.; .p."" ..... HONDO .',. . w'th John W-V'"

I,; .p,lI1. -IlICH LimE'S ., IOIIN HOOf)

"i, 1 p.m............ QOU(:TIOH .wilit Mot"li ".I,c:hll~

251..5121 CABLE

\',;,?:"::<.':;r,"'~~~~~~"~';:::::::=:::::;-:'~:::_~~' .-;: ...~-:::::::.'_,.,,..::;;:- ''- ;:-~- ~,,~~_"--r.--=.-.......-!±~,- ....- ~,,"~:~,~ -- .~.. ---.,,' . - "'-~"'" -,.-. - .~--~ --..-- ,_ _..~'- '".•

.,,,,,,;,i.~~p'~""""="""",=""""=-,.,,,,," ",,';;,,"'"'"""'-" •- - ~",.=-""""",,,,.XI"""",,~ -...""""~"""=...,.~~-="

;.:;,t '2:...~~;,::: :' :r:..=....:: •:::: .k:. ~.~ -:-, i:'5~ "... 18=115 WEEK ON ~a[f;3@ t=;> M@W 24 HOURS A@AV

9;SO p.m. - NOT NlaSIAlli\Y. 'HI NIWS

'.p.m..... JUSlaH' LooSl. wlth_lcIHI,.. Pryetr

10;U p.m. -MONDO ... wllhJOhn We,.,.

9:35 p.m.....MAKING LOVIw'th k.t,J.dcson

7:30 p.m.....fHI sHOOt.S'"11th .loh.. W.y.,.

7 p.m. - (ANN._' lOWwl'~ .....,. W'.,.e' .

9 p.m.- UNIX,UItOAT,D. ""NY".LI.,I5ION 11CJI Sudd,erth

NatIonal BOXing team com. ? J; F ( C"j'lJ r_~, J. fj1it j

.peting in <lual meets r,'[\\]'1 J [:"'I!I(j hiJ'I'c., the PhIla-against some of the finest ~,1",t,( C't 1';/ ill]"';; fJ delphia Phlilies sluggingnational teams in the world. e,.,.-", .Pet" i, i"" ",' third baseman. Will host theT

.'and . .1"• • oJ" ,)L' baseball Installments onhiS Sunday, Feb. 20. the ('th' .

American squad takes' on '. IS group won many the USA Cable Network'sYugoslavia. frqm Aiieka. medals st the .1982 World award-WInning "ScholastICYugoslavia. r jfi ChCH,OI Amat~ur Boxmg Cham- Sports Academy," an

, I plonshlps, at which thewll r.eport tl1e matches U.S. team finished second IOstruCtlon,!1' series forfrom nngslde. to Cuba.' youngsters. Schmidt will

The U,S. team Inclu.des (t:WJlID i mJ AlP tape 13 half·hour shows

I l' ~. i

appearances from 1978through 1981. Vermeil wasnamed NFL Coach of theYear 10 1979. He reSignedat the end of this year'sseason.

"U.S.A. vs. the World inAmateur Boxing," a senesof ABC Sports specials. willfeature the United States

" '. ~ J ~.' ,,

CHANNEL3 - KOAT Albuquerque [ABCl

CHANNEL4 - KOB Albuquerque (NBC)

CHANNELS - HBO Home Box Office

CHANNEL 7 - WOR New York [Ind. I

CHANNELS - KSWS Roswell-Lubbock [NBCI

CHANNEL10 - KBIM Roswell [CBS)

CHANN EL 12 - WGN Chicago [Ind. I ..,

CHANNEL 13 - KNME Albuquerque [PBSlCHANNEL 16 - CBN Religious

CHANNEL 17 -WTBSAtlanta flnd.1

CHANNEL 18 -:- KGGM Albuquerque [CBSI


CHANNEL 20 - SPN Satellite ('nd,'l'. . .CHANNEL 21 - KLKt< Alb"querq,ue find.!

Networks and StaW,ns reserve t{te rl~httI) ('hange prllgrammlltg

"The Duke" Is baCk on the CBN Cable Nelwork In the newseries. "The John Wayne Theater." airing every Saturday Ir9m ­7 to 8 p.m (EST). Some of John Wayne's most memorableperformances will be showcased. On Feb. 26. w.ayne stars In"West 01 the Divide." the story 01 a rOljg"!'-and-tough coWboy.

The same day al t p.m.. Vera Hruba Rallitpn amfAnthonyGeorge are featured in a story of stagecoach paSsengeFs introuble In "Gunfire at Indian Gap." "California Trail," alJoi,Jt acompassionate cowboy. airs from 3 to 4 p.m. Buck Jones'plays the individual with a sense of duly tp the oppressed.

Along with tflese great Western drama and adventuremovies. CBN Cable offers a selected package 01 AmElllca'sfavonte Weslern classIcs .'

"Wagon Train" IS one of the 'network's mosl popl,ll,lrprograms. Each show stars a guest character with whom theregulars meel along the trail from Missouri tb California. The'show airs from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.

.'The Monroes," airing from 4:30 tl;) 6 p.m" shows the trialSand tnumphs of a frontier famlly battling dishonest· land deal·ers. outlaws and other wrongc;loers. .

ThiS "Sesl of lhe West Hall of Fame" also includes "TheWesterners" (noon to 12'30 p.m.) "Wild 13111 Hlckl;)k" (12:30to 1 Pm). "Judge Roy Bean" (2;30 to :3 p.m,) "WyattEarp" (4 10 4 30 pm) In March. "Death Valley Days"replaces "Wyall Earp"

, {




.! ,~

'\I ,

, ', .\ )

i !

i \I ', j


I ';


who led thePhiladelphia Eagles to the1980 Super Bowl, hasSigned a mUlti-year con·tract With CBS Sports as anexpert analyst for thenetwork's coverage of NFLgames In seven seasons.Vermeil gUided the Eaglesto a 57-51 mark and fourconsecutive playoff

". • c •

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,, I



" ,


. ,



.. MOVIE: 'The Cion, Mas"r' A blochemis,clones 1:J replica~ol Hlmlelf arid then uses them'il1 on attempl tothwort 0 mysleTlilul plot. Art,Hlhdle, Robyn Dougtal, Rolph BeIJamy. 1978..• MOYIE'; 'Col",mbol ShOrt Fuse' lh. com' '

, potly,atior';ey is'su1f?ected after thecorporafo, head's limousine e~plodes. Pe/'rFalk, William

Windom, Ida luplno. 197~ •GJ Sign'Off- ,

12;150 MOVIE; 'Super Fllz;' A'manexposed toradlollon deYdlops luperhumo!1 powers. Terr­ence Hili. Ernest Borgnlno, Joanne Dru. Roted

. PG.',1:2130 fJ EspN CNN Headline "'ewl·. .:... _. om fD Sign Off'

Il!J CBS "'.Wi NI!!hlwateh·lID LIfe of RiI.y' . ~

12,4S !lID MOVIE; 'Trlgg.r Troubl.· '1:00 0 NBC Newl O\lllrnlg~t

U MOVIE, 'Under 'he Yum·yum Tree' Twopeople In love ogree 19 dererm,!oe Iheir 'eharoe.ter compotlbllity' 'by livIng logetherp1ato!llcolly.Jock lemmon, Coroly Lynley, Dean Jones. 1963,1m Nlghtb.atlID 700 Clubo NCAA Bask.tball, Nor,h Carolina­Charlott. at ,JacksonvilleIII Tom Cottle Up ClolelID CBS Newl Nightwalch 0 '

em MOVIE: :Re~cue Sqllad~,Flrelighters ar~porttayed'vivldly m Ihelr dangerous profession.Rolph Forbes, Leon waycoff. 1936o N.wlwalch1m MOVIE: 'Thlef' A woman ond 0 mostersofecrocker become Inyolved'in the Intrigue ofIhe underworld; Jamel, Coon, TuesdClY Weld.Ro~ert Pralky, 19B1. Rated R. .III Barry Farb.,

. In MOVIE: 'War Druml' An Apache chlolmorrl.. a Mexican girl ancl hop.1 for peaceamong his brave brothers and the whlto man.lo~Borker, Joon Taylor, Bon Joholon. 1957.

2:30 lID ROil Baglev '3:00 fJ Prog cont'd

U Sign On/N.WI. III William T.nm Varied Ptograms

3130 0 ESPN'llnsldeBasebOlI'February Edillon!o Morning Stretch -m McHale's Navy

• lID Another Ufem World/Large

4:00 0 ESPN', SportlWomanD Joe franklin Show1m S.a HuntlID Romper RoomIn TBS Morning Newl

4115 IiJ MOVIE, 'Marco Polo, Jr,' Marco 10tl outfor XOl'ladu ,where he relcues Prll\Ce.. ShiningMoo,n to lulldl 0 legendary prophecy. Volcel 01Bobby Rydell, Arnold Stong. Roled a.o NCAA Inslruct I.nal Serl'lm Faith 20 . 'lID Jimmy Swaggartf1D.~OVIE' 'Houle 0' Dang.r' A man fakelo.n '"Iury In order to love a gIrl ond trop two •killers. Onslow Stavdns, Janet Chandler. 1934.

',7 .-.,


" .. -. ----

.. IlIutttar.d D(llly .' ,lID EIt,.,talnrn'n' Tonighto Filmlly "udl!D) Monevworkll

,.Soap : .7:00 II lID That'IIncredlbleJ,

D Uttl.. Hqult' II'N,w Boglnnlng .,U MOVIEI 'Damn'h_ D.flcint' When the

H.M.S. Deflantsels oUlto help toekl4t fIi, Napa.· leonlc fI.,t, ~ lussl. forpo~r erupts between

theCoptoln clod hil firlt lieutenant. Alec Guln'neU, Dirk Bogorde, Maurie. benham. 1962.o MOVIEI I~rdney Sheldon's. Rage ofArig,I,' port 2 ..IIDM·A-S"H i0) MacNeII.Lehr., Repott

· lID 700 Club ;CJnCharlle Bro,wn Sp.clill 'Is This 900dbVe,

, Charlie Brown? Linus and lucy move away,creating chool in 'Peanutlond.'{R)~' Telefranc. (

7130 iii) ~::h~r~IY.'O0) BUllne.. ReportlID Squ!lrtPegl

8:00 fJ NFL TheatretBost Ev-r Quarterbackl ., Q lID MOVIE, 'Orace Kellv' This film Iroees

the life of GrOce ~elly from Philadelphia so' h30~Iety, through her fUm career and her marriageto.Prlnce Remler of Monaco. Cherylladd, LloydBndgOl, Ion McShan••o "'OVlE: 'Sldney Sheldo"'s Rag. o(Ang_Is' Par' 2 '~ MOVIEI 'Dragon.layer' A sorcerer comesolive when he Is cplled upon 10 slay 0 learsome 2:00flying dragon. Sir R'alph Rlchardlon, Pet't Mac.Nichol. Rated PG. • •CID Cagney" LaceyOJ Frontlln'm TBS EvenIng N.wIlID M·A"S·H·m MOVIEt 'The Ultle Girl Who UYII Downthe Lan,' Uninvited villtors dllappear whenther. threaten I/le prIvacy of a myllerlous youngglr • Jodlo FOl'et, Mortln Shoen, Alull Smith.1977

8,30 mNowslID Star TIm.lID Newharl •

9,00 R ESPN SpottsCt"t.,U Madame'l Place

·0 ED Newlo Great 'erformancIIID ~1I1r1 thO fClmllylID Cagney ,I. Lacey

9130 0 HawaII Flv..oo Tonight ShowlID M·A·S*H 'mCharlle'l AngelsIII Another UfeII MOVIEs 'The LUlty ~n' A cowpoke'swl'. ",lfers whtn /Ie~om.. 0 rodeo star andItts It go ,a. hIs head. SUlOll Hayward, RobtrtMItchum, Arthur KlI1ntdv. 1952. 4130

9:45 e Not Nocttsorlly The New. Thil showpromises 'a be Mrything the cutrenl news Isnol.

10:00 fJ NCAA Basketball, ConneC'ICut dtIotton College'0 IIDGNewsD !y.wltne.. N.wl

lID MOVIEI 'cOlumbo, bead Weight' Amur·der wilness b$glns to doubt hef own eyes whenIhe primory suspect In 'ho crime, begins 10 courthet. p.iet Folk, Suzanne PI"hei1e, edd;it Albert., 1911. EVENo::.;IN::G~ _

lID Butnl .. A'len 6,00 fJ Gymnastkst'USGF Single ElimInation. ",', m BonnyHIl. Sh.w Champlonlhlp

10tlS III MOVIEI 'ShOrlcyt MachIne' An Atlonta iii G Newlylcoquod JOrgeonl ~ounten pimpl, call girls. iii MOVIEs 'Tho Bad News Bears' A roo'logcrooked politlcianl andd,ug dealirslrl hls .....r. Uttlt loClOu, team Impro..... when a girl pilchetydO'/ working world. BUrl Reynold., Rochel joinl the squad. Woltet Moithau, rotumWord, Brlon Keith. Rated R. ' O'Nool. 1976. Roted PG.

10130" M·A·S"H III A·TeamD Tonight Show IIj) MOVIE: 'Will Ther. Really Be a• PItfall Morning?' The hf, af Hollywood "lor FrancesIII LoI' Night with Dayld Letterman Former Is troc.d. Suson Blakely, lee Granl,mMOVlEt 'Scorplo' CiA 119en1'l friendship John Heard. 1982.with hil Sovle' counterpart atouses tho Mpi' e Solld Gold MUlkal cOuntdownclans of his superiors who hire on assouln 10 gel 0 Wild worlcl .f AnImals .him. krt l(H\(osler, PClUI SCofield, Akm DeUm. e ,Spy1973 G MOVIE': 'Ensign Pulwr' Pulver attempll 10.. Hidden PlaclI corry on In the footsleps 01 Mr. Roberts, both ino Jack Benny Show harrossing the Caploin and irying to keep mar'a People'. Court 010 high, Robert Walker. Burllvel, Waltet Mot-D Nlghtllne . thou. 1964.tiD Wild, Wild Wftt lID Tic Tac Daugh

11100 II Nlthtllne .. 'os, TIme• '.yehlC Phonemena .. Aile,D PIS Lotlf Hltht 6:30 Q Happy Doys Againo I Married Joan III llIultra'ed Dolly

. III Trapper John M.D. lID Tonight• La.. Wtrd' lID FamllV J!oudgTrcmltr't WOrld SD Scuba World

11130 a LIlt. WOrd • flII $00 •D Ctuples. . , 7:00.:.11 NelA lalkttball: Auburn antnnlllH.. tHe Nliw. Overnight liD Hoppy Days .• My Utt.. Mar.1e illICIt, 'Esltnce .• MOVlE:'Garibalcll' Italy's soldier' 0 MacNell.Lehrer R,portslirlttmcl*t leads 01\ OpPrfls*d Italy to vlctory lID 700 Clubdnd restores Iii rightful ruler to the throne., lID MOVIE: 'Will Th.reaeally Be aRenzo Ricci, Paolo Stoppa. 1961. ' - ~l'Ilnlf?' the life of Hollywood Ilor FronceslID MOVlEl 'The V1klni:lI' A Vik1no king ond foniler is traced•. SUldn ~Iakely. l&e Gr..nt.hlssan kidnap a Welsh princess dnd hold'het fot ' John H.ard. 1982. .

· ransom. i<lrk I:lOliglas, Tony (;Urtll, Janet leigh. CD "te'rance. 1958 • . ' • HawaII Flvo·O

12100 IIUPN'llnlld, Baseball 'february editlOn! )':30 Q II) Loyertse .. Shlrlev. . D late Night with David Lett"man D P.M. Magazln, ..0 Joe franklIn Show • 8UIII'Illii Report

0) Alfted Hitchco*ck . .8:00 0 lID thr.e'l Componv_ lID BachelorFath~r D Bar. ElsonClI

':·.~~~I;l:-,,:r.~l1":~r;\!\;."'~~'i+iIl.:'''l:;;'U..' """""."'!..~' .,,' , ~,;:., ..... -~~ '" _. -. " .' _ ~_. "'M_Jil_......·.."'""IC......._..:r


..~' ,

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,. ,



, ,

6:00 • NCAA llasketbollt Connecticut at...ton Colletti••Now•D lyewltnfll Nt""• MOVIEs 'Thief' A woman and a maIlersafecrllCker become Involved In the intrigue 0'the uridorwotlcf. JOllIt1 Caan, TiJelday We/d.Robert Prolky. 1981, Rated R.• lead t. LA.mUtile Housel A Ntiw BegInning .• Chafllf ....wnSpeckil "s' This Goodbv"Charlle Brown?' Unut and lucy movt away,cr~ ~haos In 'Peanutlorid! (Il)

• 0IId. eevple• Wild WerkI ilfAnlmaltDI~V. ' .II MOVIEs 'ApllI holt' A Wall SIr"t broker'beconltillnvolvtd'with a wOman whom helatetdilCOytfj IS hll bo,,' wif.,JlICk lemmon, Cath-Irlne,l>e'neUvt,.Pttef lawford. 1~61. .• Ttt Tae Deugh' .• ""...,e-pher" Eye.• AlICe .. ,

4130 • HappY DopAgalnD '.M. ,MagazineD Squate PeA'QNc:AA Balketball, Loyola


, ,

. EVlNING ,.

. .~., "

12,:JO III Another WorldlID Capitol . ' •• AndV GriffithII iii Varied Programs

. 1,00 "1D~n"aIHOIpltal·IJ Fa"taly.lro'"ld,IDI Guiding Ughlm I of JeannieIDt 70C1 club ,.' . ,m Supe,Statl'll'l,Funtlm. •1ID,.;lco II Right

, l!D) Mllvle .1130 III Fcin'lny , ''. mPink Panth.r Show

·m Fllntston.". 2,00 Q lID'Edge'of Night

D Waftons , "o 11'1 Search of....lID Tattletaltilm$uperftl'ndl 'G Another Ufo

· If) MunsterllID Guldlnll Ught

'm Merv Griffin2:30- IJ o Movie •

III Brady BunchlID Price II IUghlII!l Scooby D~

· lID lull's Eye'ID Leave 1110 BeavIIlID Hour MagazinePm 'aul Ryan Show

3,00 D G1l11gan~s IslandIII CHI'Im'her,dlb/e HulklID Chain ReactionIn Brody BunchIIlJ Eight II Enough&II NostalgiaflO Wonder W6man .

3,30 0 Tom & J.rryIIlJ N.w $25,000 PyramidIn Dkk CaveU ShowlID Le," Make a'In Va,Ie" Pr.,greimllID Lav.rne .. Shirley I., cO.SO Ntstalgla

4,00 D CHIPI PalrolU •.J. a"d tho Boatiii NewlCID ,lID Happy Days AgaIno Muppet Show.. Soltlme Str..'lID Tk Toe Dough'ID Carol BurneU1m H.ut Magazinee Varied Programlm leyerly Hltlbllll..

4130 II N.wlIII NIeNewl

, gasNewl• Laverne and ShirleyDMovleID lib Nowhart showCD uule H.ult on 'he Praltle.. H.ult cOlis

5,00 IJ M"A·S·Ho II!l Barnev MillotDSoapo lID Newtiii 3-2·1, ContactID Varied PregramllID CBS N.wlfJII Charlie'. Angel•

!h30fJ ESpN SportsCtnt.rQGAIeNewlDNIeNewi'o lennv Hili ShowIII Entertainment TonlghlIII M·~"S·H8 JeHltflGn,CD Alfred HltchclKk.. New.




-f. I·....>·" "'j ','1, . 'j I I

• '- ~ tl·




12,00... 01'1' ute tit Uvit· 'D Aneth., W,,1d.. DkIc Yail Dyliti... Mac.....'....."'... Repo"lID Varltid Protta"l'......w.f»MovIe


• Movie.. PoJIca Dot 0-• 700 dub• .....w$25,000 Pyramid• VwlM Prtgroml• Plnbt.n..

1130 • SeIe .. the Century• UI&at. Yoga and Y..,• Chlkft Play• Plctvre ef Hoalth• Ilchant SImmons

'100 • Verlttl Progfaml••LnoleotD .. Wheel e' foftune• Tic Tac Deugh• "Denaliuee StIGr'nt StfHtg 'erry Ma,tOn• ledy Buddlel.. Remance Theater

9,30 D ID HII Man• V.u Asked For ItlID Anethet U'e• Varied 'rogramllID Torn Collie Show

10:00 iJ II famIly Feud: 'DID JUlt MenII tMWIG IlD Young and the RlltlessG", Vall.y.. NIt. RItQ.n' NeIghborhoodDMovIeII P..ple N.w With B11ITlllh• Vorled Pro",aml• Stanky and Hulch

10:30. II Ryan'l Hope .D D Starch For Tomorrow• ElectrIc Ct!"1pony• ••

11:00 • II All MV Child"nD bays ef Our Uvtt•• Movle ~

DtMw.· '• .....w Mollk. Today• Vo" Asked ,.,·It• Varied. PrOllfaml• AI thO W"ld TUrnl• Muriel St.vent SheW.In Starch .f.... ..

11130 D bays .f our twtt• At thO worlcl TurnsgINN Now.• Over !aIY ,• Varied PrOlIramt• V.u Asked Fer It-


, .." '.

5,00 ,fJ BUIIII_ Tlmel on ES,.N 't-. busine" newsI1rle'lng for e~ecutivel.: (The 7IOQam program 'I

• ,,0 replirlof 6.000m) ,(60 min.)II cNN HeildUneNewsU Jlnimy Swaggart 'III ~•.DdV 'mTop/MorninglID MOYie, ,CD SuperStcitlon Funtlme

5,30 • Jim eollker, 'III !cn'v To!fayeUullwlnkleCD I Dream of JeannielID CiS Early Morning Newl •

6,00 • ESPN SportlCenter ," ,II lID ABc Newl Thll Morning,D Fac'l of Ufe 'III Toda., ,lID CBS Eatl., M!H'nlng NewlGBolltShltw'CD r.\y Three SonllID CIS Morning NewlID International Bvline

, m Inltari' Newl6,30 '0 EarlV Todoy '"

U flDI Varied ProgromlIIDNewlIII Moyle

, 'mT~t Girl6;45 .111 Qoed Morning

1,00 fJ Varied. ProgramlII lID Good Morning Americao Toda.,U Straight TalklID CIS Morning NewlmMovie• fran CarltonmNew z.o Revue

7115 0 Weather7,30 II!l lewl'ched

fI) Mr. IlltQen' Neighborhood&II Jane' SloaneflO Scoolly DItO

1;00 fJ E$PN SportsCentero Romper RltOmIII facti 'ef Ufe

'.~ -~·r ',


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,.• •




• l'

,0 MOV!E: 'Th. ComebOck Kid' A I!uml-outbasoball player IClkes the lob of !:oaching aleall\ of street kids, JahnFlitle., !)oug McKeon.D Joeftaflldln Show '119 Seca, HUflt

, gRDIIlpet' RoornG 18~ Moml"g He."sfJ NCAAI"slruct lonal ~,...• Falth 20 ,,m JllIlmy $wa"gort 'f!I!) MOVIE: 'Phantom 0' ,he De~'


• i

6:00 d Gymnostk.; USGFSlngJ. ElimlnallonChamp!llllship .' "o ClDNew.. ' ,o Eye""i'n... N.ynII MOVIE; 'lustill' .\.octse' .An e)(,(oo and a •mlddie-clan teach,er travel cron-country whilebod guys follow In hilI po",ult. Ridlard Pryor,Ci<:ely TYWf!. 1981. Rtrlfid R.Q MOVIE: "he Wild Geese' 11 bond of mer' •cenories ottempts anl",powcle task in Africa,Ri(hard 8IJrtoo. R~r' Moore. Richard !iarris.1978.UFom.,lID Magllurn, P,I;119 MOVIE; 'The., Return of 'he PinkP~lItherl The bumbll~g, ac(ident-prono frel\(h.Ieuth Inspector ClQuseou Is.irl nladcap pIIrsuit,of a prlcelCJs gem known as the Pink Panthlllr.Pe'.r Selle... Christopher ,Plummer, CaIMrineSchell. 1975,

m Wild World of Animal.lID I Sp¥ .m NCAA Bashtball: IndlanCi ofMichiganlID Tic Toc DeughflO Traveler'. Worldm Allee' ,

6:30 D Happy Dqys Again, a P.M. Maglnln.OIIMustiated Dailyat Ent....alnmenf Tenigh'cm Fomlly Feud• ShatJlftf lmug.faSoop .,

7:00 flNCAABasltetba\l: Wok. mst lit N«IhCaroflnQ.g~dco

II Fornoo Glntme A IreokGSi~ & SimonG MocHelUehter Irep«tIII 700 CublID Moanurn, P,I.SI Te!efrancctfa Howail Five 0 ,

7:30 U"Arnctl\da',• .Net Ne«mariIy lhe New. This showprOrMes 10 btl _".".ing the current I\eWI isnol,OCheenII AJIS Ctt Wlirlc '

':00 e lID T.. a.s. hr Comf«lII Gimme A Ireok' .IIMOVIE: 'J" Stranger" Watching' A~I~I .holdl hostages in tho tvnnels uncMI New York sGrand Cflltrol Stoti<Kt. Rip Tom, Roted R,DApple Pol.ltheraiii HI" Sir... Itu..q KlIeh ~f\cJ.inlIII Erk SeYOfeld', ChronklesG TIS E\oenlnrJ N9W1II SImen " $imo"lD MOVIE: 'Earth N' The earth b«al\1es thetQrget <It Ct ckocIly Iludeor ~eIO\lnC"ed

from 0 ~poco italion. Gory Lo<lr...,oocI·and An-thony l'tondoso. 1911 •

':30 b at It THes TweaCheenD HiM en New "-yIlJ NewsgEn•.,~• S'ot lime , ' . '

9:00 fJ NCAA 8cnlletbaM: UCLA af USCD lID 20/20II HIN Street lIuesB Modome'• .PJac"08NelNlIII MY'leryl .G An 'n thtFal1tlly1m Kn/lt' Landing ,

9:30 II MOVIE: 'Making to....• A )'0UIIg wo?,~mu.t face the ltllOWr.dge thai her husband II III

love whh anolllet man. t<ole JCKlcSOrl, HartyHClmlin, Michaet 0nik1lOll. 1981, Rated R.U Off Trade bettin"o Tonight ShowtID M-A*S-W• chort..•• Allgela• Analllet liteG MOVIEs 'lhe Drurn,' All El\glish garrisonIII India lights olf IndionfonatiCl with the help,alii nolive princ~. RCiyniOlld Masw,. Sobu, 'IClI·erie Hcibsoo, 1938.

'0:00 U tID (II) NewsEI Ey.wit"." NeW,• 'ltfalf, ,.... d'S'Gl MOVlEl 'MCCloud:, Th' ..2n ..Cavalry' McCloud llonwlllingly OsSrgne~ 10 theInoufllecl,polke onit. Dennis WeoWlr, Jol,e Sol'll'Inors, 1974.' .OJ Moi'eiplec. Thea"•.mlll,nl &. All,,,.. Bennyfoiill ,Show..


o Timillh"Shl'w {fl,

CI!J MM:'S*H,'·' ,.,\\,\ \.m Charli.', A"ga'sm Ano,h., Ufe , ,," ' ,mMOVIE; 'Gt'""Pasture.'T/jis f"ble aflifeIn H~Yen ~ndBiblicollt!lrlet qivesmeoning toAdoi'll, NaClh and Mose" R\lx Ingr~m, OscarPolk, Eddie, Andel'$on,. 1936,CD Fa",ilyFeud

10;000 lID G» News ,a Ey.wl'n,.1 Newt· , ' . '.

, CI!J MOYIE: 'TClpper' The ~IClnic '~le,of !W0angels who haV\! a;devil of a time getting IntClheaVen. Kale )~.on, Jack Wardm. Andr"wStevens, 1979 't:..:' . ': ',18 Jubllos ,Ill) Burn. & AII.nfJt BotnnV HIIrShaw. . : ,

10; IS 0 MOVIE: 'H9ndo' 11 cowboy d,scaV9r' awidow alld her son tr<lpped In the middle of 0

deodl)l AJilKhlluprisinQ. John Wf:ftne, GerlJl·, dine P~, 1953, ,

10:30 O'NCAA BaslcelbaU; V!rtilnlaot ClemsonOM-A-S-H 'o Tonight Show,U Pllfa" 'iii Lat" Night with Dqvld

• MOVIE; 'Hang 'Ern High' 11 w<tstlllrn'~ugh: 'guy .weor. vengonce on the men .who Ines to

lynch him, Clin' Eastwood, Inger Stevens, Edaogley, 1968III JacJc Benny ShowmPeople'l COurt.'Nightline 'fa Wild, Wild W."

11:00 O. Nightllneo Psychic PhenomenaOJ ,as Lote NightIII I Matrled JoanlID Hart to HartlID lost WordlID Now Moguline

11:30 0 t.oat Worda CouplesU NBC N.wI OvernightIII My lIltJ., MargJ.IS MOVIE: 'Caxom~u' Alter a gong hijocks2 000 corDts of diamonds, theirplanecr~n In'hill Amatan jungle iMobited by headhunters,John Irelond. Carol Ohmart, KlIlilll larsen.1968. •Ill) MOVIE; 'My Ilrolher Jochu~'mMOYIE: 'Some like It H.r Two musicians.witne..... 'a a Chicago murder, diSQUise them­set\'lllS a' girls. Tony" Curtis, Jack LlIlmmon, Mari·Iyn Monroe. 1959.

11:45 II MOVIE: 'The SflIuctlon' A popol'ar !"rllporler ond hr liYll'iro lover must contend WItha crazy peeping 10m. Morg~ Fairchild. An­drlt'N Stevens, Mkh~1 SarrozlII, Raleel R,

12:00 a Lole Night with David letltrmano J.. Franklin Showm Alhod HitrhudclID BacheJor FatherlID MOVIE; 'Fint lev,,' A young man foils inlove with a girl who is having an affair with onalder man, WiIliClm (ott, Susan Dey, 1m,III SlsIn Off

12:30 II ESPN SpothCenlero CNN Headline New,a.Slgn OffIII CIS NeINl Nlghtwatche Life of R"*y

1.00 a NBC New. Ovemlght ,U MOVIE: 'Ntghf Sonll' A soclolite~ ablind pianbt OI'Id htlpi film tegaill his Conlid·en<;o and his gltl, 0QnQ Af\drlllWS. Mer'- 0b­eron. Ethel Barl')'lllOt<t, 1947If) Nlghtbeettm 700 Clubg MOVIE: 'Outlaw roundup' The TexasRangers trode a gang of cut throats, JamesN.will, Dove O'llrlen. 1950.

1:15 G MOVIE: 'Winde!1i', Way' A doctor in arell>ote Malayan Village fries to 'pri:vent the op­prtssed n<rIives Irom going Communi:!. PeletFlnch, Mary Ute, 1958.

1:30 H NCAA Bctt.ketboHr Putdu. Qt IHinltisII MeV1£: 'Chanel SoIitair.' Coco Chanel'.struggle for S\IC<eu in the ..~ fashion world i.c:htonicled. M<t+i<t frDll<:t pi1.ier, R\lfgflr Hauer,Timothy baltOll. 1981. ltoted R.IS Tom Cettl4J Up Close1m cas News, NightwatchED MOVIE: 'lobe' Th. biography of BabeOidrikSOrl Zoho,ic., ....merica·s loremost womanathlete, Suson Clorlo:, Alex !COrras, Slim Picken••1975.

1:45 $ MO\tIEr 'Low of th.llm~t' Fighh. mur­der oM a farelt fire <III 'aka ploce when tnen tryto folt. Ovel'cJlumbermitl. Mon'" Blue. MarjorieROyrlOlds. 1941 •

2:00 II NtWlwalch , ," ,'" MOVIE: 'SOgobtusf! lraU' Wesle,.., Star'ring John Wayne, 1933. ,

2:30 .'ouBagley ,.3:00 fJ Protcont'd

U Sign On/New' ,CD Vatled"'~rlil'ns,' ,

3i15 ,.MOVIE: 'A Tailth of Clan'A B,riti:h div.ot., eN lrIeett a welj..o-cJo -and happIly tnom..d'American and agrellsto a,week·long fling inSpain. Glendo Jack50Il, Ge~rg' Segol. PalllSOrvlIlO. 1973 :, '

3t30 fJ ESf'N'1 Sporhfotum "D Morning StretchCD Mel-lal,', Navy"" ,'. '."lilt Another Uf.mWorIJ/Lo,gli

4:00 fJ Pick Thi ProS




o lID N.wsa Eyewitness News9 MOVIE. 'Chan" Solitalte' CO<o Chanel's"ruggle for iucce.. in the hl9h f01hion world ischronicled, Ma';" Francz Pille,. Rutge, Hauer.TImothy oallon. 1981, Roled R..o Madame'. Placeo 'eopleCI!J 25th Annual Grammy AwardJ John Den·ve' ho.ts this year'. ""ow honorlllg achieve·mmt, In ,"e .music indultry. (3 hr•.)IS NCAA Bask.tball: Pu,due a' IllinoisIi) WlId Wodd of A,lImol.III I SpyIi NCAA BaiJc.tbaU: ArlcanlQS at Texasm Tic Tac Oflrgftem American Iobyf!D Aliceo Happy Days Agolna P,M. MoIlGzin.o NHL Hockey: New York la.Ionden atChicagoII) IHu.Iro'ed Daily1m Entertainment Tonightcm Family Feud



t!I!J N.w AntiqUesSHoo '

7:00 iiiG :U.StQt' Family Feud Ridlotd Dawsonho." this specioI competition between mole andfemole ·IO's.' (60 min,)a Real P"Pko Faeb of life• MocNeil-uhter Itep«tm 700 Clube 25th Annual G;rarnmy AWQf~John ~n­YIlr hosts this year s show hononng och_men" in the music inductry. (3 hn.)flD Hawaii F'......o

7:30 fJ NCAA BoslletbaU: Purdue at t11lnoisg Farnily T_ID lkI.in_ R.port

8:00 iii CD Fall Guya Fact, of Ufeo MOVIE: 'COnnery Row'. Al~ngMonterrey's decrepid Walerfronl, a matlne bIOI·ogist tries to forget his post while 0 youno runa­way drim into life in a bordello. Nklc Nolfe, •Debra Winger. R~d PG.o QuincymNewc ' ..mIforror of it All The rich!ilm trod'li?n tholb'ought feer'a Ja !'lclny Illithonsof IIlOYlegoersis examiflOd, (60 min.)Ii TSS E.,llni"g NeWsmMOVIE: 'If,. TDuch ofdun' A s,ntish d,i~r'cee meet's a well-'o-do and happlly Il)~rr,e,dAmerleotl.Qtld agrees '0 CJ weele-long flmp 11\Spain, .Glenda Jackson, GeotQli Segal, PaulSorvino. 1973 .

8:30 .. Fcsrnlly Ti.sIll) S'a, Tima

9:00 0 G Dynoltya Qulnty. 0 G t4"w'm~J)· "m$oilnd'!~lIaIi Woman' Watch

9:30 H E$PN SporJ$Ce",terD HliWaii Fivtt-O

r:45 ED MOVIE; 'Great ~o"t Qnd c:;athoQieThundav' All form"r Indian fill"t" '!lOrn. upwith on Indlon and a dirty old man to kidnap amadam and he. g;rls and hold 11I.11\ for rallsom.l"e Morvin. Olivor Reed.l;llzabetll Ashley.1976

2:00 .0 NCAA Basleetboll; Aubu,n at T"nnes,..a N,,:w,watch .9 MOVIE; 'The Groove Tube' Movies ellldtelllvision takll" 'heir licks in this loti,e on thewqrld 01 popular entertainroent. Chevy Chase.Ken ShaplrQ, Richard aoller. Rated R.Ifj MOVIE; 'Last OU,tpqlt'~ warbe~na handful of Englishmen and swamlil'\9 Africantribesmen is complicaled by two officen in lovewllh the same woman. Cory Granr,-ClaudeRain•• Gertrude Mlcoel. 1935

," tID MOV!E: 'PrairJ. Bodrner.' Billy the Kid\',' wes'ern, Buster Crabbe, AI 'Fuzzy' St, JQhn.

19<46.2;30 mRon Bagl.y3:00 0 Prall cont'd

o Sign On/Newsm Varied Progral1t.

3: 15 0 Boy M••ts Girl Billy C~lol ho." this lookcit tho lIngles scene,

3.30 0 Morning Str.tchIll) Another Ufem World/lorg.m MOVIE: ~WGlklng Tall' Pari 2 "

4.00 0 GYl1tnostics: USGF Singl. eliminationChampionship ,o Simon and Gorfunkel: Th. COncert InThe Park Tho fomau1 duo perform thllir biggn'hi's,o Joe Fn.tnlclin Showm Sea HuntmRomp", RoommlaS Morning N.....

4:30 m faith '01m Jimmy Swaggarl 'tID MOVIE. 'Imperfect Crlm.' Francis Sulli·

, ,•

Page 4 - Ruidoso (N,M,) ""~ws· , ,. " , ' b"n h '.11':': 'n~ Q")O'

T[0?~~~vis~on Schedule for The Week 0* Fe ~,21 "fu1roug 'r~g .. ~o

min I

m Burns'" Allenm 6enny Hill Show

10:300 M'.'S'Ha Tonight Showo MOVIE: 'Notional lompoon', AnimalHou,e' College osn'I all fun. bUI don', tell 'heguy. at Della Hou.e John B<.IU"'" T,m Malhe,,on Donold SUlherland 1978, Raled Ro Muc;c Wadelo Lole Nighl ...ilh Dav,d Le"ermanm MOVIE: 'Unforglvon' Two famll,e. be'come In"ol~ed ,n Q feud With lGvoge KiowaIndIan. over the odopled dovgh'er of 0I'e of Ihelomt/le' Audrey Hepburn. Burt Lonco.'er. Au'd'e Murphy 1960m Jack Botnny Sh_IIi) People'. Cour'(II) Nigh'linoED Wild. Wild We.'

11:00 0 Nightlinoo 'sychic Phonomonam PBS Late NightIIi) I Married JoanIIi) Quincy(11) Last WordfID Paul Ryan Show

11: 15m MOVIE: 'limbuktu' An Amencan adven­Iurer plays both Ihe A'ab and F'ench IIde.dunng WW II Vietor Molu,e. Yvonne De Carlo.George Dolenl 1959

11 :30 0 los' Worda Coupte.o NBC Nows Ovo,nighlCIlJ My UIII. Morglef1i) MOVIE: ' II'fit MOVIE: -Th. Eiger Sanction' A reti,edhlt·man ,. hored 10 "",k out two men who have.Iol..n secret United State. moe,oli(m, Chnt Ee,I­wood. George Kennedy. Von,,"a McGee 1915

1~:oo a loto Night with David Lell"nman ,"'o Joe Franklin Showm Alfred Hi'chcodcem Bacholew Falhe,mMOVIE: 'McMillon & Wife: Nigh' Trainto LA.' When a police office. ;, murdered on a'rOfn en route to a policeman", convention.. ~r·yone on board i. ""pCC1, Rock Hudson, SusonSaInt Ja-.. Paul Burke, 1975

o HBO Rock: FI.etwood Mac In Concerteaptu"ed live a' the LA Fo,um. this group per­form. old and new hils.o N.wark Realityo St. EI,.wher.IfjN.wsQ) Novol!D MOVIE: 'Walking TaU' Part 2m TBS Ev.ning N.wselIi)9t05o Applll PCllish.rsII!) Star TII1t.H ESPN SporhCllntere IIi) Hart to Harta St. asewhllr.9 MOVIE: 'Bustin' loos.' An ell"CC/n and a,rllddle-c1oss teacher 'ravel cross-country whilebod guy. follow in hoi pursuil. Richard Pryor,(,c"ly Ty.on, 1981. Rated R,

o Madame', Placeo CIl) New,m SoapeEl American PlayhousemAll In 'he Family

9:30 0 Hawaii Fiv.·Oo Tonigh' Showm M'A'S'HIF} Charlie', Angel,m Anothe, Ufem MOVIE: 'Stromboli' A homeleu girl mar­~,e. a poor SICIlian f,"'erman to escape her la"only to fInd more unhapp,neu on a dreary i.­lor,d Ingrod llergman Moria Vi'ole. Renzo Ce.·on" 1950

10:000 Tap Rank BallingOalmlIi)New,CIl) MOVIE: 'McMillan'" Wife: Downshift toDangor' A .por" co' 'all). i. marred by a ,e"osof prank. and freak ace.dents, Rock Hud.on,Su\On Solnl Jame., Von Johnson 1974If) Fundi: The Ella Baker Story Thi. programprofIle. 'he (,"Ie,knawn Clv,l rlghts aellv"I, faun'der of the 'Young N~,o Cooperollve leagueand ',n' hecul,ve DorCC1o, a. Ihe SeLC 160

Ii) Sign Off1~:30 0 ESPN SportsC.nter

o CNN Headline New.o MOVIE: 'A Stranger is Watching' A kill~'

hold. hO\tagos in the lunnel. under New York.Grand Central S'alion. Rip Tam. Rated R,o Q) Sign OffCIl) CBS New. Nightwatchm life of Riley

1:00-D'"RBC News Overnighlo MOVIE: 'The Umbo Une' ,Secret A~e~'mu.t use 0 pre"y Russion ballenna a' bail Inorder 'a discove, how the Russian. are kidnap·ping and .muggling defec'ors bock 10 Russia.Cra'g Slevens. Kole O'Mora. Norman Bird.1967m Nlghtbeatm 700 Club, .fID MOVIE: 'Man'. Country' An achonpocked weslern, Jack Randall. 1938

1:15m MOVIE: 'Qui.t American' It is discoveredIhot an American murdered in Saigon hod come'0 Vietnam 10 .tatl a '.hird fo",,',o end 'he wa.,Audie Murphy. ¥ichael Redg,ave, Claude Dau·phin. 1958,

1:30 , H Thii Weeleln the NIAmTom CollI. Up Close1m CBS News NjghtlNa'ch



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answer. ,

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. Ruidoso (N.M.) News '"'7J;rClge5 '". ", ,- _.

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.. .,., . (jj .


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<0'- ., ...., ,.".-_ .. '.' ''-_..",.

John Denver hosts the"25th Annual GrammyAwards," a live specialhighlighting the ceremonies'

SII~f&D ~~&!liYliv:a rp'L::8.aI~~~cas.

'" /\ t:)lt'1lI ....."'nM~~..... _...., ..... '"•


AOOakll~l~,~ ~. __ ..s?f;;.


"r,tlO'" ;~~:ACHiI :Ul!amlly problems may disturb you tothe pOint Where you may want to relocate. Investigate thepros and cons of suCh an undertaking.

"'",'f;:~,; tAp", 2l<r.1o'V 211\ Is posslQle to find fove. wllh a totalstranger. A person you meet by accIdent could turn out tobe the one you have been wishing for.

~r.~Zl" 2~·Jr.lIlQ 2'a~aUtifY your home. This Is a good period10 e><press Inner feelings Ihrough environmental splen~or. .


. ti.AN~giL K'::o, "~" "".July 2:1\.- ~ ~- ~ tU~' <4 -You will be drawn to another as If by

magic. Pursue your heart's desire and find yourself inanother's eyes.

.l..EQ... ... •.". ..' ~ {July 14·Au{j 23$omeone from the past is having a diffl-cull time reaching you. Make every effort to help those whoask for aid.

{Aug 24·Scpt. 23fu,portant mailers will be brought toyour allentlon. Acl on them as soon as possible and gettrouble out of the way. You need 10 idenlify with great suc-c:ess now. •

I ICD/\ .':'J-:: (Sept 24·0et 23) .bW!n/;~_...__~~_.~ - ~ Academic. Skills could be put to the .fest.

so brush up.on your studies and hit the books. "those whoiavor going back to school will find this a good time to doso,

~--;_. .---. 'E .(OC!. 2,H~ov. 22~isten to a friend's suggestion aboutsomeon~ you've been seeing and Who has hurt your feel.ings. Don't allow lhatperson to perseeute you any longer.

SAGI.t:t8llli.!a,... , .. ,'f) . (Nov. 23·Dee. 2Vhere will be much rn~try making withfriends Who travel a long distance to see you. Find areas ofcompatible c:onversation to share with those you love themost '.. .

(Dec. 22.J<1n. :!~oln a discussion group or get Involved ina leetureserias. Your mind is working arciu[ld the clock andneeds good healthy brain load.

f lil·"'~ -'n!; 1m,.,"'. ". - -8"., Reach adecislolHegarding In-laws or

some family members Who may be getting under your skin.'. Be diplomatic toward them l;indthelr' problems. .

•, ,

2!~i'~f1:_..• =_~.,_..:- g~((T):EH'I(E';i'"1I1x up something that has been out ofbrder, especially If it's YOUi' car. Slfght IJroblems couldcause big headaches later. l3e alert to danger signals athome. . " .


. JERRY DALE'S. RESTAURANT',;\. ". 3MIles North on 81g11way 37 AND MONJEAUL0':lN~E,: ';"

Phone258-3555 " ( .. Hlgbway 70 at the"y". ! .An evening at Cousins' is'8 unique ex- Phone 378-4051 . . ..

perience bffering a range of enter· .The Chisholm Trail ~estatirant in the,tai!Unent '" Ruidoso Inn features a complete menu for '

Dining in the restaurant is a pleasure breakfast, lunch or d!Jmer·. and they a~' ,witb CQ11J,'b;!sy and service just a partof . open daUy at? a.m: . .their outstandingoffer. Menu selections in- ~hey f~~, daily lunch and evemngclu<;le great llteaks, seafOOd and aU your specials but you'll t~d all your standard ,.favorites along with specialty items. favorites tool Select,i0ns from the:wine U&t

Jerry Dale's "RuidQSO's largest and complement your dinner or choose one ofUveliest night club,". is open ~very n1ght the special after dinner drinks. Tlte M6nfrom 7:30p.m. Until 2:00 a.m, and features. Jeau Lounge features live entertainmentllv~ eotmtrY westem music Tuesday thru for your dancing and listening pleasure.Sa~y$.SundaysandMondaysarerock Complete faci~ities f?r banquets,'n' roll nights. meetings, wedding receptions, etc. are

Martha's Vineyard, located 'on the West .alsl;) available at the Ruidoso Inn and !ir·side of the Cousin$' complex, stocks allrangements may be made by contactingyourfavbrite beer, wine and' Ulluor, an~ the sales director. ,feaWres everyday,low prices. .



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.Carrfzoc.nyonRoad257-2375 or 257.'131

The CattizoLodge is located in CarrizoCanyon adjacent to the Mescalero ApacheIndian reservation and offers vi#itors adelightful taste of Ruidoso history. Theoriginal lOdge has'been proclaimed a NewMexico State Historical Site 'and has beencarefully l'ellto~ to preserve the at·mosphere of a bygone era.

Art Workshops are conducted by na·tionally known ~ts and ate scheduledyear around. •

The recently completedReveille Loungeand Package Storeoflers all your favoritebeverages. Breakfast, lunch and dinnerare ct1l'tenUy served in the Mess HallWhile work eontinU$ on the Carrizo Roomwhich will provide more elegant dining.


At The"y", .PhODfl25'lJo7547· Gl!J'Y and Slteryl Gamel', owners of,Ruidoso's brand new MCDonald's inviteYOU .~ C(m~e by for ~Q your lQpg-tbnec.favol'ltes... . .· Locatedat the "Y" ,tIley are open seven .days a week and start serVing breakfast at .6 a.m. Of co~eyou call enj()y YQllr mealin tile attractivedining area 0... diive up service take-out.orders. . ... ':You deserve a break today,1 - atRwdoso's new McDonald's! .. .. . ~

DIXIE CItEAM DONUT $HOP"Ml)Utbwatering DeUghlS"

LOcatedAcross From .. The Telepboue dtltce

, Phone 257·553$Dixie cream })onutShop ofleI'$themost

taste tempttng dl;lIightsavaUable in' theRUid()So ares.. From blueberry donuts,ci:'eaJU filled eclairs,to Stll'\Ul1ptious. em", .MInOO roJ]s, every biteis mouth watering.

Call in ahead bf time for parties andorder cakes or large orde,rs prepared toyour .stJeclfl.eations. The. Dixie .CreamDonut Shops b~rts early for your conve­nience, 80 come by soon apd enjoy all theirvariations otgOOdies. '. ,.

they ate closed 'Tuesdays and at I100n.other days.


LILLIE'S RESTAURANT"Everything Is CookedIn LlIUe~BKltchen"

Mltl~wn RuidosoPhone 257·"55

Enjoy a touch of old Mextco in midtownlluldo$ol Lillie's Restallrsnt will gi\'e youthereal southof the borderfelUng from theSpanish decor to the deUclotla homemadeMexican Food. . ,·Open year around from 11 a.m. unUlI0

p.m., Lillie's speciaUzes in superb semceand a menu tba.t. featUJ.'es Gua~lajara, .greenchill conqueso, enchlladas and tacosalong with saridwiches and sW1ks. .


UneoIn, New MexicoPhoae 1-1534381

The~ room at the historic WorUeyHotel in LiriColn is Dow open year around.Breakfast Is aerved from 7:30 untilll:30and lunch is served form 11 until 2. Thefood issu~and the turn-of·the centuryltmos~ invites you to enjoy a leisurelydining e~ence. And of course. you canchoose your favorite beverage to comple­ment your men~ selection. It's a greatplace for a get-away meall


"Rukloso'l OriginalSmce 1974"MIdtown Ruidoso.Phone 25Ni451

SOnny's B!U'·b-cue and steak pit in mid­towti lbddoso has been the area's favoritefor fIne ateab, delicious bar~b-cue and allthe fixin's since 1974.

Catering service is also. available andthey feature special meals and special. .pnces.

, .. "NewM~x'co'.Only .CompJeteLuxUJ'y Resort Ji'lIeWty" .

Owned anel Operatedbythe Mescalero Ap.che 'l'ribe3,5 mUes South ofRuiclOllo .

on the Home"lId ofThe Mescalero Apache TrIbe

.·Phone 257.~1.1 .TbeInn of the M()Ulltain Gods pr:ovldes'~ts ev~ $rnenity of lUXW'}' Uving, sur·l'()UD(led py' ~,OOO aCfeS Of unspoiledforest. Spacious accomm~Uons offer afantastic view of·trn, lake andSienABlan·ca. SUperb Wining. and dining will delightthe .eIlootIieist of gourmets With a Wideselection of wines 'and mixed drinks, finesteaks and seafoo<l. In addition, it's theperfect place to be lor yoUr danclngandJiatening pleasure. Quests will enjoyswim·mfbS, boating, fishJng, golf, tennis,horseback riding and everything else youwould expect from a complete. resqrt.There are 52 RV spaces wHb water andelectricity ~vauable. Also, enjoy skeetandtrap abQOUng ranges 101,' th", avidaporiaman. . .'



Z547 SlidderihPhone 257·78%5 .

Cbarolette and Buster Hill we1c»me youto Hill Countryfor a delicious lunchorsup-

· per. Now $erVing 7 days aweek, Hl1l Coun·try ill open 11 a.m•• 8 p,m• .on weekdaysand 11 un.• 9 p.m. on weekends.

DaDy luncheon special$are a newfeaf.1U'e and the salad tub Is uniqUe to saythe ledt. Some menu il$nls include chUi·burgers, bar.b-que cbtcken and. ribs,mouth watering chUe or some of' the beststeab in the Southwest. For an enjoyableea~ experience come by Hill Q)UntrY.



. ,


2930Sudderth Drive. Phone 257-6937 ,

Stark'sDonut Shop is open? da)l1l a weekfrom 7 a.m. until 1 p.m. arid agabt.(rotn 4p.m. ~tu '1 p.m. to ensure donut lovers arenever WithO\lt their favorite goodies. Oldfashion hllndcut donuts are prepared freshdally-and they even offer II deliVery ser'·Vice! Special ord~rs are invited. .'

'COCHERAMexican FIXId Ie Cantina

¥c MlJePa.tCouIIM'PIIone 258-3&'11

Ruidoso's'newest restaurant and nightclub recently opened on Highway 70, lfcmile north of' Cousins'. Serving the bestMexican rood in the Southwest, Coehera isopen "1 days a week, withfood beingservedfrom'l1 a.m. to 11 p.m. >

The Clntlna' at Cocbera offers you awi~ selection of mixed drb,Jksand lightedbackgammon boards for all the bl\ckgam·moo. tnthusiasts. Happy HoUt is from 4:30p.ol... 6 p.m. with 50 cents draws, HappyHour drinks and free salsa and chips.'Ibtn'Sday nights is Ladies Night from 1p.m. to 9 p.m. with Happy Hour drinks toall UnekOrted ladies. Come by and enjoydancing until 2 a.m.


BlCk The Clock"TInnie, N.M.

· (u.s. 70/380 between RoswetJ"Rwdosb)Phone 1-'53-«25

'rinnie Mercantile Company takes youback toelegant, turn of the century dining.Leave the hecticworld behind asyouenjoysizzling steaks, succulent lobster., tenderlamb cMpsor trOUt.. All .yol1r' favorite

•spirits, including many new and excitingdiinks, are served in opulent, aUthenUcal­Iyappointed salons of yesteryear.

Tinnie's Stiver Dollar is open ftom 5:00 ...p.m. Ull10:30,p,m. daily.


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12100 • NCAA Iotlc.tbaH Ro,"", '6:30: ill • Shirt 'rain • "• .....fitlnklln SlHtw ' • VIE:' .... I ..• N.1e No~ 0"......I-h. ." . MO. . 'Super '-'111 " man .~p'os.d to

-....., radiation dewlotH lII.,.rhllmonpOWt·... T.",I: =~~..:, ", .: ,: enee HIII,I!r:neitl6rglll!il, Joanne bru. Rat.d_ ' PG.. . ,

SItIn Off ' '• MOVIE: 'IIrdmti'n Of Akatral' ~ convict '. .I'=t::"m:.iUrrispendirlg.53 y.arllin. prlsoll.ducates hlmstl' ing w.,/d Temerrowth.:sclene. of birds, becomlnO. (I' world o(>Utflor' ••Monna . . . .Ity, Burt Lancoster,Karl Molden, Thelma Riti.., • MOVIII Ilodqll'Pt.hlllClrlc flylitg inons- "l.11y Savalas. 1962 '.. lers. plerodoetyls. rlst from tfi. depths of the •

12130 II ESPN $p,rteCon'er . . rth ell de '. IIMOVIEI 'Th.W..·Jd· Of Honry' Th'.• .0 .' spr.o ng slructlon. Kenll Sowora.

...... Yllml Shlrakawa.1951. . .lif. ~f an untalented coneeli plonllt bec9m.. II PesC Man/Little Rascat./Rlchle RicheompllCOled when !w9 prep schOClI olrls d. tID Scuba W.1dve10p a crush on him, Pttlr Sellers. Paula Pren· 7100 II NCAA'h"trI!c't loltal Serlei

. tlilM. ~~~!~1.atiSbu,,"rt· 1964 II Pac Moll/Little l'IalCa"/lIlch~ Rkh...... De Smllm . '

lit Twilight Zono " Nine all ~w Jerlay .. • Uf_of II~y 0IIft lID Moo,ball .. It~_ h I

12:45 lID MOVIEs 'Fronllet TOwn' iii 10. Humbatd ......g."1100 II sctV Notwerk lIIl.eeson

• MPVlE; 't1lght MII.t F!211' The dark lID Jimmy H,u".nbroodlngs of oW.lsh boyar. hlddenbehlnd his III lIugt IUnny/p.,kvPIgpleasaoi way wills poople. ~Ibert FIMI'f, Susan 7115 B NCAA Bade.tbaal.port

IHam::d~:nI90ff64 7130 • Dav\llV/GoIIath .

- - II) .., lu•• lunnv/....'Uunner ShowNlghtbeat • III '••u"Un,IIIl1ItH

.,00 Club . III Week.n" o.,on.,1130 B Futuro Sport . • Sewing With Nancy

• MOV1El 'Tho OrHV* Tube' Movies ancl 7145 B NCAA I"'truel lonal Seflee .l.ltvtllan tak. thtlr lick' In this satire on the 1100 II MeDlIn. T..n Sptrh SC.n•world Clf popular entertainment. C!mY CheM, a _ SC .... seta .... 0../ P HKen SboplrCl. Richard flolzer. ROIeCI R. . Muri PI"· um our

II.• Dr. Who

MOVIE! 'Nightmare' Murder, mystlry,hypnosl. on~ New OrItaM lou add up 10'0 G Charland.nlg/)tmar. far on Innocent muJlclan. Edward G. ID MOVIE. 'The Southerner' A poot more·Roblnson, KeYIn McCarthy. CoMIe RussIII. croppel ondhllwife leod thtlr fomlly throu¢! a19.56. Ylar ofstrugole and hope a' they scratch ovt aCI MOVIE:' 'Th. 'urple Plein' In WWII living on thulubbom land. Zachary Scott, flettyBu1ma a neurotlc pilot's plane cto1hes, forcing Field. fleulah landl. 194.5.him to fight hllwoy to fr"dam with a /ltv,..nll . III MOVIEI 'My Love Or V.un' Ayoung manof values. Gret/Ort I'telc. WIn MIn Than. flor. chall. a girl irlllOrch 0' romance. ~red Mac·nord tH. 19.55. . Murray, Madeline Carroll. 1939... Iorno"" Jen" mMOVIEI 'TrlJllt 0".' A double agen'• MOViEI ·Olv. to lhe World' pulls o~ all thl 'lops In hlsmlulonl croulno

2:00 • Top .ank 1o.ln, from La, Vegas, NV from Garmany to Eno!olld. Christopher Plum'2130 U CNN Hooclllne Novn • . rrltr, YI/I IryMtr; Gart Frobe. 1967.

D NIC Howe Ovornltht e Numo .f lhe Garno h Golf• R... Icsllev sa Dr. Doli".... Sltn Off 1:30 D Pick 1'ho ,,..• MOVIE: 'Th. GrOiS Is Always Or..nlt' 0 m Gery CoIemCIn ShewOver lho Septic Tanll' ANew York City COl/pie • (enw"", ••,..,. 'Th, Smart SbClPperdedde 10. pock \/p th.rr three kid. and head 'or Show.' SportS con, kltchIII cleoner. and they think Is th. to1ler Ilf. of the suburbs. butter are some ofthe prod«tt 1JtOIlI1ntd.Carol Burnett. Charles Grodin, ~It~ Rocco. 1111 Tho Dulc..1978 ' • JoWlne

2145 • MOV1El 'The ShHIllt' A cIylng gunman • 1m...",. ActJet, Uno.....Ing pIOCI In his final days Is hoIInded bv I • tt.rsIy Ieysr",oIs. John Wayne, lauren Iocall••on He- ':00. Futuro s,.rt .ward. 1976. Rated PG. ..Mode. M1II4y/lnwnt. ShIrIey/

3:00 II Prog con"cl Fonl HourII Sign On/Newe II • InaHJWo H.,.~ SpWermenG MevIo Cont'd • MOVlEl 'Can.wy a.w' Along Monter·

3130 II rey', clempkf waterfront, a marine biologistU MOVIE: 'Novtt Olve a Suck., an Even .trlet to fargft .... post...t.lle a young rvnt:rNG'/.ook' A promoter asplres for either a wealthy drlfh Into Iifa In a bo«IeIIa. NIck Nolte, Debrowoman's hand or her dought.,·s. W.C. Field\. WlllQIr••crlerf 10.Glarla han. Leon Errol. 1941. II All Stat W....tlln.mMOVIE: 'An;''' In Dlsgulee' The Bowery 1lll1I1\It. lunny/lead RunnttShewBoy, tIIrn detedive when their real .lIat. friend .. V.ya,o '0 the let,", of tho SeaIs shot in a hold up. Lto Gorcoy. Mickey ICnoK, . D 1.nnll Anyone?Edwo,d Ryan. 1949. • .. 0rI1l1y AdamemW..Id/Lat,. 9:30 II SId SchHl

4100 D IladcwMd "Ihose g lit 11110 MarWt.. TIS MornInG Newe • Tho 'A'~

· 4130 .. F. A, SoCCttI I"" t. W.mbley •• CoMurnet ......t. 'The Smart Shopper 10;00. Gymnastla: tJsG. SIn.1e EIImInoIIH.Shew.' Sparta CClh, kltchen cleanen and peonIIt . Clscampletlthlpbutter are some of the pradllch tJlamlned. • II Ale W....n.. 5poc101.. T... Annauncod D • Tho Jth41nt• MOVIE: 'CItbon Kane' '" weoIthy pVb- • Herdy Ioya/ NtJncy Ct..,lishtt Is ruined L. 'nanol scondoI Orson .. II OIIItttn'. Planet. . .

, UT po • • MOVIE: 'Tho OUn"-hl .. ",_.1__ 1"laJ.W.Ites. JaHph Cotton. Ruth Warwick. 1941. '.. ........ -'r

lot Mostttsan.~ltr, btc:ornei ln-, voIved In town poIltIct CIIId It e\eeted slsetilf, but

foils Into ~OCI try1ng to cffan Up the oJdgang. Joel McCrea, Julit Adami. JaM Mclntir••19.59II Wrltlnt Tltne.Wedeman.0uhIeer.• MOVlII 'c.n C.p_/CAme of1_' SpI­derman foils • tICIlltly parOled poIltIdan'J

• pions to rob a benIt. and sOlvet the myStery ofRCMJ, a~ belIrttd to COIIfalti IIl)'Sltrlouapowers In ihk two parltn)".ry. NkIsoIot Ham­lnOIId, llobirt F. SlmOrt. 1971.

10:30••~ Ian4etarMI .e ....... GetsIeri••NeW ... AIMrt SheW•~ ,.,·GfftM• WJW IIIl Hklccetlc• MOW, '1'1'lIItllIflI of S&erns ....GtHd~ Ieofausy and MprcJon ~nW th,..hatd-bt1tln men lit thtlr lust ,., goicI. Humphrey

· Sogarf, Waltet Hvtton, 11m Holt. 19....• ~w/R.ntI Marlhi

t '100 • NtAA1aslc'''''';O'''''rkbat Dulc.·aJ. MOVlII 'MetIc 'er¥ '(q this .Onlrnatedfeature, a ')'OiIrlOboy utel the nICIIfk pony healimllO win .... hand of 0 fait princeM.• MQVIffj 'TIM~ leW' II bIImt-out

. .~8 plr:iyir taka ..... Job of 'COCIChlllg 0•.t:eOnI of Itr... kkh•.Jo!Ih IIltttr, Dou9 McKI9rl.• MoVllz 'fIrtW ,......... DIit/ng WOrldWar II, Q 'il\lIlIangl Gt!iIroI 0l1d his 'ha(cI:.tuck'DMIlan lindure l6Ia ofOCffon. Ilen Gauara,EddHt Albert, RlCordo MorItolbGri. 197~.II U,S,,,,ml.1*t . ,• "lIacIcal.• ArtoflUln.; Hllmart


::: 'i ~ j ~

"', '''j >':<",

'..I '

;, i(' r;

.. Pow of MatthlW StarGI Du of HazzardIII MIA Iodeotball. ChIcago atPhllaclefphla .,.CD Wild W.,ldOf Animal.11I1 Spy. . . .1& MOVIE; 'Georg.l· Acare'," bachelor; hisgirlfriend. ond a sh~gy ;l.50 lb. St. Bern~rdprove fa .~ryone In th, Swiss Alps that a St.B!trnard I~ t (Ilways (I little. angel. Marshall'Thompson. 1970. '. .lID Tic Tac Dough . '"«II) Ho",o lueln".sa Alleoo Happy Days AgainII P.M. MagallnoG La Mllsk do Ia GontolID Entertainment TOnighto Fclmlly Foudl!!lD Now Magalln.mSoapO'To, Rank Be.lng from Las Vega•• NYIJ 0 Benson .II 'owen of Matlhew Slaro Knight RIcIttlID DallasG MacNolJ.Lohrtt R.portlID 700 Club .lID of HallnIlID Tolofranco• HawaII 'FIVo-O... CI Nlw Odd Couple ... MOVIEI 'Th. Slsoatlst' A dying ounman...klng peace In his final days Is hOl/nded byrivals. John ,Wayne. lou,..n Ilacall. ROil Ho­ward. 1976. Rated PG.OJ Bulin... 'oportU CD MOVIE: 'Tho Wan"'" A gang leader'plans to unlte oIllhe gangllnto an army strang'rIO\IOh to tabovet New York City. MIchaelflock. JllIllIl Romar. Thomas Woftes. 1979.EJ Knight IIcIttIII .,,,,Inllton $t..1e1m FakonO"tISNowem Washington Weak/Rovlewm TIIS Ev.nlng Now.Ill! DollasI!lD MOVIE: 'Otll.n Kan.· A weolthy pub­Iimer Is rund by personal scandal. OrIOnWelles. Jostph CottOrJ. Ruth Warwick. 19..1.II Now Vorlc ••pttt.. Well Strool WooIc.. St.1'1rne

e Itemln,ton St..1eII MadaIM·. P1ac.g ClN.WImSeapCD Unc*Ma World of JacqU" CollstoauG AM In tho familyU Fakon Cr"tB ESPN SpemConteriii MOVIE: 'Sharky'. Machlno' An Atlantavice squod wrgeant encounters pimp•• call oirll.croaked paliticlans and drug dealtrs in his ....r·yday wor"ing world. Burt Reynoldl. RaclielWord. erlan K.ith. Rated R..







II HawaII Flv..oo Tonl$lht ShowiiiMOVIEs 'Nightmaroin Badham County'Two college girfs are sentenced to the horrors ofa primitive women's prison form with no way fatill their porents and friends where they Ort.Debarah Raffin. lynne Moody. Chuck Connors.1976e Clscarlle·. Ang.1s11II Anotlttt Uf.G MOVIE: 'Nkhelas and AIe.onclra· TsarNicholal II, his fallingl os a monarch and thegreat 10Yl he hod for his will are depleted Inthis historical drama. MIchael Jayston. JanelSuzmon. Radorlc NatIe, 1971.

10:00 II .. II NoweD lyewltnou NeWi.. Austin CIty UrnItIIIIIurM • AIlon

10:30. FJ$ Warid Cup SkII",: Mon'. Giant5IoIom Coverage of tho Men', G;ant Slotom Ispresented from Garmisch, West Germany. (90min.)• MeA·seHe NCAA Iatltetballz ...htrm Vou", atNew MexicoePltfaUIII sc:ri Networlc• Saturday Night• Jodc lonny Shew• P..,..·. CourtII Nlghtllno

. • lenny Hill Shew11:00 • Nlghllln.

• Ptyehle Phenomeno.. PIS 1.Io NIght11I1 ManW JMn• MOVIE: '1rilIIrp' Vlctorkl. bamat agti 24,It -olmost. the perfect scltntIfk: creation. .odlHudson, Ilarba~ Carterci, Raddt McDawoll.1976.• Woni.Nlld" .....• WIIsI. WJIcl Witt.

11:30.~.W.4. '..• MOWI 'Hcttlenol lamp..n'. AnlnlOl

H.lIM' Colt..... Isn't 011 fun but don't loll the. , , ~ , . I

0IiyS of~ Hclvst. Jolin kluthf, tIrri.Mathe­san, Doljold Siltflorlarid, 1971. Rated iI.• SIgn off• Twlllghi··ZIInti• My UttloMcartIo' .'. . .• MOVIIz 'tft Dklmenclt hr,Unllla'DanaAndreWS...

6100 .. NFL Tboo.,.: SlIper Sov.n'lot•• Now.e Eyewltrtou Nowee MOVlE,'Hendo' A cowboy discovert awlClow and het san ttCIpped in the mlddl. of adeadly Apache uprising. John Wayilo. Geral.dine Page. 19.53.



10130. MeA"soHII Tonight ShowD MUlle Worldo Lato Night with David Lonerman1m MOVIE: 'For a Fow Dollars Moro' Twobounty hunters pum" the leader of a band ofcutthroats terrorizing. the Southwest. Clint East.wood. lee Van Cleef. 1967IDl Jack Bonny ShowlID Poople'. CourtlID Vlowpolnt .m Wild. Wild We,t

11,00 0 NCAA Ba.kotbalh Nobradea atOklahomao Viewpointo Plychle Phenomenam PBS Late N!ghtem I Marr!ed JoanlID Quincyl!ID Cannle MartinlOn

11,15 m MOVIE. 'SamlOn and the Sea Beast'Samson battles a ferocious pirate band whounmercifully attacks ships of the Spanish Main.Kirk Morris. Margar.t lee. 1960

11 :30 II CoupleeU Evon More Uno.purgated Bonny Hill TheBritish comedian returns with a new group ofcomedy sketch.s.o NBC Nowe Ovornlght1m MV Uttle Margieem MOVIE: 'Oriontal.'mMOVIE: 'Th. WIJd Go...• Aband of mer·cenaries attempts an Impassible task In Africa.Richard Burton. Roger Moore. Richard Harris.1978.

12,00 II Lato Night with David Lettermano Joe franklin ShawID Alfred Hitchco*ckIDl Bachelor Fatherlilt MOVIE: 'McCIoudl Thr.. Gun. 'or NewYork' Three m.n arriYll from MeKlco looking forMcCloud. and reveng•• DeMIs Weav.r. J.C.Cannon. Olano Muldaur. 197.5.G Sign OH

12130 0 CNN Hoodlln. N.wsU MOVli: 'Thief A woman and a mastersafecracker become Involved In the Intrigue ofth. und.rworld. James Coan. Tuesday Weld.~bert Prosky. 1981. Rat.d R.III CD SIg~OH . •lID as NoWI NightwatchIDl Ufo of .11ev

1,00 0 ESPN Sperhc.nterII NBC Now. OvernightU MOVIEI 'Mallnlflc.nt·Ambenons· A de·cadent family clings to tradilion 11'1 a time bawtby rapid change. Jastph Cotten. AOMS Mor..head, Anne Baxt.t. 1942.G Nlghtbeat1m 700 ClubmMOVIE: 'sw..t SIMII Of Succ...•" paw·.rful New York columnist enlls" the old of afawning prell oo.nt to break up his IIsle('sromance with a muslclon. Burt lancaster. TonyCurtll. Su~ Harrison. 19.57.

fZD MOVIE. 'GIve ta 'h. World'1:30 1m Tam Cottle Up CIoH

lID CBS N.w. Nightwatch1.45 mMOVIE. 'Two Mlnut. Warning' A sniper.

perched In the scoreboard of a foatball game.prepares to lhoof Into a crowd of 91.000 fons.Charlton.Heston. John Callovet... Martin Bal·sam. 1976 .

2,00 0 NCAA Bode.tballl UCLA CIt USCII N.wewelchG MOVIEI 'VIking Qu..n' " tribal ruler Inancient Sritdin seeks to overthrow the Romanoccupmlon forcli. Dan MAJrray. Carita. DonaldHuston. 1967.G MOVIE: 'FlIrtation'

2,30 iii MOVIE: 'Swamp Thing' A half man, hallYeQlfatlon monster rises from the murky walen·of a Southern swamp. louis Jourdan. AdrienneBarbeau. Rated PG,III lou Ioglev

3:00 U Prog cont'dU Sign On/Nowefit Mlttlen ImplIHlbIo

3:30 D Momln, StretchIII Varlocl Pr..,ams

3:45 • MOVIE: 'Eallh W' The earth becomes thotarget of a deadly nucleor dmc. Iaunchodfram a space 1taIion. Gary lockwoad and Attothony FrancIoIO. 1971

4:00 0 F. A. Soccon IlICId- to Wombloyiii lutch MInch lhe Baby A retired saf.crack" takfs his bob'fsittIng dJorgo on one lastbanIl job.D Joe Franlllln Shewm Sea HuntIII ••mper loom• T85 Mornl", New. .

4:30 • c.IIogo Ablack mnager faces unexpectedproblem. when h. deddes to become a docIor.• faith 20lID Jimmy SwaggartIlID MOVIE: 'Gono fo tho Dot.'
















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II~McOeIt. T"4I~V•••,.... ..." .J... ,~~.,c.4Qayltf,~'


• Ifwlll1V~ ..• " " Wrl".n• I.cIHCl~ 4HI Fanlilv ute

'6,00 • 1$fIN $pIlrttCe"t. ,• CNN "eadlill' N.wtII Dud"" ~Igh'• Dr. CheD EGrIy !I.pOrtlID Coptaln K.nlaroo83.Soore• z.Ia lrtltt.. Carteen eo",lval• Wer!d ., ',"t!lris'• In,tant N'INI

6,,, III Sacred Heart.Whar, Nu?

. 6;30 II lulfwlnk"• Day .f DlKevery• .... SChullerOLealOnIII Werlcl'~w.. s.clal s.curltyD IlbIe An,w..

7,00 • Fu'ure ,$pert. D ~,,;.. IIl1n,u" ,

II Jimmy SW'.lIart• MOVIE; 'Tak.Thll Job alld 5,,", It' .ew.-collor work.,. Itond liP to .brewery boJ5I5.Rcibert Hays, BorboroHmhey, DavId Alitntoe, R~.d PG..SOfaI ....III Sunday Mtmlnll .III Mem'fer Shut.fn.III K.nn.t.h Ceptland......, In Space ..Impocfe.CNN~.Newt

• Hyde ,tII'k Hew• Un"'" "

7,30 .. NCAA lIatk.tboll, Ohle St.t. .tMkhlpn• Mettrlx .• 'eIn' ., VlewIII Metthe41t, CflurdlIII CflJceaeland Church Hew• Senler V1ewpelll'• z.Ia LevItt LIvI.~Kldett" .

'100 D ....lIng YIUfMIHII .ex HumbclrclB.Suncloy Matt.'anan.. SHame Str"t• Let Ged lAve YIII.. Ugli'er Side.. Sunday IMming• W~mJ hdc• K.n".~h CepeJand• JetlOn,

.,30 • IIodc ExperienceII OrCllllobertt and Y",iii 'hat', The SpIritIII WerIcI TomtmIwIII hmn II""""

'.larry Jen" M1nlthy ... MOVlEl "h. MeIty Motulr"' In the1870'" a detectlw foIM a bond of rebellIoUscQC11 mlnerl and corrifl cwt his orders In Informthem. Richard Horrl5, Sean Connery, SoinanthoEggar. 1969•• Cai1"n Theat•• Jehnny ave.,

9,00 • DIrectIen,.. Day .. DIscevery

• HIO McttozIne• Mctb,p__ WIth Hoture• lI.x Humltard

• • JWnmy'SWIII'"ellawhIM• Six-Gun If,,",.lCWtwerld.0raI1I...... •• ......, Ieyt/ NcIncy Drew

9:30 • FIshIn' Hele,IrHk lrevt• CNN HeaeIYne HeWi.. NeWi Cenference

•• Fr..... llec1c Vlslt the world of Fraggle• RcKk underneath the bawment of ali eccentric

Inventor•• 1I.1i Humbard... ~Immv SwanOrt• .. ,~ Neatlen .

. ."dylvl1ch .. 'JOloo. F, A,5.(;", Read t.W~

• H..hklea,. ::.~~: ; ..... :.1 i. ,,~. :.Ou..... .... "".",J'• MOVIE, 'DrGl""IClPi':'" fOrc.r.r com..Qliw when h.l~ (GU.dupoil to 'lay a f.or~m.f1ylno dragon. Sir Ralph Rt~ard~, 'Pmr Moe'NlchC!l. Rested 'PG.B Dr. "obert Sch\l*• ~'h. N.dlenII CIKlIi Kid • . ., '0

II Mt!tin" af •.,. ..."" .. . • 1Jf. Ja"", lC.n,,",,'••lI.len .' , ' •

IIIln".,lrj '. . , ", "e hwltch!ld· ... I.cinee.o .


•, , , i

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. F sunday·~f.' -;:-. __..., I~

' .'.

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5:00 • MOW" ,$tiIr w.,.'AI1 o.phClli"a r.....gQc/e ond. Cl prlll<,n bottle· the ItYII fotc.. can'trolling the EmpIre. Mark HClmlil, CorrU. FJlher,HarrllOrt Ford. 1978•. Rated PG,


o •"Iw Churdt 'AtT~MIMet ....,,...,. '. i •

I~c.".... .,....... . . " .

11,~· . ·~'tIllt,....... ChIIt'\IIncent~,JohnCorrc!dllle, ..~i.." .

...~""'" Th\I W-.k....~~'I'l!wl .....11. .

11130 MOVIIt ·Che....~'~ Cl!onel',ttrupgle for IUCcen In the high. fashion world IJch~"d,Mc:irle FJ'CIfICI Pisler, 'Mger Hauer,'TI~ Dolton. 1981. Ilated II. .• It.v, ........... "'paII...... of1QOaul,• MOVIII 'Tho ",,",t•.aub' VIn¢erIt Price,Johll' Carradk!e.

l1i4$ • T... An",un~ecI12,00" W1nterwarid SerIee '~m on Skll,"o News , .

.~., Off ,III I",,""ht %ene• Ev,nlnlll.t th. Improv• MOVIE: 'H.II', Devils' GllerlIIa fon:.. 0'th. underground fight for lurvlval, lI!lder HItIer'Jreglm•• Alan lodd, Sleff! DInIa. 1939•

. 12,3Q .. ESPN Spertac.nt., .• MOVIE, ·Theatr.""-I' AShalmP'C!r.eon 9Cfor, not glYllll the Crltlct Circle drClfllOaward, CJYeI\IJ'I the affront.ry by doylng of the Circle by ~r/oI/J methodl fOllnclln

. Shoketpeorean ptay,. VIIleent· ,Price, PJanaRlgg,lon Henclry. 1973 .II $aturday NIgh' UveIII Sltn Off . •m Nlthtbeat .• MO~I 'CoII Me Mitt'" A IOllIJ ondelaneemon, stationed In Japon In World War II, .gae, A.W,O.L, to follow his wif., a member c>f •an entertainment unit, wha re\ecfed him becaIIwc>f his many af,olrs. Don Dolley, Betty Grable,~ Thomas,.DoIe Robertson. 19~1

hOO • MOVIEt 'lha .nd the Devil' /4: glrf filldlheM11'couoht betwHI1 two relentlHJ and pow­.rful maslers, r.lly Sovalat, Elk. Sommers,.obert Altfo. 1973. .• Frem tho Ic!lt.,.. DetkIII e'men A"nl .... .• MOVlEI 'TIme Usnlt' The trlol c>f an Amerl­con military officer JllJpecttd'of (ofloborCltl~with the eMfII)' whIle a P.O.W In North I(orea.Rkhord Wldmark, Rlchord Bosthort, Dolo,..Michoefs. 19". .III MOVlIl 'V!I1ItI!Itla Fer The SeNnt' A'WOlld trQYllIer who INkl odventure wages 'apenonol wndetta cigalnlt the Mafia ond In·VOIWl two )'011IIO g1,ls. Rager Moore and Row­mory Puler. 1968.

h15 GMOVIEt'CltyWitheutMen'"stolOW her husband, who Is forsel)' Imprl~d for5IIluggilng, from the .1ect,1C chair. Undo Dor­nell, MIchael Duone, Edgor Bvchanan. 1943.• MOVIE: '$partacu.' Part 1 A gladiator.,.b.1 ncClp4ls from slawry with on orm)' ofsl~ and challenges the cnmom. might 01 .tmperlalllolM. KIrk OoItglos. \.Qu,.nee OIivler,leon SImmons. 1960.

1130 .. NCM latlcetbeN,· Ohle Staf. atMIchigan .'III MOVfIl 'The Phanlem .. the Opera' "vlollnkt with the Pam Opera IJoei mod trying toadvonce hI, dQ<\lohler'J car.r al a Jlnger.Cloude Rains, Nel50ll Eddy, Sllsonna Fost.r.1943. •• W..tlNMIc HotpItaJ

,,45 • MOvtEl 'Suptlf"Fuu' it:non .apeled toradlotion developI supemuman powers. 141rr­1ftc. Hill, Ernest Borgnlne. Joanne Ont. RatedPG.

210011 Arnericss leek,.. Herlt... Sin""

2,15 .. MOYJE: 'H& SeI:s ShIrl•

2130 II MOVIE: 'Spectr. If t~ I ...• A ballerinaworship, and marrles 0 half-mad doneer who Issuspected af murder. Judith Andenon, UoneIStander. 1946...... lagley

3100 • $Ian On/News• lot P.treI

3:30 • HCM leak.tNII: o-ila Tech litDulc.• HIO IIIckI ....tweed Mac In CencertCqptvmlliYll at the LA Fotllm, this group per'fonns old ond new hits.• temment• Stt.llIl.• ApkuItur. U.S.A.

4:00 • Ifrallht 'aile.~nltt~Me_.. Jelin W....., Whit.• W.... tnR"w

4:30 • Newswakh• "10 M4IIallne

I Or.-, QhevIlH'Deaftt-

.; .l"~ ,

, .

• 14 ct·-· ..

, .


, .

. :1

•·IGII .......· ,20~.". , ·0 "."." . . '. .""1::::::.c.n_· . .,~""" .~ Y"" ~ -.••tTfte~....... '""" Satnttl ,. ..• ttIA ........... New Jene.y a' A I1'a

.News .

.AIrierIctI'. 'IP Ten. .,' IllY-'"


6;00 ••Niwa .• Eyew\fn.., News . '

. • It~" tittle'. ""'" ...... Th. meHttr 1m·prft.sIorIb, briIKIt the~ famt choreK.Ie'" to Ilf.. . . ...,..• DIff',,"t StrK.. '• anti W......• SeIId GoItI .• MedIa ProbH• NCMICl...bctlI, .....,. at Mer.-5'. ' ,• flth' II """'h• Iude II....

6130. W1nterw!"W s-Iet• WtCII' 'n c:JllCInnatlII '.M. MII••a1_• SlIver S,IIM• "'"' PrmttWl.,....... ,.."..

710ti • .NCAA .......11, Ohle 5tat, at


I DIff'""t S_.. .MOVIEs 'Connery '••..." Along Mont.....""'S dtcrepld wat.rfront.. a mom. bIolagllt

Ir'" to forget hlJ pcKt while " young MIOWaydrlftllnto life In a borcJello. to!Ick Nolte, DebraWInger. Rested t'G.• Met.".', hmllv :,....• MOVtEs 'z.rr.. tIM! OcIyIlHe' Zorro ond'

, hb .n.m\clate brother l!re portroyed In thiscomJ(spoof of the 1egend. George HomiltO/l,lavren HIItton, 8renda Vocorro.1901.• NCAA ...ettMtIIl 0hIe St. a' MIchigan• MOVII; 'Tho ..... V'YOIf' A liMr on ItJ .l01I YO)'OQ' Is ripped by a thvrKlering ••plollon,Robin Stock, DorothY.. Malone, Edmond 0'8­rIen. 1960 '• W1wrM .rMI WenIeB.. TeIefr.nce.. HawaII FIv. 0

7130 II 5lMtr SF-n'• T_hK. Only

7;45 •.TIA'100 • ID LeYe 1M'

II Metmt', Family.. hmlly I," .DSup.rat..• TJS WHkencl NeINl• MOWEl'z.n... the Gay lINe' Zorro ondhi, .ffemlnote~ ote portroyed In thllcomle lpoofo' the legend. George HomIIton.lavren Hutton, arenda Vocarro. 1901...MOWs ·w.Wopn' A~ ond fourcOllftdera1es Iry to bring down the powerflllmon who robbed them of their Iond. JohnWtJyrIfI, Klrlc Douglas, Robert Walk.r. 1967.

'130 II THchet'. Only .• Meet the Moyen• VIet.,., .t StaDNCAAIeak......IArllll1aatOr..... St.

':00 .. ESPN SpertaCent.• ID FentH'f ....ndII Famllv I,"• HIO R.d" FIeetw.... Mac In CencertCopIIIred IiYlI of the LA Fofllm. this grOllp per'forril, old ond new hltJ. •• r-t tieton•••Newt.W....... W..llIahl

9:30 • Off rredc IettJnI• SatwtIaV Nll'ht live• MOWI 'The AIeme' One lwndred andeighly voIvnteers fight to the deoth ogolnst onormy of 7,000 MealcllM wilen they come to theaid of In ita. flght for freedom. JohnWf1f(M, Richard Widmodc, LavrenceliorW>', ill- .Chord Boone, 1960 . .

10.00. NCAA .........1 W." Fer..t .t~.MI '.•••New.

I Epwltnett NewJ •MO\nI: 'A 51ra"." k Wokhln,' it Idller

hoklt ha5tagea In th.1urIneI1 under New York',Grancl Cer1tralStatlon. Rip 'om. Rated R.• Che~1p Wr..tlh1tI .• Se\IcI a.Jd It'uakctI c:.vntthwn• Y." Anrlell.,c.4 ,:• MOVIIl "1Hi Naked anti the DHcl' Th.•iiQry Ilf cOmblrt In th. Pociflc an~ the' WClr 1oft~~ offlctri and men. A!doRay,CliH Robemon. Roymond Massey. 1958•... '.ullpri Shew .

'... .VIfO$. '10,30 • MOVII:·I.Jpa'Ick' Ahluft·fa"'loiI fl19delll ~

brutally toped by"e..~r &lIfer" millie ..teach.r, Margot HemIngway, Aflf!' Jaocroft,Chrls Soranclon.1916. . .II NQAlknk"NII, Utah., New Mellice '• MOVlll'The $On of Mort.. (mt.' The

. mythical~of Edll10fld Oont9i (OmeJ to the aid 'of 9 OIIc1Mil' \¥how thront 1, thteatened by aplaltl~ IJ'Il'ral. loul, Har-vard, Joan Bennett,George Sarldtrs. 19,,(0,

.fI' ,"


. '






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.DIXIEeRIAMScrUMptloU'''HH, .... ' ,. ,',. . .rry"

CrHnt 'GIIt...& Much M'I , . . areCaIre.' For ,$ptchI1 Occasion'

,.257-5535. W. ·CIO•• At Noon

. , ' (~~lidY"~I)' . ., Sudderth Acro•• 'froM """'0111(0.

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PLACE: Ruidoso Inn, La Paz RoomWORSHIP: 10:30 A.M. and 6:30 P.M.

Come out earl, Sunday moming at 9:30 for fellowshiprefreshments. to


12:00 fJ N,CAA Basketball: North Carolina Virginiao OJ USFL Football Previewo II NCAA Basketball: Tenn•••e. atKentuckyo Boy Me.t. Girl Billy Crystal hosts this lookat the singles scenc.&> Fr••dom 10 ~peak

1m Beyond the HorizonfE Real &tate Action Un.

12:30 0 Gl U.S.A. "s. the World in AmateurBoxing Coverage of the U.S.A. Vi. fhe U.S.S.R.i~ pre'ented from Las Vegas. NV. (90 min.)m MOVIE: 'Broadway Melody of 1938' Abroadway producer engages an unknown dan·cer with a racehors.e as the ,tar of his new UlOw

and both are hih. Robert Taylor. Eleanor Pow·ell. Judy Garland 1937.m lawmakenfI!) Children', FundmMOVIE: ·Phantom of Hollywood' Myster·10US phantom lives in the underground tunnelsof a decaying film studio's. bock Jot and terror­Izes. prospective buyers. Skytt Aubrtty and JackCanidy_ 1974,

1:00 0 MOVIE: 'Hondo' A cowboy discovers awidow and her son trapped in the middle 01 a

deadly Apache upriSing, John Wayno. Geral·dine Page, 1953,o MOVIE: 'Madame Sin' A former CIAagenf grl6'i1ng over the death of his fiancee isimmobilized by a W3nic gun and Madame Sindupes him to steal an ultra modem Polaris ,vb­marine. Bette Davis. Robert Wagner. 1971II!) em Doral-Eastern Open Golf Coverage ofthe final round is presented from the DoralCountry Club. Miami, Fl. (2 hn )IE) Firing UnofE Pet Action Une

1:30 @!) American Inveltor2:00 fJ NCAA Basketball: Clemson at North

Carolinao CID Wide World of Sports00 SportsWorld Today's program feaforesa 1~round lightweight bout between CorneliusBozo-Edwards and Claude Noel and the WorldPro Figure Skating Championships. (2 h~)

El Undersea World of Jacques Cousteauem Wagon Train

•.," . . , '-; , . " , , .. " . "

, :~E:\/~5ion Schedule. for The Week OJfe'bq'21 'Through Feb~ 28" ".:10:30 !! ~islativ. Report 'mflilBiII Dal'!ce OutdOors - "'. 6;30 ImGloria . ,0 MOVIE: ''of MyS~cc.s.'The .$101)' .'

.:. u Meet The Press MOVIE: 'The Hostage Heart' Abillionaire ,lEI JaclcAnderson Confidential of the rise of a Enillish constoble fQ thelEI lone Ranger· obsessed with privacy, secretly checks into a 7:00 0 MoVIE; 'Stis;flight; Thll' Plane th!Jt past !>f .Britisltplplofnol ill a SlIlIth. ~m..tica"Ill) Baptist Church hospitQI for a heart operjJlloll but terrorists Ccnddl'l't'Lond' .' , ".. .' . ,. coulllry. Sh1rl~)' )OJ\8l, ~lello S'eYltIlS, U9""Uef.1m La.,.rn. and Shirlev break Jnto the operatingroem',and hold him for .. C.H'iPs ' , , '," ," 9£1;;" I

IM\ ' ... frie$.l 'f"I.u!I Finl Nighter a $10 million I'Qnsom. Bradford Dillman, LOI'll"a' UMOVlI:: 'The; 5ed"uctioll' Ap\>plllqr TV • III Emlirgency •

11:00 0 Gymnastics: USGF Single Elimill4ltlon SwiI, Vic Morrow, Sharon Acker. 1977 . reporter and herliye~11\ IQ'I8r l!'Iust,c9ntfhcl wllh IIi) ;lolaLevift. ,..' .Championship. 2:30 D MOVIE: 'Star Wars' An orph~n, a rene- Q. ~ra~ ~ping tom.;Morgoll faiichild,An- m MOVIE: 'JiaqJpII FtemZahrqln'. A ritbelo II!) This W..1e with David Btinlde, gade and a princess baltle the evil forces co". drew SleVllIl$, MIchael Sarra:till, Raled R, .'an Arob.oil Jt!ltCl escapes alOllg withI) Women and the catholic Church To- trolling the, Empire. Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, 0 It Is Wrlnen. . /. some I.ellow cOllvlcf$ o,.lIiey make a dash:forday's program discusses the status of women in Harrison Ford. 197B. R!ItCld PG. 0 MOVIE: 'Cclcalne; Qne ,Miln', the border. $al Mine<l, Vbl Bl)'llner, Me:ldlynthe Catholic Church. (60 min.) 18 MOVIE: 'S~oky' A wild blQCk stallion es.. Seduction' 1-,(<<11 e$tatel:?roker UsolCOCOtne to, Rhue. 1962.D MOVIE: 'DClSpctraf. Women' Three otIrc;>c- capes after trQmpling a Wf'!Jngler', brother Who bolsterhil problems but finds Ollt that thl! drug II!) Newl •tive but gritty female felons in Ihe old Wesl hod been mistreating him. Fess Parker, Diana Is 'the molnproblem. in. his life. Dennis We<J.Y1I~, ' mMOVIE: 'Utile CG_r' A SIlialltlml! boodreludant'y hitch up with an ex-hired gun, Don Hyland; Katy JI/rado. 1966. Karen Grassle, Pamela Bellwoocl.1'182.,. ' rises to become Ih. CiaI' of gangland. EdwardHaggerty, Susan Soi'lt James, Ronee Blakley, m NIaJi From Atlcmta: Ted Turner I&J MOVIE: '9 to .$'Th~!fe frustrated ladies· G; Robll1SOn,Oduglas fatrbaiil<l Jr. 1931.197B @!) Qne In th~ Spirit' talle malten Inlo their !>WII hands agoinst their 11:30 0 MOVIE:· 'Bur"t Offeri"SW /I., hauntedo Val de la 0 3:00 'U Those Amazing Animal. chauvinistic boss. Jane Fonda; lHy Tomlin, 'Dolly house with a will of its own casts.- 0 fearful palllID Gl NCAA Bolleetboll: Teams to be lID m CBS $ports Sunday roday's program Parton: J981, over a young fomily's well-beIng, Bette Davis,AnJ10unced features a l()..round lightWeight bout between m Fightlkaclc . ' tearon Black; OIivorReed. 19761m MOVIE: 'Charlie Chan In Reno' Charlie's Howard Davis and -Tony Baltazar and the III Life·On Earth D MOVIE: "MacArt~ur' Port 1 Tho. exploitsin Reno. trying to clear his client'S w.ife of a World Sprint Speed Skating Champlonihips. Din Touch of General MacArthur during'World War IImurder charge. Sidney Toler. Ricardo Cortez, (60 min.) , m Week In Re"lew , -ond the XorteJn Waf o":&hfoJJowed. GregoryPhyrJis Brooks. 1939. GJ H.... eo",. tIM Brief.. lID Archie Bunk..'. Plcice Peck, Ivan Bollar, ~atd, Cos'ellQ. I

m Sing out America lID MOVIE: 'Apache Rose' Gambli"Q boot lID Mel" HO~lIton '. 1m Jewish Vokem Richmond 400 live flag to .flag coverage owner ploh to gain control of oil found on SO Cordo... Bleu~lng ,II) ABC News ,of the NASCAR Grand National stock car race. Vegas Ranch" Roy Rogers, Dole Evons. 1947 RlHawaU fJv..o 11:45 tID CBS New. Nlghtwatch(3 hn., 30 min,) fm Hello Jerusalem 7:30 B ESPN SportsCent. m Barnaby Jon..fI!) Champion.hip Fishing 3:15m News II World Tomorrow CD Don Haaldnl Showfit MOVIE: 'Guns of Diablo"A wogonmoSfer 3:30 0 JCKqUClS Coulteau 01 People to P.apl. J2:oo D MOYlE: 'Thle.. A WOIllCJll and 0 JIlOl'erwho once wounded a man in self-defense. yeors 4:00 II ESPN SpumCel'lt., I!l1 c;Jorlq . sofecrClCk.r becorioe in.volved in thelntriglle Qflater meets up with his vengeful victim. Charles ·0 Solid Gold f:m Theatr. Gala 'Tho 5choql for WiYfl: ThisBronson, Susan Oliver. Kurt RU$$oll. 1964 0 'elcing Encounter verso come~y is about afeOlovs middr.oged' the.underworld. James Coon,' TUflday Weld,

11 :30 0 ave Paso? 0 Funny Company man who ralses a young girlln total Jnnocenco "-_ Robert ProJky. 1981. Rat.dR.IE) Presente 0 g Wild KIngdom .•' $0 $h., won't be unfaithful when he marries ''II~r. 0 New. .fI!) NCJme of the Gam. II Golf II!) Sportsman'. Friend 'sobeU.Adioni. 1m Sign Off

GJ Jane' Goodall &/World of Animal 8:00 U MOVIE: "Cocaine: One Man', lID Special , .Behav Seduction' A reeil estc:rto broker uses cocoine to • SD ,MOVIE: 'Hi. Prlvca'e Sea.tcity' A mUlion..,em Traw.1en World botster his ptobfems but finds out that the drug aint#' son ., eJeptoifedt John Wayne, fvofyn1m AI McGuire on Sport. is the main problem·fn ,his lifo, ~nnts WttQVer, Kn~PPf ReginQld Barlow. 1933~flO Japan 120· Karen GrouSe, Pamela BeUwood. 19.82, 12:15 Gl MOVIE: To Ie Announcltd •

4:30 IJ FrogS" Rode Visit the world of Frogglo II Jimmy Swaggott m,MOVIEI 'Gu'nl .fDJablo'A wagonmaster .Rock undomttath tho basem*nt of ,on eccentric 119 NeWt . who onc. woundttdornon In-Htf~f.nse, y.orsinventor. ID All CrMltu,.. Great and 'Small later mHfs up with hi, wng.lul v;dim. ChatloJ 'o NBC Newl lID Changtd Uve. Bronson'- Susan Oliverf Kurt Runell, 19~lID CBS New. Ii YDS W..lcend NeWl 12:30 II Sig" OH' .1m 1983 Annual Auto Show ' 1m MOVlE='9 '0 5' Three frustrated lodie, If) At'Th. Movie.lIlt American Trail toke mott.r, into iheir ownhonds Cigaimt their 12:45 em Barnabv JOJ1" .m Nic. P-opt. chewvinbtic boss. Jane: Fonda, Ufy Tomlin, Dolly 1;00 0 ESPN SportaCent... ·iii) Jade And.,son Confidential Potion. 1981. o MOVJ£: 'lost ChQnc.' In'r;gUO'OfJdadvcn~fD Those Amadng Animals e MOVIE: 'StarfUghh Th., Plane ihat ture let in th, copitols of fUlop'. Michatl Ren.

4:45 0 NBA Tonight Couldn't Land' nie, OanlellaBionchl, Tab Hunter. 1968.5:00 0 NBA Basketball: Utah at Seattle m Road to Los Angel.. In Nightlitat

o m ABC: News 8:30 Q NBA Basketbal': Denver of los Angel.. tIl)'SlgnOHo Laverne & ShkMV & Co. lID John Anlcerbero m MOVIE: 'Th. Snow Creature' Ano MOVIE: 'Dragon,toyer' A sorcerer comes 9:00 Q Ev.n More Unexpurgated Benny Hill The expedition to the Himalayas lvcceeds in· brino.aliv~' when he is called upon to $loy a fearsome Britilh comedian returns wah -Q new group of 'jng a Snow Creature bock fo ,ht U4S, whor* heflying dragon. Sir Rolph RkhardlOn, Peter Moe.. (ol'11~dy dcetchel. , escapes. Poullangton.leslie Denison, ierv Shi-Nic:hol. Rated PG. 0 Madame', floc. moda, 19.54.o To Be Announced Q Newt. fm MOVIE~ tTraln Robbery Confidentlal t

o Voyage"l If) Twilight Zone True' story 0' well thou~ht out and well executedlID 60 Minute, Ii) Masterpiece Tht!totre robbery of 0 company pay cor of the: BrazilIE) We.lcend lID The King Is Coming Centrol Railroad corrying27 million cruzeffol,1m Flying HOUle mJerrv Falwell by siJC men, Elicztr GQmes. Grande Otero. Re.mBest of World Champion.hip Wre.tling ginoldo Forjos, J960.1m CBS News fiJ Other Peopl., Other Prace, 1:30 0 MOVIE: -Upstkk' A h'gh.ftiih.on model is

5 '.30 0 ~ 4Pr.\ News ED Barry Ftstbe, brutally roped by her younger sister', mUlic.. QI 9: 15 II!) News h M H A e' ,o MadiJOn Square Garden teae ~r. argot' emingway. nne aneta t.

If) #!!_-- h f 9:30' 0 Gerald My.,. Show Chris Sarondon. 1976.· 'In ~t 0 •••• IP} Salurdcs" Night 0 h

1m Swiss Family Robinson IIi) Contact' . Newlwale~ New Me.ico News m Tom Cottle Up Clo,.~ 9:45 lID MOVIE: 'The Ruuiani Are Coming, The eft MOVIE 'Ph f H II d'Mm Fight Backl w ID.Horowitx ~ : antom 0 0 YWOQ ySltr·

Russians Ar. Coming' A RUSljon submorjne ;ous-phanfoM fiyes in the underground ttinnebEVENING gets stuck 011 a ,ondbar off an island near Cope 01 a decoying 11Im ,todio's bock lot and ferror.

Cod, and a landing party goes trshole lor help. ites prospective buyflt'S. Skye Aubre.y and Jack6:00 0 Mati Houslon Brion Kei,h. Jonalhan Winlers, Alan Arkin. Eva Cauidy. 19"" .

I) Voyagers' Mori. Soint, 1966 1:45 1m CBS News Nighlwatcho Straight Talk 10:00 0 I).News' 2:00 fJ NCAA &oskeIboll: North Carolina StaleD CHiPI ' Q MOVIE~ 'Star Wars' An C)·rphon, a rene· at, Virginia~ " ..chie Bunlcer'I Place d d · b ft" th 'I f 'w.l:.I go e on 0 prlftc~u a e 0 etta arec'S con' 0 MOVIE: "~rogon~JDve,j A SOfCere, ('omes.m Wall Stre.t Journal trailing -the Empire. Mark Homill, Cortie f:i$her. alive when he is tolled upon to slay a fear$cmelEI NPPA Awards Harrison fo __d. 1978. Rated PO. flying dragon. Sir Ralph Richordlon, Peter Moe-£) Lee the Virginian 0 Barry Farber Nichol. Rated PG. .m NashviU. Alive 0 Entertainment This Weele If) HoJlrwOocl: The Silenf V.a,s£J 60 Minutes m 'rofires in American Art 2:30 mRa'PatroilID Ripley'l Believe It Or Not m Larry Jones Ministry' fli)MOV'lc: 'Western Cyclone' Billy the Kid 'sfm Scandinavian Program 'm Open Up caned in to perform Q c1eoning~up job. "'sterm lawrenlCeWelkfl!) Mediletranecnt Echoes , Crt1bb6. 19~3,11

mVega$ 3:00 0 PrOg cont'd10:15 IIi) CBS News U Sign On/New. .10:30 0 RipJ.y's Believe It Or Not mMOVlE: 'P;iva'. Eyes' Th~ Boys wind up

B Stat Trek on a health form and uncover (J for.smuOglingIf) MOVJ~ 'rhe W~gQnl,RQllalNight' A gang. The Bowery 8o~s, Joyce }folden, Robertcarnival owner tries everything to bteak lip his Clte·rloh. t953.sister'$ romCkKe with tI young tion fomer... ,Jodn Ii) World/lor';8 ,1e$lie; Humphtey Bogart, Eddit Albert. 1941. ED MOVIE: iTh8 Hostag.lilad' AbiUionoireG) MOVIE: 'The la" Voyag4t


, A liner on its obsessed with privacy,secretl)' chee~s into alas.t voyage is rtpped by 0 thundering expJo~on. hO$pitol fat Ci 'heart operation but terrorists'Robert Stade, Dorothy Mtll()n~, Edmond 0'8-- break intD tfJe operating room and hold him for •rien. 1960. a $10 million ransom. Bradford billmon


1m Lahaye, Oil Fam'i~y Ufe 'Switl Vi',Morrow/Sharon Acktlr•.,19771m News "10:45 1m RocllfordFi~. 3:30 0 CNN tteadline News11:000' NCAA ' 8ca.'.tbaU: Afabama~O Morning Stre"ch '

Birmingham at' Old DominionlrtJ Ano,h'r'Uf.m It's Your Busin6'S

4:00 0 GymnClstlu; USGFstri»I." EUminationChampKJriihip" , , 'o MOVIE:tM~,co 'Polo, Jr/Mafco 141$ outfor Xonodu where 'he"e$(u'fPrlncOS$ Stdnio-g .Moon '0 JuWU a J&gehdbry ,propheCy# Vak.! ofBobby Rydell, Arnofd Stang. Rated .~t '

o Joe Franklin Show ' ';1I3Romper RoomIi T8SMOrn'riiJ,N.wl

4:30, IPJ Faith '~o· ~,1lI Jimmy SwaUgQtt ... fID MOVI~~ -Elopement' Certain 'difficufri'"

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What documents are in the archives? ›

Here is a sample of these records, from our most celebrated milestones to little-known surprises .
  • Declaration of Independence.
  • Articles of Confederation.
  • The Constitution.
  • Bill of Rights.
  • Louisiana Purchase.
  • List of Lewis's Purchases.
  • District of Columbia Emancipation.
  • Emancipation Proclamation.
Jun 26, 2017

What are documents in the archives called? ›

The most frequently used archival terms are those that describe documentary materials and archival institutions. Documentary materials can be characterized as "records," "personal papers," or "artificial collections" on the basis of who created and maintained the documents and for what purpose.

What document types are archives? ›

Archival records or manuscripts may include business and personal correspondence, diaries and journals, legal and financial documents, photographs, maps, architectural drawings, music manuscripts, printed music, objects and artifacts, film, sound recordings, literary works, and digital media.

What is the archive of government records? ›

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is the repository for the U.S. government's important documents. These records are a valuable source of information you can use to learn about your family's history, prove a veteran's military service, or research an interesting historical topic.

What records are kept in archives? ›

Some examples are:
  • letters, manuscripts, diaries often from famous people.
  • notes or recordings of interviews.
  • photographs, sketches and paintings.
  • birth, death and marriage records.
  • land registries, titles to property, and maps.
  • court records.
  • architectural plans and engineering drawings.
  • audio, video and film records.

What can be found in an archive? ›

An archives is a place where people can go to gather firsthand facts, data, and evidence from letters, reports, notes, memos, photographs, and other primary sources.

What are the archives on my phone? ›

You can hide photos from your Photos view and move them to archive. This can help you organize your photos and hide any photo that you don't want to find often. Any photos that you archive: Will still be in any albums that they were added to, search results, and folders on your device.

What does an archive look like? ›

Archives are diverse in form.

They come in an assortment of analogue and digital formats. Examples include, but are not limited to, written documents, online data, photographs, films, and audio recordings.

What are archived messages? ›

Whether you delete or archive an email message, it disappears from your inbox. A deleted message goes into the trash folder, but an archived message is defaulted to the Archive folder or All Mail on Gmail / Google Apps.

What is an example of a private archive? ›

Private archives encompass the archives of non-public organisations including businesses, charities, religious bodies and private individuals. For example: corporate bodies, such as estates and trusts. charitable foundations and organisations of all kinds, such as schools, colleges and religious institutions.

What is archive in Gmail? ›

If you archive an email, it will be removed from your inbox, but you will always have it under All Mail. Archinging is a useful feature that allows you to unclutter your inbox but keep emails for future access. The archived email can be located under All Mail and any labels assigned to the email.

How do I find my archived documents? ›

Browse to your program's Data folder, which is located in the Documents directory by default, and open the Archives folder. Locate the Archive folder with the name of the file that you're hoping to recover and open it.

How do I find my government files? ›

Online collections, search tools & archives
  1. ...
  2. GovInfo. ...
  3. ...
  4. MetaLib. ...
  5., from the interagency Alliance. ...
  6. Government Information United States Federal Collection, Stanford Libraries. ...
  7. HathiTrust U.S. Federal Government Documents Program. ...
  8. Gov404, Sunlight Foundation.
Jul 9, 2024

What are government permanent records? ›

Permanent Records: Permanent records are those documents that NARA has appraised as having sufficient value to warrant continued preservation by the Federal Government as part of the National Archives of the United States. Permanent Records are created or received while conducting government business.

How do I get into government files? ›

If the information you want is not publicly available, you can submit a FOIA request to the agency's FOIA Office. The request simply must be in writing and reasonably describe the records you seek. Most federal agencies now accept FOIA requests electronically, including by web form, e-mail or fax.

What are stored in archives? ›

The records which are in the form of files, books, volumes, rare manuscripts, maps, and treaties are stored as per archival standards in steel shelves, carton boxes, plyboards and compactor system. The stack area is provided with state of the art fire prevention and fire fighting system.

What are the common archive files? ›

Filename extensions used to distinguish different types of archives include zip, rar, 7z, and tar, the first of which is the most widely implemented. Java also introduced a whole family of archive extensions such as jar and war (j is for Java and w is for web).

What are the contents of archives? ›

The archives of an individual may include letters, papers, photographs, computer files, scrapbooks, financial records, or diaries created or collected by the individual, regardless of medium or format.

What records are kept at the National Archives? ›

The National Archives is home to millions of historical documents, known as records, which were created and collected by UK central government departments and major courts of law. For example, we have records from the Home Office, the Foreign Office and the Central Criminal Court.


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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.